Dear Parents/ Carers

Welcome to the new Academic year and the first, full time for Reception children. I am delighted to be teaching the children again and working with you all throughout the year.

During this term the focus topic will be ‘Why Do You love Me So Much?’
There are lots of new experiences ahead and our topic will help to support the children to feel happy, safe and secure at this important time. We aim to settle quickly to routines of the day and engage with focus in the classroom.
Please visit our school website where you will find a copy of this terms cross curricular topic web.
The children will soon start to bring home a reading packet. There will be a letter to follow to explain how, when and what you can do with your child to support this work.
Subject / Topic / Information / Parental Help
Personal, Social and Emotional Development / New Beginnings
Community / We will support each other to settle into the new routines of the day. We will be friends and help each other with new experiences.
We will join whole school for some assemblies and the celebration of Mass with Fr. Cooper in the hall. We will teach consideration and tolerance as we work together. Our class focus is on being a ‘school family’ and on building relationships to support each child and family in our class. / Talk to your child about their school day. Ask them what they enjoy and what they do not like? What have they had for lunch or who have they played with?
As a community we continue to work together to support happiness and wellbeing. Our garden is a perfect place to reflect this and we will continue to develop this area. Any gardening donations, for example end of season seeds would be much appreciated.
Understanding of the World
Communication & Language / Why do you love me so much? / This topic considers caring for ourselves and ech other. The role of our family and other carers. We will use all our senses to explore and consider a range of emotions. / Support your child to talk about the people in your family. Share a photo albums or visit a member of your family together. Play games which involve using all your senses of touch, sight, sound and taste.
Physical Development / Funky Feet
Gymnastics / We will continue to have class PE sessions every Monday morning in the hall. Please leave PE kit bag on your child’s peg in the cloakroom.
The children will work on a range of small and larger apparatus to develop their gross motor skills. / Please help your child to help themselves by dressing in appropriate and manageable socks and school shoes on a Monday. Please no jewellery or sharp hair pins.
We will enjoy the arrival of the new slide for our outside area. Please take a trip to the park and visit the swings!

Some of the books that we are reading this half term are Hug, Scarecrows Wedding, Guess how much I love you?, The kiss that missed, Bobbo goes to school, the Owl and the Pussy Cat and Dog loves to count- you can find these titles in our local library.

On Tuesday 18th October you will be invited to come to school and share a community breakfast with other parents. We hope that you can join us. We plan to all walk to Ropner Park and enjoy the gardens and play area together. A letter with more details will follow.

We will continue to resource our craft table with ‘junk’ materials and recyclable things. Old cards, ribbons, wool, cardboard tubes or boxes and other crafting materials are greatly appreciated and welcome throughout the term.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to come into school. The end of the school day is a preferred time for any longer discussion you may require.

Yours Sincerely,

Mrs R Bailey Reception Teacher

A photograph Of Me and My Family.
Who is in my family. / Special days I celebrate with my family.