Dear Genetics,
Yes, reminding you that your outlines are due tomorrow. Please place the rubric on top and attach the graded abstract to the back; heed all the warnings I gave you about penalty. Only one of you (432) was absent today and you are number 18.
The class party is this Friday. Please prepare for it by class section among yourselves.
Your next project-based assignment. It harnesses elements you used in the bulletin board project, but ultimately it will be a key part of your project. Please keep a master copy of this that you can go back and keep modifying. I write on these as I grade them.
Assignment 7, due Thursday April 4, 2013: First draft of project figure:
**Identify a normal molecular pathway that is at play in normal people, but specifically is damaged in people with the disease. (This is preparation for your project background and approach for the cure you will attempt to propose.) **Draw or depict it (either by hand or with paint/photoshop), but no aspect of it must be downloaded. Identify a key tissue type for the manifestation of the disease. **Identify a molecular target (focusing on what goes wrong in the disease) for your therapy. **Integrate your proposed therapy with the molecular target you identify. Fit this on one side of one page (8.5x11). Save a scan/copy/file (original with you is best--give me the copy) for edit as this will go in your final project paper.
Assignment 8, due Monday April 8, 2013: Technical genetic terminology: Some of these, you will find in Thompson and some not so easily, but these terms come up in the literature when describing inheritance and transmission and penetrance of some of the diseases you are working on.
For the following terms, define each and give 1 example of how it would or could manifest in a human, either by referencing a specific disease or a documented phenomenon.
1) Inherited dysfunction due to somatic change
2) Haploinsufficiency
3) Dominant negative
4) Dominant gain of function
5) Microdeletion
6) Age of onset
7) Locus heterogeneity
8) Allelic heterogeneity
9) Loss of heterozygosity
10) Inbreeding
11) Consanguinity
12) Sex influence
Your next exam is April 23.
Hope those peachy outlines are coming right along.....