May 23, 2012
Dear TC Faculty and Staff,
Teachers College is committed to providing a working and learning environment free from harassment, and to fostering a vibrant, nurturing community founded upon the fundamental dignity and worth of all of its members. In line with this commitment, the College has partnered with United Educatorsto provide an online course in Preventing Workplace Harassment.
We are pleased to announce the availability of an online professional development course – Preventing Workplace Harassment. The purpose of the courseis to learn how to recognize and prevent discriminatory harassment in educational institutions. The course takes forty-five minutes or less to complete, and you will be able to take the training from the comfort of your office or home computer. The Course was recently updated to address new federal guidance on Title IX (of the Education Amendments of 1972) requirements. The VP Office for Diversity and Community Affairs will continue to keep a record of completion for all TC faculty and staff. All faculty and employees will be required to renew the course every three years moving forward. Please note that if you attended the live Promoting Mutual Respect and Preventing Workplace Harassment & Title IXTraining during the 2011-12 academic year (offered as part of the New Employee and Faculty Orientation that was also open to all current TC faculty and staff), you will not be required to take the online course again until 2014-2015.
The required online session is intended to assist in improving how we interact and show respect for one another as well as within our overall community. It also provides insight about how to protect yourself and become aware of your conduct to prevent inadvertent harassment. The course will also assist the College in complying with its legal obligations.
For those who prefer the more extensive in-class workshop, we will continue to offer the session Promoting Mutual Respect and Preventing Workplace Harassment & Title IX Workshop each fall and spring. It is designed for TC’s New Employees and Faculty, but open to all TC faculty and staff.
Due to the April 4, 2011, changes in federal guidance, anyone who is paid by Teachers College -- ALL faculty, full and part-time instructional and professional staff, union members, graduate, research, teaching, course and resident assistants and interim employees must complete harassment prevention education. Once completed, you will receive a “Certificate of Completion” for the course (there is no examination or grade).
Instructions to access the online session can be found on the new page of the TC website entitled Preventing Sexual and Gender Discrimination, Harassment & Sexual Assault - Title IX Compliance. Click HERE.
The webpage provides links to Policies and Resources including:
-The Preventing Workplace Harassment Online Course
-Important Information distributed by the President’s Office offering Guidance for Teachers College Faculty and Staff on Reporting Obligations Regarding The Abuse and Harassment of Minors and Adults
-Policies and ProceduresRegarding Protection from Harassment and Gender-Based Misconduct
-Contact Information for Title IX Coordinatorsat both TC and Columbia University
Thank you to the DiscriminationLaws Compliance Working Group**for developing the website and online professional development session(with special acknowledgement to CIS, Thomas Kaplan, Risk Manager, and Jolene Lane, Director for Diversity and Community Affairs).
If you have questions, please contact me directly ( or x3732).
Thank you in advance for your cooperation and for making Teachers College a better place to work and learn.
Janice S. Robinson
Chair, Discrimination Laws Compliance Working Group
Vice President for Diversity and Community Affairs
Assistant Professor in Higher Education
**Discrimination Laws Compliance Working Group: Bill Baldwin, Althea Broomfield-Michel, Katie Embree, Lori Fox, Randy Glazer, Tom Kaplan, Richard Keller, Dewayne White, Professor Lyle Yorks
Final 5-23-12