Dear Wake County Hearing Health Professional,22 Jan, 2005

We’d like to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves and to offer you some ways you can participate and benefit from our Wake SHHH Chapter. North Carolina has been a leader in the SHHH movement. NCSHHH was the first state association recognized by the national SHHH organization. Wake County has had an active local SHHH chapter since 1984. Wake SHHH has helped hundreds of people in our area deal effectively with their hearing loss.

The Wake SHHH Chapter is supported completely by volunteers. Through its monthly meetings and its participation in advocacy through NCSHHH, Wake Chapter helps people with hearing loss (and their friends and families) understand how they can best deal with their hearing loss. We encourage them to get beyond denial and do something about their hearing loss. We help them understand what they can expect and how to best benefit from hearing aids and assistive technology.

We believe that our support for people with hearing loss directly supports the interests of the hearing health care industry. Here are some ideas for cooperation we hope you’ll consider:

oWe’d like to invite you to join SHHH. You can join SHHH as a Professional member at the SHHH national web site,

oYou’re also welcome to attend and participatein the local Wake SHHH Chapter. The Wake Chapter has no dues, and welcomes all attendees. We meet most months at 7 pm on the 3rd Thursday at the Cary Senior Center in Bond Park (call or email to confirm).

oWe will be happy to supply you with tri-fold SHHH brochures that you can have available on your desk and in your waiting room. We encourage you to give an SHHH brochure with your recommendation of Wake SHHH to every customer that might benefit from SHHH.

oWake SHHH Chapter has occasional opportunities for hearing health professionals to give presentations or participate in panel discussionsat our local meetings. Your favorite topic or presentation may be just right for one of our monthly programs. Let us know if you are interested.

oThe NCSHHH web site offers low cost banner advertising opportunities for businesses related to hearing loss. The award-winning site has recently averaged 2000 unique visitors per month. You can’t find better-focused advertising for your business. See examples and learn more about this opportunity at (click on “Learn More” under the “Support Our Sponsors” section on any page).

oSHHH accepts tax-deductible donationsand can supply a 501 c3 EIN at the local, state and national levels.

oWe’ll be happy to add you to our monthly meeting notification email list so you’ll know about our upcoming meetings and programs and we hope you’ll then share that information with your patients who could benefit from SHHH.

So, please let us know how we work together. Sincerely,


Janet McGettrick at 469-0924