Phone# 270-651-1888 1301 N. Race Street Glasgow, KY 42141 Fax # 270-651-1899

Dear Sir or Madame,

You have been referred to The T.J. Health Partners Sleep Clinic for evaluation (daytime office visit) of a possible sleep disorder.

Enclosed you will find three sleep questionnaires for your Sleep Consultation appointment. The Sleep History/Medical History Questionnaire should be completed by the patient or a caregiver. The Sleep Observer Questionnaire should be completed by your bed partner or someone who has observed your sleep. If you do not have a bed partner this questionnaire does not have to be completed.

Also enclosed is a Two Week Sleep Diary. This form should be completed over the next two weeks.

Please bring the diary to your first appointment, even if you have been unable to complete a full two weeks worth of information.

It is very important that these forms be filled out completely. Please bring the completed packet with you on the day of your consultation. This information will allow us to appropriately order the sleep study that best fits your needs.

Your sleep consultation has been scheduled for ______with our sleep clinic provider, atT.J.SamsonHospital. Please come directly to the sleep center at your scheduled time, directions are enclosed.

We will work with you and your insurance company to obtain any prior authorizations that are required.

If we can be of any assistance with answering any questions, please do not hesitate to call our office at (270) 651-1888.


Lisa Pierce, RPSGT, CRT

Sleep Center Coordinator

Rev 07-15

Sleep Clinic

Phone# 270-651-1888 1301 N. Race Street Glasgow, KY 42141 Fax # 270-651-1899



The Sleep Disorders Clinic is located on the 2nd floor of T.J. Samson Hospital.

The most convenient place to park is outside the South Entrance

(formerly the old main entrance).

This entrance is opposite the building from the Emergency Room.

If you are coming from 31-E side of the hospital, this will be the 2nd entrance.

If you are coming from downtown (the square),

This will be the 1st entrance.

When you enter the hospital, walk up the hallway straight ahead and take the elevator on your left to the 2nd floor.

When you get off the elevator, look down the hall to the left, and you will see a large wooden door. This is the Sleep Lab entrance.

The Sleep Clinic is located on the right before you get to the Sleep Lab.

Signs will be posted.

Phone# 270-651-1888 1301 N. Race Street Glasgow, KY 42141 Fax # 270-651-1899
Legal Name: / Marital Status: / Single Divorced Widowed
Married Separated Other
Preferred Name: / / Sex: / Male Female Undefined
Date of Birth: / / / / Social Security: / - -
Address: / Referring Physician:
Primary Physician:
City, State, Zip: / Preferred Language: / English Spanish ______
Home Phone: / / Race: / American Indian or Alaska Native White
Black or African American Asian
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Undetermined
Decline to Declare Race
Cell Phone:
Work Phone:
Email Address:
Contact By: / Letter Phone Cell Email / / Ethnicity: / Hispanic or Latino Non Hispanic or Latino
Decline to Declare Ethnicity
GUARANTOR (Responsible Party for Billing) / / REFERRAL INFORMATION
Same as patient Other: (fill out below) / How did you hear about us?
Name: / Physician Radio Patient Yellow Pages Internet
Address: / Name of Referral:
City, State, Zip: / Occupation:
Phone: / Employer:
Social Security #: / Employed Unemployed Retired Self Employed Other
Birthday: / Employment Date:
Same Name as Patient Same as Guarantor Other / Address of Insured:
Name of Insured:
Date of Birth of Insured: / City, State, Zip:
Relation to Insured: Self Spouse Child Other / Home Phone of Insured:
Social Security of Insured: / Cell Phone of Insured:
Sex of Insured: Male Female / Work Phone of Insured:
Same Name as Patient Same as Guarantor Other / Address of Insured:
Name of Insured:
Date of Birth of Insured: / City, State, Zip:
Relation to Insured: Self Spouse Child Other / Home Phone of Insured:
Social Security of Insured: / Cell Phone of Insured: / ______
Sex of Insured: Male Female / Work Phone of Insured:

I understand and agree that, (regardless of my insurance status), I am ultimately responsible for the balance on my account for any professional services rendered. I hereby authorize my insurance benefits to be paid directly to TJ Regional Health, LLC. I also authorize the physician to release any information required to process this claim. I certify that this information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I will notify you of any changes in my health status or the above information

Signature: ______Printed Name: ______Date: ______

Sleep History/Medical History Questionnaire

Patient Name: ______

Emergency Contact (outside of your home) Name: ______phone #: ______

Who is your primary care physician?


name address phone#

Who referred you?

