September 2, 2015

Dear Parents,

To avoid confusion I am providing some information below about our classroom.


Why we assign homework:

Homework reinforces the skills taught in class, prepares students for upcoming lessons, teaches responsibility, and helps students develop positive study habits.

When homework will be assigned:

School policy is for second grade students to complete up to 20 minutes of homework Monday through Thursday. Homework will only be assigned on Friday if there is a long-term project. Homework each day will usually consist of word study and a math assignment. In addition, students will be encouraged to read for at least 15 minutes each night. The more the merrier! Studies show that the more kids read outside of school the better they perform in school.

Student’s Homework Responsibilities:

Homework is due the next day unless otherwise noted. All assignments should be completed on time. Students who complete homework quickly should read a book. Students who do not complete homework will complete the assignment(s) the following night. In addition, they will fill out an Oops! Slip to be signed by a parent or guardian and returned the following day. If handing in homework becomes a recurring problem I will contact the parents by phone or e-mail. All homework must be completed to the best of the student’s ability or it will be reassigned.

Students will fill out their Homework Assignment Sheet with the assignment(s) in school each day. I will check the students’ red Daily Folders each morning, and those who hand in all completed homework and have their planners signed each night will earn a stamp, a sticker, or a special note from the teacher at the end of each week.

Please initial your child’s Homework Assignment Sheet to indicate that you have seen it. The sheets are another great tool to keep lines of communication open.

To help insure that your child does his/her best with homework, I ask for your assistance in helping your child find a quiet place to work at home, deciding on the best time to do homework, and making the completion of homework a priority at home. If your child is trying his or her best and is unable to complete the homework assignment, please write me a note and I will work with your child to address the problem.


Each student has a Daily Folder that will go back and forth between school and home. There are two pockets in the folder. One pocket is for work that is completed or notices that need to be emptied each night. The other pocket is for homework or notices that need to be returned to school. Blue Friday Folders are sent home on Fridays containing special information from the school office and should be emptied and returned the following Monday.


Our recess/lunch period is from 11:15-12:20. Recess is from 12:20 -12:50. The lunch menu is on the Region 14 website each month. To access it go to Click on “Schools,” then “MES,” then “Mitchell Food Services.” If you are not able to print out or access the menu, send me a note and I will get one to you. You can also access the menu through my website. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me.


We will have a morning snack at 10:00 each day. Please send a small, nutritious snack (Fruit, crackers, granola bars, etc.) with little or no sugar. Please, no candy. Snack is the parents’ discretion; however please note that Region 14 has published a wellness policy brochure for your reference.


* All specials start at 8:40 unless otherwise noted.

Monday P.E. (10:20)

Tuesday Music

Wednesday Art

Thursday P.E.

Friday Technology/Library


Your child is welcome to celebrate his/her birthday with us at school. It is school policy to contact the teacher at least one week in advance if you would like to send a snack. Please send something that requires little or no clean-up. Juice is acceptable, but not necessary (Juice boxes work best.). Please send any paper goods and utensils necessary to serve the snack. **Please refer to the Region 14 Public Schools Wellness Policy brochure when planning your child’s class birthday snack (available on the Region website @

If you must bring the snack after the school day has started, the school policy is to drop the materials off at the office. I will be called to have them picked up there. This prevents learning disruptions.

Note: Birthday party invitations may only be distributed in school if there is one for every student in the class.


Each month I will send home 2 book orders. If your child chooses to order books, please send orders in an envelope with your child’s name on it. Only one check is necessary if ordering from two clubs. Combine the total amount of the two orders and make one check payable to Scholastic Book Clubs. (Please, do not send cash.)

Special Note: A simple online option is available to parents that allows access to the Scholastic website to make your purchase. I find this method works best. A letter will be sent home soon explaining how the online option works along with the class code.

Book orders normally will be given out on the first Friday of the month and should be returned by the Friday of the following week.


Your child is encouraged to bring in items, which relate to the curriculum topics we are studying. Please remind your child to attach his or her name to the item, and discuss how long we may borrow it. It is school policy not to bring toys to school unless special permission is granted by the teacher. However, occasionally we will have a show and tell block on special days.


This is essential. If your child is being picked up, please write me a note. It is a school policy and important for your child’s safety.

Please e-mail me, write a note, or call the office if you have a question or concern. The students Daily Folders are checked every day. You may write me a note on your child’s homework sheet if you have any questions or information to share. This works well because I check all homework sheets and Daily Folders each morning and will respond that day.

Please encourage your child to speak with me too if he or she has any concerns. It will help your child become more independent and responsible if he/she is able to handle a concern on his/her own.

Please sign, cut, and return the bottom portion of this page so

I know you have seen this letter.


Mr. Harkness

Mr. Harkness

School Webpage:


(203) 266-7506 Main Office
(203) 266-7876 Fax

Visit me online at my web site for more information.


I have read and discussed this letter with my child.

Student name: ______Parent signature: ______