Resource Database

Deborah Sheppard, Healthy Schools Adviser, Mental Health & Emotional Wellbeing

Purposes of this database:

  1. For myself to record the resources I have in my possession to refer to and share with colleagues and schools.
  2. For my colleagues to be able to ascertain if I have a resource useful to their work or area of interest.
  3. For schools to be able to request resources for teaching, training and information purposes.

Headings: Teaching Resources (Page2)

Bullying & Cyber Bullying (Page 4) Homophobic Bullying & Sexuality (Page 6)

Racist Bullying, Equality & Ethnic Support (Page 7) Girl Bullying (Page 7)

SEN (Page 7) Young Carers & LAC (Page 8) Substance Misuse (Page 8) Crime (Page 10) Domestic Abuse (Page 11) Child Abuse (Page 11) Rights (Page 12) Participation & Pupil Voice (Page 12) Ofsted (Page 12) Evaluation & Assessment Tools (Page 13) Healthy Schools (Page 14) Multiple Intelligences & Teaching Styles (Page 15) Confidentiality (Page 16) Behaviour (Page 17) Staff Wellbeing (Page 17) School Nurses (Page 18) MSA’s (Page 18) Counselling (Page 19) Therapy (Page 20) Suicide (Page 20) Bereavement & Loss (Page 20) Depression & Anxiety & Stress (Page 21) Anger Management (Page 22) Eating Disorders (Page 23) Self Harm (Page 23) Self Esteem (Page 25) Boys (Page 25) Emotional Intelligence / Literacy (Page 26) Mental health (General) (Page 27) Emotional Wellbeing (General) (Page 29)Whole School Approaches (Page 30) Mentoring & Peer Support (Page 31) Transition & School Refusal (Page 32)Links with PSHE & Citizenship (Page 33) Parents & Carers & Family (Page 34) Resource Catalogues (Page 36) (My Resources) (Page 37)

NB. Mental Health & Emotional Wellbeing are two areas with distinctly broad parameters and this database can never represent the best resources available on the multitude of issues encompassed by these terms. Please also refer to the resources available from the Subject Advisers, the PSHE & Citizenship Adviser, the Drug & Alcohol Adviser, the SEN Advisers, Herts Anti Bullying Initiative, Behaviour Support Teams and Hertfordshire Health Promotion.

There is also a separate database of Help Lines and Websites.

Teaching Resources

Title: All About Me

Description: Childline, by key stage, elements of PSHE and emotional literacy, seven lessons, for a variety of SEN, with symbols.

Format: Ring binder and CD ROM.

Title: Panic Attacks – Debates about Violence and the Media

Description: English & Media Centre teaching unit could be used in English or Media Studies.

Format: Hard copy, video and ring binder.

Title: Media still has long way to go

Description: Article by Charlotte Goddard in Young People Now 26th April 2006 on the portrayal of young people in the media.

Format: Hard copy, document.

Title: The Hertfordshire Youth Charter

Description: Nicely presented booklet with accompanying CD ROM, Also lesson plans for KS3, 4 and 5 and SpecialSchool.

Format: Hard copy, booklet, CD ROM and Documents.

Title: Body Talk

Description: Self esteem and body image workshop guide, teaching pack sent to all secondary schools April 2006.

Format: Hard copy, video and pack.

Title: Boy’s Own – Supporting Self Esteem and Emotional Resourcefulness

Description: A training pack / teaching resource, also good for groupwork with ‘alpha males’ to provide better leadership to their peers.

Format: Hard copy, book.

Title: SEAL Materials

Description: Social, emotional aspects of learning, a whole school approach for the primary school to compliment PSHE.

Format: Hard copy, lunchbox and CD ROM.

Title: Talking is for kids

Description: Emotional Literacy for infant school children, a book by Betty K Rudd, activities and worksheets.

Format: Hard copy, book.

Title: Dealing with Feeling

Description: An emotional Literacy curriculum, book by Tina Rae, primary, 20 lessons on 20 feelings.

Format: Hard copy, book.

Title: Feeling Good – Promoting Children’s Mental Health

Description: Activity sheets for parents or practitioners working with very young children.

Format: Hard copy, pack.

Title: Exploring Mental Health

Description: A teaching resource for schools (14 – 19), pitched appropriately and presented well.

Format: Hard copy, document.

Title: Changing Minds

Description: CD ROM for KS3 & 4, for individual or whole class use with interactive whiteboard or other ICT facilities, good resource and teaching ideas included. Topics include eating disorders, depression, addiction, stress, schizophrenia, self harm.

