Dear Sir or Madam,

I hope this mail finds you well. You can find and download new issue of RIGEO in this link:

Review of International Geographical Education Online (RIGEO) is an open access, quick, free of charge and a double-blind review publication in geography education and related disciplines (such as environmental education, earth sciences education, geology education, social studies education, GIS education and etc…).

We also would like to have more “reviewers” from other countries for RIGEO. If you would like to be a reviewer for RIGEO please fill out and send us the attached file.

Thank you in advance,



"If your students aren't learning, you are not teaching, you're just talking" (Flamour Kaçiu).


A/Prof. Dr. Eyüp Artvinli I Ph.D. in Geography Education

Editor-In-Chief of RIGEO;

Section Editor for Geography Education in ESTP

(Educational Sciences: Theory&Practice);


Eskisehir Osmangazi University,Faculty of Education
Meselik Campus, 26480,Eskisehir /TURKIYE

Office:+90(222)239 37 50 ext: 1643


Doç. Dr. Eyüp ARTVİNLİ

Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi,Eğitim Fakültesi,

Temel Eğitim Bölümü,Meşelik Kampüsü, 26480,Eskişehir

RIGEO Baş Editörü,Tlf: +90.222 239 37 50-1643

KUYEB Coğrafya Eğitimi Alan Editörü,

Application Form for RIGEO Reviewer

If you would like to be a reviewer in RIGEO, please fill out this Profile Table and along with your CV (in English) in the attachment and submit to: Responsibilities / Benefits of Reviewers


Reviewers are expected to:

v  Review 2-3 new papers per year;

v  Provide an honest and constructive suggestion for improving the manuscript;

v  Complete reviews within the deadline (from 20 to 30 days)


Reviewers' benefits include the following:

Ø  Complete the review for one manuscript - offer priority for publication to your own one manuscript; complete the review for two manuscripts - offer priority for publication to your or your friend’s extra one manuscript;

Ø  Your name will be listed as reviewer at the end of the last issue of related year,

Ø  Get the advice and feedback from journal editors;

Ø  To have priority to replace your name in the Editorial Board of RIGEO in future possible changes;

Current Academic Title / Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Dr. (have Ph.D.) PhD Student Lecturer Senior Lecturer Other: ………….……
Gender / Female/ Male / Country
Current institution or company
Department or school, if applicable
Previous employers
(institution names only)
1st E-mail
2nd E-mail
Phone / Mobile number (if possible)
Fax (optional)
Postal Address
Membership of Institutions, Associations and Editorial Board memberships
How many reviews would you be able to do per year?
How much time do you need in order to schedule and complete a review? /
….. days
Subject areas you are interested in (at least 5 keywords-or you can copy and paste 5 keywords from this link of RIGEO: / These keywords should be related to works in your CV.
Degree / Year / Institution / Specific Area of Study
Are you supervisor of Ph. D. candidate / doctoral advisor? / Yes No


All information you have given in this form will only be used for selecting reviewers for the RIGEO journal. We guarantee this information will be not used for any other purpose.


Submitting this form means that you guarantee the information you have given is truthful, complete and correct. The furnishing of false or misleading information on this form may result in criminal sanctions and/or civil sanctions.

Confirmation of Information

I certify that the information provided in this application is true and correct.

Signature:………………………. Date: …. / ….. / 201..