Thomas Adams
Principal / Dan Bedette
Assistant Principal

Winter 2014-15

Dear Middle School Parent/Guardian:

Welcome to another winter season in Newfane! With the change in the weather, we thought it necessary to review some of our procedures regarding the closing of school and early dismissal situations. While our students love hearing the news of a snow day, we understand the change in plans it causes our families within the school community. With that in mind, please take the time to read the following information. Of course, feel free to call with any questions. Thanks!

Snow Days

School closings are announced on all major media outlets, but we suggest you monitor the following radio and television stations: WBEN 930 and WLVL 1340 (AM radio), Channel 2 WGRZ, Channel 4 WIVB, and Channel 7 WKBW (television). The websites associated with each are also helpful. We will also post information on our school’s Facebook page ( Cancellation of an entire day of school also includes all school related activities before and after school. Last year we had three full day cancellations.


Delays happen on occasion. These delays are announced in the same manner full day cancellations are. If school is delayed an hour, figure that buses will arrive roughly an hour later than normal, though that can be difficult to determine depending on conditions. Communication of delays is the same as above for full day cancellations. Last year we had three days when school was delayed by 2 hours.

Emergency Dismissal

For weather related emergencies, an early dismissal is rarely, though sometimes required. Refer to the same news outlets that are listed above for information. In these situations, often it is the senior high and middle school students that are sent home first in order to have supervision of younger siblings. We do not contact the parents of all 5th-8th grade students in such an event. However, students will be able to call home (or your place of employment) on these occasions if they request. For this reason, it is vitally important your contact information in our office is accurate. Please contact us at 778-6452 if you have changes to make regarding these contact numbers.


Talk to your child about these potential situations. Arrange for neighbors or family members to assist. Perhaps allow your child to have a key to the house in case no one is home upon drop off from the bus. We certainly hope this is a pleasant winter—but we feel it is better to plan for these potential challenges in advance!


Tom AdamsDan Bedette

Tom AdamsDan Bedette

PrincipalAssistant Principal

"Together We Can"