Team Badger
Introductory Packet
August 31, 2015
Dear Student and Parent(s) or Guardian(s):
The teachers of Team Badger would like to welcome you to the 2015-2016 school year. We look forward to making your child’s year with our team a valuable and enjoyable learning experience!
Attached to this document you will find each of the following:
- Teacher Biography
2. Homework / Makeup Policy
3. Behavior Policy / Team Rules
We look forward to working with you this year. Together we will make the teaming experience one we will all enjoy and appreciate!
Mrs. Collins Science
Mr. Fielding Civics
Mr. Radow English
Ms. Dover Learning Specialist
Mrs. Leidinger Mathematics
The Teachers of TEAM BADGER
The teachers of Team Badger are excited about the start of the new school term. Here’s a snapshot of the team members.
Jonathan Radowteaches 8th grade Language Arts on Team Badger at Farmwell Station Middle School. He attained his M.Ed. at George Washington University, and prior to that obtained his Bachelor of Arts in English Literature from Haverford College. Before beginning his career in education, Mr. Radow worked as a journalist in Washington, D.C. for six years covering the pharmaceutical and biomedical research industries. Mr. Radow is an avid swimmer, and a die-hard fan of the New York Yankees and UConn Huskies.
Beth Doverhas been a Learning Resource Teacher for the past 14 years. She has a Bachelor of Arts degree from Hood College and is working on a Master's degree in Special Education from George Mason University. She currently co-teaches Civics, English and Physical Science and has obtained highly qualified status in each of these fields. Prior to becoming a teacher, Ms. Dover worked as a supervisor in the mental health field.
Todd Fielding has taught Oral Communications at Rochester Business Institute (now Everest College) in 2006 and was a long term substitute in 6th-grade U.S. history during the 2007-2008 school year.Mr. Fieldinghas a Bachelor of Science degree inCommunications/Political Sciencefrom St. John Fisher College in Rochester, N.Y. and a Master's Degree inInternational Studiesfrom St. John Fisher College. He has also done graduate work at George Mason University and Shenandoah University.
Johnna Collins is teaching 8th grade students Physical Science on Team
Badger at Farmwell Station Middle School this year. She received her Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology from Shenandoah University.
Kimberly Leidinger has had extensive teaching experience with different levels of mathematics with Fairfax County Public Schools and Norfolk City Public Schools.This is Mrs. Leidinger'stenth year teaching at Farmwell Station Middle School. Mrs. Leidinger graduated from Hood College in 1988 with a degree in Finance and Economics. Mrs. Leidinger earned her Secondary Mathematics Certificate from Old Dominion University.
Grading Policy
Now comes the part you have all been waiting for! Our expectations for your classroom performance this school year is very clear. YOU WILL NEED TO WORK IN OUR CLASSES IF YOU WISH TO BE SUCCESSFUL. This is nothing more than you have been through in the past, so do your best! That’s all we can ask. Success comes through effort. If you as a student turn in all of your homework, classwork, and projects, you will undoubtedly be successful, therefore the Badger Team does not give extra credit opportunities in order to make up incomplete work.
Grading Scale
At the end of each nine-week grading period, report cards are issued to students to be taken home to parents. Reporting symbols and their numerical values are:
A+98-100 C73-76
A93-97 C-70-72
A-90-92 D+67-69
B+87-89 D63-66
B83-86 D-60-62
B-80-82 F0-59
All assessments are comprised of formative and summative assessments. Formative assessments are 20% of the grade and summative assessments are 80% of the grade.
Re-Testing Policy
If a student scores less than 70% on a test, the student will be allowed to re-test. The re-test must be taken within two weeks from when they receive the test back. Only one re-test will be given. The re-test score will be the one that counts, but the student may only receive a maximum score of 70%.
Homework/Makeup Policy
Homework is a part of any classroom. We will assign homework for the purpose of reinforcing the ideas from the day’s classes. This means that there will be some days when you have homework and some when you do not. The more we can accomplish during class, the better the chances are that there will be no need to assign homework.
Homework Information
Homework Information will be available in three different places for you to access.
1. Classroom Board - Written daily.
2.Your Agenda – Fill out at the beginning of each class. If you do this right, you’ll never need to look anywhere else.
3.Online - We’re high tech! Your assignments will be posted on either Phoenix or Google Classroom.
Due DatesLate Work
Students taking high school creditcourses will not be allowed to turn in assignments late. In all other Badger classes, studentswill receive 20% off if the assignment is not turned in on time. If an assignment is more than two weeks late, it will receive a grade of 30%,and students will still be required to complete the assignments.
If a student is absent from class, it is the student’s responsibility to obtain the work missed by picking up their “While You Were Out …” sheet and/or checking the Phoenix/Google Classroom sites. Also, student should ask questions about anything they don’t understand the first day they are back. The work is due the next time the class meets after that. Due dates for assignments for students out multiple days will be assigned by the teacher. Students are encouraged to have a study partner to avoid falling behind if absent. Special circumstances will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
Behavior Policy and Class Rules
Here are the rules, plain and simple. We don’t expect much more than your best and that should easily be covered in the following list.
- Accept responsibility for your actions and decisions
- Be prepared
- Show respect for yourself, others and the school
You will be treated with respect in all Badger classrooms. If you choose to break the class rules you will be subject to disciplinary action according to the following system:
1st offense: You will receive a verbal warning from your teacher regarding inappropriate behavior.
2nd offense:Parents will be contacted.
3rd offense: Referral to Dean.
Serious infractions will be referred directly to Mr. Farrar.
Agenda Students must use agenda for all passes.
PassesStudents need to remain in the room for the first and last 15 minutes of class so no passes will be given during that time.
- Student needs to be in the door when the bell rings.
- Students must initial tardy sheet if late (this will be turned into the dean daily).