Format: Hard copy, CD ROM.

Title: Becoming an Emotionally Healthy School

Description: A book and CD ROM by Charlie Smith and Shall McKee, key stage 1 & 2 lessons on emotional wellbeing.

Format: Hard copy, book and CD ROM.

Title: Statement Balls

Description: For primary school pupils, ‘The Anger Control Ball’ and ‘The You and Me Ball’ both have statements on the ball which pupils can direct to one another in a game.

Format: Hard copy, plastic balls.

Title: Learning to Learn

Description: A series of lessons put together by a Hertfordshire school.

Format: Hard copy, booklet.

Title: Feeling Special

Description: Series of ten sessions on emotional literacy for primary schools.

Format: Hard copy, pack.

Title: Bullying at school

Description: Single PSHE KS3 lesson, defining bullying and its effects.

Format: Hard copy, document.

Title: Building Healthy Relationships

Description: Single lesson for year 9 about self esteem, balancing relationships with friendships.

Format: Hard copy, document.

Title: It’s All About Respect

Description: Primary school lessons based around cartoons so could be good for EAL pupils? Produced by Childline.

Format: Hard copy, document or see Feelin’ Good Week Folder.

Title: World Mental Health Day

Description: Activity sheets and accompanying notes for 4-8 years and 9-12.

Format: Hard copy, document or see Feelin’ Good Week Folder.

Title: Samaritans Youth Pack

Description: KS3 and 4 lesson activities around mental health.

Format: Hard copy, document or see Feelin’ Good Week Folder or

Title: Philosophy for Children

Description: NZ based organisation with Primary stage lesson plans on how to introduce philosophy to the classroom.

Format: Hard copy, documents or see

Title: Project Charlie

Description: Folder of teaching resources including sessions on self awareness, Relationships, Decision making and drugs information – years 5-7.

Format: Hard copy, ring binder.

Title: Moving Here – welcoming new communities to the East of England

Description: Teaching resource for KS2 about immigration and immigrants.

Format: Hard copy, booklet.

Title: Selection of activities from Future Directions

Description: Activities on brain, thinking, stress, employable qualities.

Format: Hard copy, document.


Title: Helping Children Deal With Bullying

Description: Book by Jenny Mosley and Helen Sonnet, useful for work with primary age children through circle time and establishing whole school, class and individual approaches.

Format: Hard copy, book.

Title: A secondary Curriculum for Anti Bullying

Description: School produced framework for cross curricular approaches & KS3 intensive intervention through assembly, tutor time and PSHE.

Format: Hard copy 7 page document.

Title: Herts Anti Bullying Toolkit

Description: 9 pages listing resources, poster and 4 booklets: Notes for Governors, Curriculum Opportunities, Policy and Practice and Guidance on the participation of Children and Young People in the development and monitoring of anti bullying policies.

Format: Hard copy, pack.

Title: Journeys – Children and Young People Talking About Bullying

Description: From the office of the Children’s Commissioner, 8 stories or journeys with ideas for resolution. Good for discussion, examples.

Format: Hard copy, booklet.

Title: Bullying – Don’t Suffer in Silence. An Anti Bullying Pack for Schools

Description: DfEE 2000, video and 9 sections: A Whole School Approach on Bullying, Bullying – Pupils’ Experiences, Finding Out About Bullying in Your School, Strategies to Combat Bullying, Working With Parents, Beyond the Classroom, Case Studies, Materials, Advice for Pupils, Parents and Families.

Format: Hard copy, ring binder. Can also be downloaded from DfES/bullying.

Title: Bullying – Information for Teachers and Professionals Working with Young People

Description: Succinct fact sheet from Childline 2004.

Format: Hard copy, 4 page fact sheet or download from Childline.

Title: Bullying – Information for Secondary School Pupils

Description: Succinct fact sheet from Childline 2004.

Format: Hard copy, 2 page fact sheet or download from Childline.

Title: Bullying – Information for Primary School Pupils

Description: Childline information sheet.

Format: Hard copy, document or download.

Title: Bullying – What can Parents Do?

Description: Childline information sheet.

Format: Hard copy, document or download.

Title: Tackling Bullying: Listening to the Views of Children and Young People

Description: Summary Report, DfES and Childline, Thomas Coram Research Unit, Institute of Education 2003. Good for general overview of Young Peoples’ perceptions.

