Sharon Kanehen

Fifth Grade Teacher

Phone: (360) 652-4517 X 7503 E-mail:

Dear Parents of Mrs. Kanehen’s 5th grade class,

I am so excited to have your student in my class. I have been teaching for many years. I have taught all the grades at one time or another. Last year I taught a 4th grade class. I am looking forward to helping your student grow academically and socially.

Specialists are:

9:05- 9:50 Computers Mrs. Clark

9:05- 9:50 Music Mrs. Lind

9:05- 9:50 Library Mrs. Roys

9:05- 9:50 P.E Mrs. Bishop

I expect your student to respect others and follow adult directions the first time. We have an acronym for behavior that is THINK

T- thoughtful

H –helpful

I – intelligent

N –necessary

K –kind

If a student feels his behavior fits all five of these then we don’t have a problem. If a student makes a poor choice, there are consequences. They will get a warning about their behavior, and then they will lose a privilege or recess

I will also send home on THURSDAY a weekly evaluation that lets you know about your student’s behavior and lists any missing work. Those that don’t have any missing work will be awarded by being GOLD. On the back of this letter is a detailed explanation of that system.

We are a team and all three of us need to work together to make this a successful year for your student. I value your input. I encourage you to call me whenever you have a question or concern. I can be reached at 360-652-4517 ext. 7503. You may also email me at . I keep my email open all day and check it often.

I am sending home 3 book orders that have great selections you can order on the computer or with paper. The class code is I recommend that you set up a reward system so your child can earn books each month.

It was nice to meet you at the open house on the 1st . If you could please fill out the information sheet and send it in with your student by Friday September 9th that would be great. Thanks

Sincerely, Mrs. Sharon Kanehen