Doug Gieryn
Director/Health Officer
Mary Jo Turner & Cindy Draws
Public Health Nurse Coordinators
Jeff Phillips, Environmental Health Supervisor
Barbara Sheldon, WIC Director / Winnebago County Health Department
P.O. Box 68, 725 Butler Avenue
Winnebago, WI54985-0068
Oshkosh 920.232.3000
Fox Cities 920.727.2894
Fax 920.303.3023

November 9, 2009

DearOmroSchool DistrictParents,

Due to vaccine availability School Based H1N1 vaccine clinics have been temporarily postponed and clinics for those in a subset target group are being scheduled in their place.

A Special community clinic for the target groups listed below has been scheduled for Saturday

November 14, 2009 from 9am – 12 pm.

It will be held at GraceLutheranChurch, 720 Jackson Ave, Fellowship Room. Only the target

groups listed below will receive vaccine.

Because the amount of vaccine coming into the state is still relatively small, it is being targeted to certain groups of people (a subset) who are at greatest risk of infection or complications from 2009 H1N1 influenza. This subset of the target group includes:

  • Pregnant women
  • Persons who live with or provide care for children aged less than 6 months (e.g. parents, siblings and daycare providers)
  • Healthcare and emergency medical services personnel who have direct contact with patients or infectious material
  • Children aged 6 months through 4 years,
  • Children and adolescents aged 5-18 yearswho have chronic medical conditions that place them at higher risk of influenza-related complications. These conditions include chronic pulmonary (including asthma), cardiovascular (except hypertension), renal, hepatic, cognitive, neurologic/neuromuscular, hematological or metabolic disorders (including diabetes mellitus), immunosuppression (including immunosuppression caused by medications or by human immunodeficiency virus); or receiving long-term aspirin therapy.


As vaccine availability increases so will the target groups. Our ability to offer to a larger target group is likely to change without much notice. Please watch the schools website for school based clinics and our website for changes in the target groups and future vaccination clinics. Clinics in our area can also be found by calling 211 or going to the flu clinic locator link at .

Information regarding H1N1 virus and vaccine is available at Please feel free to call if you have questions or e-mail us at . If you are in the target group you may also schedule an appointment at the health department or come in between 8 AM and 3:30 PM Monday thru Friday.


Cindy Draws, RN

Nurse Coordinator

Office Hours 8 AM – 4 PM  Toll Free 800.250.3110 WinnebagoCounty