June 3, 2017
Dear North and South Carolina LCMC and NALC Congregations,
The Carolinas Lutheran Women (CLW) Council invites all North and South Carolina Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ (LCMC) and North American Lutheran Church (NALC) congregations to our seventh annual meeting on Saturday, September 30, 2017 at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, 1130 St. Peter’s Road, Lexington,SC 29072.Registration begins at 9:30 a.m. We encourage each congregation to send representatives.
Enclosed you will find the Registration Form and Nomination Form.
- Please make copies of the Registration for each attendee and include $8 registration fee per person (includes lunch) and mail by September 18, 2017, to Jennie Cannon, 501 Twin Pine Drive, Chapin, SC 29036. Please make checks payable to Carolinas Lutheran Women.
- Affiliated congregations may nominate a member of their congregation to serve on the CLW Council provided she has given her approval. The fournominees receiving the highest votes on September 30, will be elected to serve a two-year term. Please fill out the Nominations form and either email () or mail to Lynn Coughenour, 4825 Stokes Ferry Road, Salisbury, NC 28146by September18, 2017. Additional nominations may be made at the meeting from affiliated congregations. The following affiliated congregations are not eligible to make nominations for elections this year: Salem, Salisbury, NC; St. Peter, Chapin, SC and St. Jacob’s, Chapin, SC.
- If your congregation is not affiliated with the Carolinas Lutheran Women (CLW), you may download a form from our website ( or contact Janet Rash () for a hard copy. Forms will be accepted at the annual meeting.
- A proposed 2017-2018 Budget will be presented during the annual meeting.
- In-Kind Giftshave been designated to Lexington Interfaith Community Service (LICS), Lexington, SC. Please bring NEW undergarments for both male and female for all ages and in all sizes. Gift cards and checks are also welcome.
- The Convocation Offeringwill supportthe Gary Sinise Foundation, specifically RISE (Restoring Independence Supporting Empowerment) providing specially adapted smart homes and vehicles to wounded veterans and first responders.
- Hotel Accommodations:Individuals are to make their own reservations in Lexington, SC.
CLW Council Minutes and annual meeting forms are available on our website ( If you have any questions, need more information or would like hard copies, please contact Janet Rash () or (704) 633-1291.
CLW Council (Lynn Coughenour, Union, Salisbury, NC; Brenda Dunn, St. John’s, Statesville, NCJanet Rash, Salem, Salisbury, NC;Suzanne Bebber, Concordia, China Grove, NC;Pam Cansler, St. Martin’s, Maiden, NC, Jennie Cannon, St Peter, Chapin, SC and Gloria Ziemer, St. Jacob’s, Chapin, SC)