______ name address phone #

How did you firsthear about our sleep center?

‪ from your physician ‪ newspaper article‪ radio‪ friend ‪ internet

‪ Other: ______

Through a series of questions for the review of systems this questionnaire is to help our physicians understand the nature of your complaints and possible sleep disorder. This information will be held in the strictest confidence. In order to assist us in serving you better, please answer each question completely and as accurately as possible.


( ) Daytime sleepiness ( ) Difficulty falling asleep ( ) Difficulty Staying Asleep ( ) Behaviors during sleep

( ) Not feeling rested in the morning ( ) Early awakening ( ) Other: ______

  • Please Describe Your Sleep Problem(s):______
  • How long have you had a sleep problem?______
  • How many nights a week do you have a sleep problem? ______

Have you had a prior sleep study? Yes NoWhen?______Where? ______

Do you use CPAP or BPAP ? Yes No (If yes bring your CPAP download card to your clinic visit)

if Yes please answer the questions below:

PAP equipment company ______CPAP or BPAP level ______

Mask: ( ) Nasal ( ) Full Type: ______Humidity? Heated Cool None

Problems with CPAP: ______

Have you had surgery for sleep apnea? Yes No If yes, Where? ______When?______

Are you on home oxygen? Yes No

If yes, who is your homecare/oxygen provider? ______

Which physician prescribed your oxygen? ______

  • How many hours a day?______hours
  • How many liters per minute during the day? ______liters/minute
  • How many liters per minute during the night?______liters/minute

Rev. 01-2013


  • Do you snore?YesNoIf yes, is it:Mild ModerateLoudVery Loud
  • How often do you snore? Every NightUsuallySometimes
  • Has anyone told you that you stop breathing while asleep? Yes No
  • Do you sometimes wake up gasping for breath?Yes No


  • Do you have trouble staying awake during the day?YesNo
  • Do you have trouble at work or school because of sleepiness? YesNo
  • Do you have trouble staying awake while driving? Yes No
  • Do you ever feel weak (knees buckle) when emotional (anger, surprise, laughing)?

Yes No If yes, how long do the episodes last? ______How often do they occur?______

What triggers these episodes? ______

  • Do you ever feel paralyzed (can’t move) when falling asleep or waking up?Yes No

If yes, how often?______Describe the events ______

  • Do you have dreams or visions as you fall asleep or as you wake up?Yes No

If yes, how often? ______Describe the events ______


  • On average, how do you feel when you get up in the morning (circle all that apply to you)?

RestedTiredSleepyGroggy Exhausted

Weekdays:Time to Bed: ______Time Awake: ______

Weekends:Time to Bed: ______Time Awake: ______

  • On average, how long does it take you to fall asleep? ______
  • On average, how many times do you wake up during the night? ______
  • On average, how long are you awake in the morning before you get up?______
  • On average, how many hours do actually sleep at night? ______
  • Do you take any kind of medications or use alcoholic beverages to help you fall asleep?YesNo

If yes, what do you take? ______

  • Do you take naps? Yes No if yes how long?______How often? ______
  • Can you see a clock face from your bed? YesNo
  • Approximately how much do you consume of the following beverages/foods daily?

Coffee w/caffeine ______Tea w/caffeine ______Soft Drinks w/caffeine ______

Chocolate ______Alcohol ______

  • Do your bedtimes and wake times vary? NoA little A lot
  • Do you work evenings, nights (3 to 11 PM or 11 PM to 7 AM) split or rotating shifts?

