The Bergen Town Board convened in a regular session at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Hall with Supervisor Cunningham presiding.


Supervisor Donald Cunningham Michele M. Smith, Town Clerk

Councilman Brian StoneMike Johnson, Superintendent

Councilwoman Belinda GrantDave Mason, ZEO/CEO

Councilman Haywood

Councilman Daniel VanValkenburg


Tom Tiefel

Gina Schelemanow

Beverly Wooton

Ray MacConnell

Derek Maxfield



Derek Maxfield– Historyprofessor at GCC– expressed his interest in appointment of Bergen Historian

MINUTES:Councilwoman Grantmade a motion to approve the minutes of November 24, 2015; seconded by Councilman Stoneand it carried by a vote -0.Councilman VanValkenburg abstained


Supervisors Report for November 2015

Summary spreadsheets for November 2015

Town Clerk’s Report for November 2015

ZEO/CEO Report for November 2015

Letter from Paul Chatfield, Chatfield Engineers, PC, requesting reappointment as Town Engineer

Registration for Newly Elected Official Training from Daniel VanValkenburg

Press Conference notification from Assembly Steve Hawley

Email from Jim Simon, Associate Dean, Genesee Community College endorsing Derek Maxfield

Email from Michael Eula, Genesee County Historian, endorsing Derek Maxfield

Email from Adam Tabelski endorsing Derek Maxfield

Information & Sample Resolution from NYSAOATSOH, Re: Local Transportation Funding


TOWN CLERK’S & SUPERVISORS NOVEMBER 2015 REPORTS: Councilman Haywood made a motion to file the Town Clerk’s & Supervisors November 2015 Report; seconded by Councilwoman Grant and it carried by a vote 5-0.

ZEO/CEO: Dave met withPaul Chatfield about Insurance Auto Auctions and found minor issues they can start placing cars on the lot; met with Rhonda Saulsbury about permit status.

HIGHWAY:Councilman Stone made a motion to approve fund transfer of $260,000 from B9901.9 to DB5031; seconded by Councilman VanValkenburg and it carried by a vote 5-0.Mike is going to attendthe Press Conferencein Canandaigua on December 10th for Equitable funding for Local Roads, Highways and Bridges. ALocal Transportation Funding ResolutionCouncilman Haywood offered Resolution # 12-2015 supporting the Local Transportation Funding; seconded by Councilman Stone and it carried by a vote 5-0.




Whereas, a reliable transportation infrastructure is vital for the safety of New York’s travelling public and its economy; and

Whereas, 85 percent of New York’s roads and bridges are maintained by local governments; and

Whereas, despite well-timed and targeted preventative maintenance treatments, the age and condition of many of our locally-owned transportation assets means that they are beyond preservation and in need of much more costly rehabilitation and reconstruction; and

Whereas, estimates by the State Comptroller, DOT and independent studies show a large portionof road mileage is deteriorating and many bridges in the state are rated structurally deficient and functionally obsolete; and

Whereas, the State Comptroller estimates that there will be $89 billion in unmet local infrastructure needs over the next 20 years; and

Whereas, the New York State Association of Town Superintendents of Highways commissioned its own fifteen year analysis that indicates an annual funding gap of $1.3 billion for the local system (excluding NYC) alone; and

Whereas, funding for our local system has been far short of what is needed and we’ve fallen further and further behind in maintaining the vast and aging transportation infrastructure over this long period with severe consequences for conditions ratings; and

Whereas, the New York State Consolidated Local Street and Highway Program (CHIPS) provides essential funding for every municipality in the state and is part of the New York State Department of Transportation(NYSDOT)capital program; and

Whereas, in the early 1990’s the Governor and Legislature created the Dedicated Highway and Bridge Trust Fund (DHBTF) to pay for the NYSDOT capital program and the Dedicated Mass Transit Trust Fund (DMTTF) to assist with the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) and other transit systems’ capital programs; and

Whereas, when the DHBTF was created, it was agreed that the NYSDOT and MTA five-year capital programs would be similar in size and would be negotiated concurrently; and

Whereas, through 2005-09, both five-year capital programs were similar in size and adopted within months of each other; and

Whereas, in 2010 the Executive and Legislature broke traditional parity and enacted a five-year capital program for the MTA but not the DOT; NOW THEREFORE BE IT

RESOLVED, that the Town of Bergen calls upon the Governor and the state Legislature to make additional state funding and resources available at levels that accurately reflect the critical needs of local roads and bridges; and increase CHIPS funding in the 2016-17 state budget; and BE IT FURTHER

RESOLVED, that the Town of Bergen calls upon the Governor, and members of the state Legislature to fully fund and submit a new NYSDOT five-year transportation capital plan; and BE IT FURTHER
RESOLVED, that the Town of Bergen calls upon the Governor and members of the state Legislature to recognize the equality of roads, bridges and transit by restoring funding equality between the MTA and NYSDOT five-year programs and by voting on the plans simultaneously.


Parks: Batavia Turf looked at the soccer fields at Robbins Brook Park and are in good shape but bad spots in front of goals can be replaced with the sod beingdonated -baseball field price $3,609for materials.No meeting scheduled.

Buildings & Grounds:Door and windows in place. Grant committee met with Paul Chatfield assist with building project.Three Cleaning Bids were received from T & L Cleaning, Dilcher Excavating and Gary DeWind. Councilwoman Grant made a motion to accept the Cleaning bid fromGary L. DeWindfor$540per month on the Building Committees recommendation; seconded by Councilman VanValkenburg and it carried by a vote 5-0. No meeting scheduled


Holiday Party December 11th Noon – 1:00 pm at the Fire Hall


Newly Elected Official Training School approvalCouncilman Stone made a motion to approve Councilman VanValkenburg to attend Newly Elected Training School January 6-8 for $150; seconded by Councilwoman Grant and carried by a vote 5-0.

Year End And Reorganization MeetingsCouncilwoman Grant made a motion to schedule the Year End Meeting for Tuesday, December 29, 2015 at 6:00 at the Highway Garage and the Reorganization Meeting for Monday, January 4, 2016 at 7:00 in the Courtroom; seconded by Councilman Haywood and carried by a vote 5-0.

BILLS: The bills were presented for audit and totaled General A Fund $20,570.81; General B Fund $2,327.51; Highway DB $57,527.50; PA for A Fund $2,718.32 & DB Fund $4,288.92. Councilwoman Grant made a motion to pay the December bills; seconded by CouncilmanVanValkenburg and it carried by a vote 5-0.

YEAR END MEETING - Tuesday, December 29, 2015 at 6:00 pmat Highway Garage

REORGANIZATION MEETING – Monday, January 4, 2016 at 7:00 pm in the Courtroom

REGULAR MEETING – Tuesday, January, 12, 2016 at 7:00 pm in the Courtroom

EXECUTIVE SESSION: Councilman Haywood made a motion to enter into Executive Session at 8:15 pm to discuss employee matters with Dave Mason in attendance; seconded by Councilman VanValkenburg and carried by a vote5 -0. Councilman Stone made a motion to exit Executive Session at 9:01pm with Dave Mason excused at 8:34pm; seconded by Councilwoman Grant and carried by a vote 5-0.

ADJOURNMENTwas at 9:02 pm on a motion by Councilman Haywood; seconded by Councilman VanValkenburg
and carried by a vote of 5-0.

Respectfully submitted

Michele M. Smith

Michele M. Smith,

Town Clerk