Format: Hard copy, booklet or download DfES/research RB400.

Title: Bullying – Why it Matters

Description: Young Minds leaflet, general info for parents and non specific professionals, relates to wider issue of emotional wellbeing.

Format: Hard copy, leaflet or available from Herts Health Promotion or Young Minds.

Title: Working Together to Stop Bullying

Description: Anti Bullying Alliance leaflet, general, and anti bullying week information, see web for further info.

Format: Hard copy, leaflet.

Title: HABI (Herts Anti Bullying Initiative)

Description: DVD and CD Rom with a multitude of resources and information. Also available – Information for Parents leaflets and Peer Supporter Training leaflets.

Format: Hard copy, CD Rom and DVD, leaflets.

Title: KS3 National Strategy Behaviour & Attendance Toolkit

Description: Action planning toolkit, a separate CD for: bullying.

Format: Hard copy, set of CD ROMS or download.

Title: The Learning Mentors’ Source & Resource Book

Description: By Kathy Salter and Rhonda Twiddle, chapters on: Bullying.

Format: Hard copy, book and CD ROM.

Title: Crossroads – Interactive DVD

Description: By young people from Harrow, features include: Bullying.

Format: Hard copy, DVD.

Title: Parent Know How

Description: DfES Leaflets include: How to deal with Bullying.

Format: Hard copy, booklets or download.

Title: Parentline Plus

Description: Leaflets on subjects which include: Bullying.

Format: Hard copy, leaflets.

Title: Bullying at school

Description: Single PSHE KS3 lesson, defining bullying and its effects.

Format: Hard copy, document.

Title: Bullying workshops / dramas for schools

Description: A list prepared by the Anti Bullying Alliance of outside organisations.

Format: Hard copy, document.

Title: Kidscape Leaflets.

Description: Selection of leaflets about bullying etc.

Format: Hard copy, leaflets.

(Cyber Bullying)

Title: stoptextbully top 10 tips

Description: Poster by NCH and Tesco Mobile, tips on dealing with all electronic types of bullying.

Format: Hard or electronic copy, A4 poster.

Title: O2 Child Protection

Description: 1. Helping children deal with nuisance calls, 2. Bullying on Mobile Phones.

Format: Hard copy, leaflets or download O2.

Title: The prevalence of bullying by text

Description: Results of a 4 year study.

Format: Hard copy, document.

Homophobic Bullying & Sexuality

Title: Stand Up For Us – Challenging Homophobia in Schools

Description: DoH, HealthySchools and DfES 2004, essential guidance.

Format: Hard copy, booklet or download from wiredforhealth.

Title: True Vision – Hate Crime, LGB & Transgender

Description: Mini pack with info and tools to report homophobic hate crime, appealing format.

Format: Hard copy, mini fold out pack.

Title: How to… Understanding…

Description: Selection of leaflets published by Mind including:

How to… Cope with doubts about your sexual identity.

Format: Hard copy, leaflet.

Title: Ofsted accused of failing to take action

Description: Regarding homophobic bullying, article by David Singleton in Children Now 17th May 2006.

Format: Hard copy, document.

Title: Stop Sexual Bullying in Schools

Description Womankind campaign 2006, code of practice, questionnaire and campaign details.

Format: Hard copy, document or electronic.

Racist Bullying, Equality & Ethnic Support

Title: Racist Bullying

Description: Guidance published to Teachernet 3/3/06, Training and Preventing sections, practical, essential advice.

Format: Hard copy documents or download from Teachernet.

Title: True Vision – Hate Crime and Race Relations

Description: Mini pack with info and tools to report racist hate crime, appealing format.

Format: Hard copy, mini fold out pack.

Title: Dealing with Racial Harassment – A guide for Hertfordshire Schools

Description: HertsCounty Council guidance 2001.

Format: Hard copy, booklet.

Title: Curriculum Guidelines for Cultural Diversity and Race Equality

Description: MECCS guidance, curricular approaches with resources.

Format: Hard copy, booklet.

Title: Racial Equality in Schools

Description: ATL, legal requirements and curricular opportunities.

Format: Hard copy, booklet.

Title: Muslim Youth helpline

Description: Posters advertising service.

Format: Hard or electronic copy.

Title: Crossroads – Interactive DVD

Description: By young people from Harrow, features include: Equalities.

Format: Hard copy, DVD.

Title: Racism

Description: Childline information sheet.

Format: Hard copy, document or download.