Yes_____No: _____If yes, please describe: ______

  • What is your usual sleeping position (check all that apply)? BackSideStomach


  • Do you have any unusual behavior during sleep? Yes NoHow long have these occurred? ______

If yes, please check the type of behavior:

 Sleep walking acting out dreams  talking Yelling or screaming violent behavior (hitting/swinging)

 Lip smacking or unusual mouth movements  grinding teeth

Other behavior or activity: ______


  • Do you ever feel like you just have to move your legs? YesNo
  • Do you ever have unpleasant creepy/crawly feelings in your legs? Yes No
  • Do you ever experience leg cramps at night?YesNo
  • Do these creepy/crawly feelings in your legs and the feeling like you have to move your legs ever occur at the same

time? Yes No

If yes:How often do this situation occur? ______

Do these feelings occur mainly when you are resting? YesNo

Do these feelings improve with movement?YesNo

Are these feelings worse in the evening than in the morning?Yes No

PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: (Please check all that apply)

 Hypertension (high blood pressure) Diabetes  DepressionChronic bronchitis/emphysema (COPD)

 StrokePacemaker  High cholesterol  Hepatitis  Angina/Heart attack  Chronic Fatigue Fibromyalgia

 GERD (reflux)  Seizures Date of last Seizure: ______Date of last EEG: ______

 Cancer If yes, type: ______Date diagnosed?______ Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

GYN (women): Last menstral period Pregnancies Deliveries:______

Other medical problems:

List all surgeries that you have had, and approximate dates if possible:








If living: Health ‪ Good ‪ Poor List any illnesses: ______

If deceased: Cause of Death ______Other illnesses: ______


If living: Health ‪ Good ‪ Poor List any illnesses: ______

Ifdeceased: Cause of Death ______Other illnesses: ______

Sibling 1- ‪ Male or ‪ Female

If living: Health ‪ Good ‪ Poor List any illnesses: ______

If deceased: Cause of Death ______Other illnesses:______

Sibling 2- ‪ Male or ‪ Female

If living: Health ‪ Good ‪ Poor List any illnesses: ______

If deceased: Cause of Death ______Other illnesses:______

Sibling 3- ‪ Male or ‪ Female

If living: Health ‪ Good ‪ Poor List any illnesses: ______

If deceased: Cause of Death ______Other illnesses:______


Marital Status: □ Married □ Single □ Divorced □ Widowed □ Separated # of children: ______


Elementary - ______years High School - ______years College -______years

Please check the description that most appropriately describes your alcohol consumption:

‪ Do not drink‪ Drink socially (at special events or on rare occasions)

‪ Drink regularly , please indicate ______amount______age started

Total caffeine intake per day ______




Current Height: ______feet ______inches

Current Weight ______Weight 5 years ago ______Weight 10 years ago ______

Neck size: ______

REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: Please check all that apply to you:

  • General:

 Weight loss Weight gain  Fevers Night sweats

  • Allergies

Food Allergies Drug allergies allergies to insect bites

  • Immunization(date given):

 Pneumonia Vaccination- Date ______ Influenza Vaccination-Date______

  • Eyes:

Change in vision  Headaches- if yes, How long do they last? ______How often? ______

  • Ears/Nose/Mouth/Throat:

 Change in hearing Ear infections Vertigo Nasal congestion

 Seasonal runny nose  Nasal bleeding  Mouth soresDentures: upper lowerboth

 Hoarseness Neck masses Noisy Breathing Neck gland swelling

 Pain in jaw joint (TMJ)

  • Cardiovascular:

Chest pain  Heart palpitations Fainting-syncope Leg swelling

Shortness of breath with exertion Inability to sleep on back due to difficulty breathing

  • Respiratory:

 Shortness of breath  Wheezing/asthma Frequent cough Coughing up blood

Productive Cough  Fever/night sweats Frequent respiratory infections

  • Gastrointestinal:

 Increased appetiteDecreased appetite Difficulty swallowing Abdominal pain Heartburn

 Nausea/Vomiting Bloating Black tarry stools Blood in the stool  Constipation

  • Genitourinary:

 Frequent urination at night If yes, number of times per night: ______Burning on urination

Blood in the urineloss of bladder control  decreased libido Wet the bed on occasion

Men: Enlarged prostate  Difficulty starting urine stream

 Women: irregular periodsVaginal discharge

  • Hematologic/Lymphatic/Endocrine:

 Swollen lymph nodesAnemia (low blood count) Tendency to bleed Intolerance to heat or cold

 Blood disorder Bruising

  • Integumentary:

 New or larger pigmented spots Dry skin Rashes

  • Musculoskeletal:

Painful joints Swollen joints:  Red ness of joints or muscles  Muscle cramps

  • Neurological:

Frequent headachesLoss of consciousness Difficulty with memory Numbness and tingling

 Weakness Difficulty with coordination  Difficulty following instructions

  • Psychiatric:

Depression:  Anxiety Hallucinations

Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by any of the following problems?

