Sept 2018 Newsletter

Dear Member of MapRA,

This is our update on recent issues and activities in our area. It has been summarized from emails sent out in the last three months and is intended for those of our members who are not on email. It represents only a small part of what news and information is available on our email network. If you would like to join our email circulation please let me know at ).

After all the hard work the Brent Mayor and Leader of the Council will formally open the WatlingGardensDementiaGarden onSaturday 22 September.

MapRA 2018 FrontGarden Awards. This year the front garden judging has been particularly difficult as the extremely warm dry weather has meant that some gardens peaked much earlier than usual.

OverallBestFrontGarden - 32 Dartmouth Road; Runner up - 58 Chatsworth Road

The MapRA Open Gardens Day is next year (at a date as yet undecided in June). Any volunteers to help, before or on the day are warmly welcomed.

Street Trees. The recent dry weather is stressing the new young street tree saplings that been planted by Brent on our behalf. It will help greatly, if you are near one, to water it regularly in dry weather.

Hedgehog conservation society. Kitty d’Costa has started a conservation group. Let me know if you’d like contact details.

Box Moth. Several reports of caterpillars of the box moth on box hedges and bushes. A member has found an effective remedy on German website. Let me know if you need some.

Urban Harvest and flowers on Willesden Green Tube Station. WillesdenTown team invite people on Saturday 22 September (from 3pm-5pm)to see what has been achieved this year.

Thefts. A gardener working at a house in Dartmouth Road left her van unlocked. She returned to it to find her bag of tools had been stolen. And inSt Gabriel’s Road a ladypre-packed her carthenight before she was due to leave fora holiday and someonebroke into to it and stole a suitcase with some important documents. If you can, pack up on the day and make sure to lock your car.

The usual scam. A lady claimed to have locked herself out of house 3 doors away (asking for money to get key from siuster). A member rather discomfited her by offering to help her get back in the house – led to her shouting abuse but revealing the con. And a Locksmith scam. A man called to house in Dartmouth Road claiming to be a locksmith needing to gain entry to the house because one of the other tenants in flat 3, was locked in. The member asked for ID, he didn't have any then claimed that he meant to be in Chatsworth Road (where it transpired there was no flat 3). Be careful not to let people in that you not sure about.

Note from local Police Safer Neighbourhood Team. If you are going away

  • Leave radios or lights in your house on a timer to make the property appear occupied.
  • Get a trusted neighbour to keep an eye on your property or join a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme.
  • Ask your neighbour to empty the post box and collect any deliveries for you.
  • Make sure that you cancel all regular deliveries, such as newspapers.
  • Try to get into the habit of completing a set procedure when you lock up your home; in this way you ensure that you don’t forget anything.
  • Please be watchful of neighbours' houses if you know they are away.

101 - non emergency Police number and 999 for an emergency.

Floating support / accident prevention. Service available to people in Brent age 55+.

  • Helps residents with benefit entitlements, housing repairs, moving home, debt management, home safety and security. Contract Mercel Hislop on 020 8206 7505
  • The Accident Prevention Handyperson provides practical support so you can live independently and safely at home. Can install smoke alarms, grab rails and other adaptations, locks, curtain rails, blinds and help change light bulbs. Clients pay for materials; labour charges are means tested and usually £2.50 to £10 per job. Contact Louise Mackensie on 020 8206 7506

Advice 4 Renters is a local charity based in Kilburn who help tenants overcome problems. 020 7624 4327

Pavements. MapRA making a push to improve pavements. Let me know of particular trip hazards (specific locations) that you are aware of.

Our Theatre group has several visits planned over next months:Holy Sh!t at the Kiln; Silk Road Ensemble (dance) at Sadlers Wells. White Teeth at the Kiln. Please contact Jim Coakes (phone 020 8208 0082) if you’d like tojoin or have more information.

Social support for people with dementia and their carers in Brent. contact Amanda Cattini 020 8208 8591. And new Community Café at Ashford Place. Called “The Side door” access is now easier; via attractive side door garden space. Local people can take refreshment at a reasonable price (10am-4pm weekdays.)

Local Councilorsfor Mapesbury Ward (and since some members are in Brondesbury Ward):

Cllr Lia Colacicco 07721 233 056 Cllr Kieron Gill 07467 004 788

Cllr Tariq Dar 07467 004 752 Cllr Erica Gbajumo 07467 004 829

Cllr Ahmad Shahzad OBE 0208 452 8380 Cllr Tony Ethapemi 07467 000 435

Victim support provides emotional support, practical help and information for all victims of crime. Urge anyone who has been affected by crime to get in touch. Contact at their free support line: 0808 1689 111.

Noise problems. Call Brent noise pollution on 0208 937 5252 or out of hours 0208 937 1244.

Make a log of incidents and calls.

Rubbish. For problems with collection or evidence on dumping phone Brent on 8937 5050

Gerry Weston, Org. Sec. MapRA, 64 Teignmouth Road (020 8452 0649).

MapRA – Protecting the interests of residents for over 30 years