AP History Final Project 2015 –

The Twentieth Century Remembered

he Twentieth Century was a period of dramatic change unlike any other in history. The world went from an age dependant on animals for power to one where automobiles are a daily necessity, air travel is very common, and space travel is becoming a reality for anyone with enough money. The advent of radio broadcasting, television and film, assembly-line production, nuclear power, computers, and space exploration has taken the United States from a relatively isolated agrarian society to an industrial world power dependant on technology. Remember that history is more than just the study of dates and events. It is the study of real people, their hopes and fears, and how those affected their actions, decisions and ultimately, our world today.

The purpose of this project is to illustrate a key event or idea that happened during the 20th century. It is a team project in which each pair of students will choose a significant 20th century event or trend and create a poster that highlight the topic chosen. This project will involve critical thinking, research using a variety of original sources, writing, creativity, and teamwork. This project will require students to create an informational poster (such as you have seen already displayed in the classroom). Each poster will require a title, photos, drawings or maps (that have meaningful, extended captions (several sentences)), as well as several paragraphs that describe or summarize the topic, etc.

The project is worth 100 points for each student.

Grading is based on the information included on each group’s poster. Information on the project must be complete and accurate for the topic chosen. The significance of the time/place/event chosen must be addressed. Uniqueness and creativity that went into the project will also be a grading factor. You must also include a bibliography in proper MLA style for all items included on the poster. Attach your bibliography, along with your names and class period, to the BACK of the poster.

Each “event description” must be an original description or summary written by one of the students in the group. Each picture or drawing must have an original caption. You may NOT copy information directly from printed or online sources (that would be plagiarism) but you may use them for information and research. The BACK of EACH poster must include a complete reference for where you acquired the information for that poster. Photos, drawings (more common than photos in the earliest decades), maps, and other images can (and should) be copied directly from historical sources just be sure to reference them! A poster should be standard poster board size. Student names should ONLY appear on the back side of a poster.

The final project must be turned in during class time and COMPLETE on WEDNESDAY, June 3rd.


Posters Must Include the Following

All posters must have a TITLE. Pictures or drawings (or other images) depicting various events that are associated with the event are also expected (with extended captions). An “event” may have an image of the event itself, key participant(s), a map showing the location of the event (at one point in time or over time). There must be several PARAGRAPHS that summarize the event and describe why the event is significant to American history.

Important Assembly Information

·  Members of a group must be in the same class period.

·  Titles may be typed or designed by hand but paragraphs (and captions) MUST be TYPED.

·  All posters must have items securely attached with glue (no tape or staples).

·  Images can be printed (color or B&W) or actual photographs (or copies).

·  No 3-D elements. Flip pockets or fold out elements are not allowed

·  Elements are allowed to overlap but keep it reasonable.

·  Any color poster board is allowed.

·  The BACK of EACH poster must include a complete reference (works cited) for where you acquired the information.

·  Provide a reference for EVERYTHING – including images. Use your MLA handbook for examples of how to properly cite any item.

·  Student names should ONLY appear on the BACK SIDE of a poster. Include the names of group members and your class period.

·  A poster should measure 22”x30”/24” x 36” (standard poster board size) and can be orientated in either direction (vertical or horizontal)