Dear LEAH member,

For many years now, I have fervently yet lovingly recommended that all NYS LEAH members become members of HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Association). Over the last three years we have seen local school districts become more and more intrusive, harsh and aggressive. Each step along the way HSLDA has walked with us: as individuals, as families, and as an organization whenever we've needed help. They have been an invaluable partner in Albany as well, as we seek to pass legislation to bring safety and protection to our parental and homeschooling rights. HSLDA has been there!

A couple of months ago, TJ Schmidt (HSLDA’s attorney for NY) and I traveled into Manhattan to try to resolve an issue with paperwork for a homeschooling mom at the Central District Department of Education. That one office controls all the paperwork for homeschool families in the five boroughs of NYC. When paperwork is lost, the local schools then resort to calling in CPS (Child Protective Services) on innocent families. On that day, TJ and I were ignored and pushed away without a resolution.

Well, enough is enough. This past Monday HSLDA along with a NYC LEAH chapter, has filed a lawsuit on behalf of a new homeschooling mom. They are suing NYC, the Board of Education, Mayor de Blasio, and other school officials. At the end of this e-mail is a link to the posting on our web site which has the details of the lawsuit and other relevant documents along with links to HSLDA’s own postings on this lawsuit.

It is our prayer that this step will be one of many planned to stop the abuse of many families being threatened and harassed despite following each step of educational law.

How can you help? Below are several key action steps:

1) Pray

2) If you are not a member of HSLDA, become one. (

3) Check our website ( for information as we continue to fight for our freedoms.

4) Pray for Michael & Carolyn Bailey as they continue LEAH's work legislatively in Albany.

5) Be ready to make phone calls as needed.

6) Use this link to find out more about this lawsuit (

We are in this together as families in Christ!


Rev. Rudy & Elizabeth Hugo for the LEAH Board
