

This is a request to approve the registration fee and travel expenses for me to attend EFI’s 2018 Worldwide Users’ Conference. This established conference, which takes place January 23 - 26, 2018 in Las Vegas, NV, had over 1,000 attendees from 40 countries in 2017. This year there is an educational track specifically tailored for in-plants, G7 color training and certification, and an in-plant networking event where in-plant colleagues from around the country can share ideas and best practices.

I have reviewed the in-plant track at and determined that the program will enable me to engage in a number of sessions directly applicable to my work, especially as it relates to1-2 relevant business issues>. Getting this information in a seminar format, hearing best practices first-hand from peers and industry experts, and seeing numerous technologies in one place will greatly reduce the time and costs that we would otherwise incur in researching ways to increase our operational efficiency and effectiveness.

I am especially interested in the following sessions:

  • How in-plants can automate workflow to stay competitive
  • Bringing in-plant color printing to commercial quality
  • How to add digital wide-format graphics printing to your in-plant
  • How to gain client adoption of a web-to-print system
  • How in-plants can succeed in selling services to internal clients
  • How in-plants can expand variable data services and grow client adoption
  • Idealliance G7 Expert/Professional color training & certification

The value to our organization will far exceed the <total cost>of me attending this conference. My estimated expense breakdown is as follows:

Registration:<registration cost>
Hotel:<hotel cost>
Travel:<travel cost>

Meals/misc.:meal and other costs>

I believe this opportunity to develop our professional network and gain valuable knowledge will help make our in-plant facility stronger and more efficient, making my attendance at the EFI User Conference a smart investment forcompany/school.


<your name>