December 2, 2012

Dear Parent(s), Guardian(s), Student,

Your son/daughter is one of eight students who signed up to go to My Brother’s Keeper—anorganization in Easton that helps those in need. The students will be selecting and wrapping Christmas gifts for families. The opportunity was limited to eight students due to the number of organizations sending volunteers to help in this effort. Our students will go on Wednesday, December 12, 2012by Braintree School Bus. The bus will be departing from the Saint Francis parking lot at 3:00 p.m. We will be leaving My Brother’s Keeper to return at 6:00 p.m. Parents should meet the bus at Saint Francis at approximately 6:45p.m. If for some reason your son/daughter has changed their mind, please contact the DRE, Lynne Jensen, or Secretary, Diane Hopkins, in the office as soon as possible so that we can offer the opportunity to another student.

There are two adult chaperones who will accompany students on this service trip: Mrs. Ronna Petrilli and myself, Lynne Jensen. If your student has any special needs, please call the office ahead of time.

While they are at My Brother’s Keeper, they will be given a wish list of Christmas presents from a family that My Brother’s Keeper helps out. There are shelves of gifts, (many donated by businesses and other folks). The students will choose the gifts on the list, show them to a supervisor there and then wrap the gifts. They are asked to choose a gift that they themselves would like to receive. It helps them to choose carefully!

Please complete the permission slip at the bottom of this letter. Your son/daughter must bring it with them on December 12th and give it to one of the chaperones . I am also asking that you respond to me by phone call or email to confirm that you received this information and that your son or daughter is indeed going. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call the Religious Education office at 781-848-3238.

Advent Peace to you,

Lynne Jensen, DRE

Saint Francis of Assisi Parish

Braintree, MA02184


I give my son/daughter ______permission to participate in the Confirmation service project at My Brother’s Keeper in Easton, MA. on Wednesday, December 12, 2012. I know that I need to provide transportation to and from Saint Francis of Assisi parking lot. Transportation to My Brother’s Keeper will be by Braintree School Bus.

Parent signature ______

Phone No. where you may be reached ______
Any special needs or allergies ______