Dear Grade One Parents;

October was a very busy month. The children have been busy trying to master number words and colour words. I am so proud of them!

The children commented on all the learning that has taken place in October. Here are some of their comments:

Mrs. Leboldus-Campbell shared a story with us.

We celebrated Makenzie’s birthday.

We saw Father Jim at our Thanksgiving celebration.

Lizz Zahary and TimLoreman (Tom’s mom and Dad) read us stories.

Colleen (Emma’s mom) read us a story.

We loved the story “The Little Old Woman Who was Not Afraid of Anything”.

We made lots of patterns.

We had our first lock down.

We had an awesome Halloween party.

We painted pumpkins. It was fun.

We went to the “far” park.

We introduced ourselves to our Grade Three buddies in Ms. Vona’s class.

We visited Mrs. Hubble’s PDP class.

A big thank you to all those that were able to help with pumpkin painting. It was a huge success! The pumpkins looked great. Also many thanks to the many paint shirts that have been donated.

Our Halloween party was a great success. Thank you to our snack families that provided nutritional treats as well as the sweet treats for us! Thank you to Cheraty Martin, Colleen Ornawka, Sherry St. John and Annette Zimmerfor the treats in 1F and Patricia Poohachoff, Corey Bustos Chaba and Nicole Collier in 1B. A special thank you to Sherry St. John for hand stitching the awesome pumpkin bags for both classes. Wow! You are an angel. Thank you to who were able to spend the afternoon with us in the gym: Patricia and Jamie Poohachoff, Kyra Hillman, Cheraty Martin, Tammy Lanowski, Nicole Collier, Christine Danis, Annette Zimmer, Shawna Wilson, Terry Lynne Chorneyko, Cindy Graf and Jodie Rogers.

November will be an exciting month as we rhyme and count our way along with the Five Little Monkeys. We will be reading, retelling, dramatizing and rewriting our own stories of the five little monkeys. Please feel free to follow-up at home with trips to the library and picking up the various Five Little Monkey stories.

Our author of the month is DR. SEUSS. The children have told me that they have many of his most popular books at home. Please dig them out and read, read, read. The wonderful words will tickle your tongue as you read your way through. Many of his books give excellent examples of word families (i.e., box/fox, goat/boat, ham/Sam/am).

We begin SKATING LESSONSon Wednesday, November 5th. Our class will go on the ice at 9:15. We are the first group to go skating and will be leaving from the school shortly after the morning bell. Please ensure that your child has SKATES, HELMET, SNOW PANTS or WATER RESISTANT PANTS, and GLOVES or MITTS. Please label all your child’s belongings and pack into a bag that your child can carry. DO NOT USE YOUR CHILD’S BACKPACK.

Thank you to those that have indicated that they are able to tie skates for us. Your help is greatly appreciated.

The children will be givenfive spelling words each week beginning this month. The words will be printed in their agendas on the right hand page. At home, I would encourage you to have your child use each word in a sentence as well as printing each word a couple of times until it becomes part of their bank of sight words. Each Friday, the children will be given a “spelling test” to test their accuracy.

In MATH we continue to count, sort and add items. You can help at home by posing questions such as:

How many pillow cases will I need if I were to change everyone’s pillow case?

How many plates are needed if everyone is at the table for supper?

How many socks if you put together 5 pairs?

How many more days until Christmas?

How many shoes in the house?

The children are making ABAB patterns, ABBA patterns and ABCABC patterns. Your child can make patterns with spoons, forks cups, blocks, toys, etc.

PARENTS are invited to join us for a MATH NIGHT at St.RichardSchool on Tuesday, November 18th at 7:00 p.m. Come and take a look at some awesome games and activities.

There is NO SCHOOL for all students at St. Richard on Thursday, November 6th. This is a school wide Professional Development Day.

We will have a REMEMBRANCE DAY Celebration on Monday, November 10th at 2:00 p.m. Please feel free to join us in the school gym for this celebration.

Looking ahead,

Our first Advent Celebration will take place on Monday, December 1st at 9:00 the school gym.

We are off to the Telus World of Science in the morning on Friday, December 5th for their Super Senses program. A permission slip will be sent home later this moth. We will require parent helpers for this field experience.

Thank you for taking the time to read this newsletter. If you have any questions or concerns, please call us at 463-5976 (school), or you can e-mail , and .

Mary Biamonte

Barbara Forbes/Karen Harback

St. Richard Grade One Teachers

When you look for peace
then the peace lies within you.
When you search for peace
then it is not hard to find.
When you want to keep peace alive
then you allow white doves to fly over you.
When you make peace with others
then the whole world lives in your heart.
When you let peace be in the world
then you live in a wonderful world.
When you open the door for peace
then peace welcomesothers.
Let the peace prevail in our wonderful world