Not at all / Several days / More than half the days / Nearly
every day
Little or not interest in doing things
Feeling down, depressed, or hopeless
Trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too much
Feeling tired or having too little energy
Poor appetite or overeating
Feeling bad about yourself – or that you are a failure or have let yourself or your family down
Trouble concentrating on things, such as reading the newspaper or watching television
Moving or speaking so slowly that other people could have noticed.
Or the opposite – being so fidgety or restless that you have been moving that you have been moving around a lot more than usual
Thoughts that you would be better off dead, or of hurting yourself in some way
If you checked off any of the above problems, how difficult have these problems made it for you to do your work, take care of things at home, or get along with other people?
Not Difficult at allSomewhat DifficultVery DifficultExtremely Difficult
T.J. Health Partners Sleep Clinic


How likely are you to doze off or fall asleep in the following situations, in contrast to feeling just tired? This refers to your usual way of life in recent times. Even if you have not done some of these things recently try to work out how they would have affected you. Use the following scale to choose the most appropriate number for each situation:

0 = no chance of dozing

1 = slight chance of dozing

2 = moderate chance of dozing

3 = high chance of dozing


Sitting and reading______

Watching TV______

Sitting inactive in a public place (e.g a theater or a meeting)______

As a passenger in a car for an hour without a break______

Lying down to rest in the afternoon when circumstances permit______

Sitting and talking to someone______

Sitting quietly after a lunch without alcohol______

In a car, while stopped for a few minutes in traffic______


T.J. Health Partners Sleep Clinic


The sleep observer should complete this questionnaire (not the patient).

How many of the following have you observed in the patient?

(check all that apply)

While AsleepWhile Awake

____Light snoring____Morning headaches

____Moderate snoring____Morning sluggishness

____Loud snoring____Morning confusion

____Twitching/kicking of legs or feet____Excessive sleepiness

____Pauses in breathing____Fainting episodes

____Pauses in breathing with loud snorts____Napping

____Grinding teeth____Forgetfulness

____Sleep talking____Increased irritability

____Sleep walking____Falls asleep while watching TV

____Bed-wetting (on occasion)____Falls asleep in the car (as a passenger)

____Sitting up in bed but not awake____Falls asleep during conversations

____Becoming very rigid &/or shaking in bed____Falls asleep in public places

(waiting room, church, movies, etc.)

Space below is given to elaborate on any of the above or to add comments not listed above:

Form completed by:

Name relationship to patient date


T.J. Health Partners Sleep Clinic


Are you allergic to any medications? Y or N If yes, please list:______

Please list the medications you take on a daily basis. (Prescription and over the counter)

Please complete only the Medication name, Dose and Frequency sections.

Medication / Dose / Frequency / Date of office visit
* Patient Initial

√ = Patient is taking this medication at this dose and frequency

Χ =Patient has discontinued this medication (include date DC’ed)

→ =Patient given prescription for this medication

* =I acknowledge and understand the physician depends on the accuracy and completeness of the information I provide concerning my present medications and dosages, and they will not assume any responsibility for medications prescribed by other practitioners. Furthermore, I acknowledge I have received a copy of this form and I will consult with my attending physician if I have any questions regarding my medications.



1. Draw an arrow down () to show when you go to bed.T.J. Health Partners Sleep Clinic

2. Draw an arrow up () to show when you got out of bed

3. Draw a straight line (|) down to show when you think you fell asleep.

4. Draw a straight line (|) down to show when you think you woke

5. Shade in all the boxes that show when you are asleep.

6. Record Naps in the same way.

7. Record Meds for Sleep with an “M” at the time taken and

record which medication and dose were used beneath.

8. Record Meds for Alertness with an “A” at the times taken and