Title: Moving Here – welcoming new communities to the East of England

Description: Teaching resource for KS2 about immigration and immigrants.

Format: Hard copy, booklet.

Girl Bullying

Title: Queen Bees & Wannabes

Description: Book by Rosalind Wiseman, 2002, primarily for parents to understand their adolescent daughters but useful for those working with teenage girls as provides an insight into dynamics of girl friendship groups.

Format: Hard copy, book.

Title: Cat’s Eye

Description: Book by Margaret Atwood, 1990, biographical novel providing an insight into girl nuances and subtle bullying methods.

Format: Hard copy, book.

Title: Understanding Girls’ Friendships, Fights and Feuds – A practical approach to girls’ bullying

Description: Book by Val Besag, 2006, a handbook for those working with girls.

Format: Hard copy, book.


Title: All About Me

Description: Childline, by key stage, elements of PSHE and emotional literacy, seven lessons, for a variety of SEN, with symbols.

Format: Ring binder and CD ROM.

Title: The Quiet Child

Description: Pyramid Trust press release and case study, interested in the quiet ones who don’t cause too much trouble and therefore often get overlooked.

Format: Hard copy, document.

Title: Emotionally Vulnerable Learners

Description: A pack by David Parke (Primary Mental Health Worker) and Sheila Leavy (Hospital and Home).

Format: Hard copy, document.

Title: Parent Partnership

Description: Leaflet explaining the service for parents and carers needing information about their child’s SEN.

Format: Hard copy, leaflet.

Title: Nurture Groups

Description: Information about these groups set up to focus on interaction, positive social skills and enjoyment and access to learning.

Format: Hard copy, booklet and document.

Young Carers & LAC

Title: Young Carers Fact File

Description: Filofax containing information about rights, health, education, law and people to talk to. Each school has a copy.

Format: Hard copy, A5 ring binder / filofax.

Title: Young Carers in Herts

Description: A leaflet containing information about the project and where to get further support.

Format: Hard copy, leaflet or visit

Title: Children in Care

Description: Childline information sheet.

Format: Hard copy, document or download.

Title: Healthy Care Briefing

Description: NCB March 2005, promoting the mental health and emotional wellbeing of looked after children.

Format: Hard copy, document or download NCB.

Substance Misuse

Title: Drugs: An Education

Description: Childwatch enterprises, general info for adults and young people.

Format: Hard copy, book.

Title: Project Charlie

Description: Folder of teaching resources including sessions on self awareness, Relationships, Decision making and drugs information – years 5-7.

Format: Hard copy, ring binder.

Title: Frank Leaflets

Description: For young people, for parents and regarding the law.

Format: Hard copy, leaflets or from Herts Health Promotion.

Title: Alcohol – The facts

Description: Reversible NHS leaflet for Parents and Young people.

Format: Hard copy or see

Title: It’s Manic in Herts

Description: Leaflet promoting teenager website sneakily addressing issue of alcohol, really appealing presentation.

Format: Hard copy, leaflet or from Herts Health Promotion or see it’

Title: Drug Education Forum Literature

Description: Getting started leaflet on drug prevention and education, looking for a drug educator or trainer.

Format: Hard copy, leaflets or from Herts Health Promotion or see

Title: The Mix

Description: Alcohol Safety leaflet, appealing presentation.

Format: Hard copy, leaflet or from Herts Health Promotion.

Title: A-DASH – Information for referrers

Description: Information leaflet from Adolescent Drug and Alcohol Service Hertfordshire.

Format: Hard copy, leaflet.

Title: Various Teaching Resources

Description: Flyer advertising resources funded by Hertfordshire Young People’s Substance Misuse Team including beer goggles, tar in a jar etc.

Format: Hard copy, flyer or see Herts Health Promotion.

Title: Drugs – Guidance for Schools

Description: DfES 2004, essential document.

Format: Hard copy 4 page document or download from DfES 0092/2004.

Title: The Learning Mentors’ Source & Resource Book

Description: By Kathy Salter and Rhonda Twiddle, chapters on: Drug Awareness.

Format: Hard copy, book and CD ROM.

Title: Crossroads – Interactive DVD

Description: By young people from Harrow, features include: Drugs.

Format: Hard copy, DVD.

Title: Parent Know How

Description: DfES Leaflets include: How to deal with Drugs & Alcohol.

Format: Hard copy, booklets or download.

Title: How to… Understanding…

Description: Selection of leaflets published by Mind including:

Understanding… the psychological effects of street drugs.