August 12, 2015
Dear Folks at Home,
Welcome to the third grade. I am very excited about the year ahead of us. I would like to take a little time to introduce myself to all of you. My name is Kelly Browning and I have been a life-long resident of Greene. I currently live in Greene with my husband Peter, our sons Jonah and Keaton, our daughter Macie and our dog Gunner I attended Hartwick College, SUNY Oneonta and SUNY Cortland for my bachelor’s and master’s degrees. My husband and I both grew up in Greene and we have chosen to raise our own family here.
This year I will be working with you to make third grade a positive experience for your child. I feel very fortunate to be working with parents and families that will support their child at home as well as her in school. Mrs. Amell and Ms. Glover will also be teachers working in our classroom to help your child succeed. We will work as a team to make learning fun and to motivate all of your children to reach their goals.
It is my intent to make your child’s learning experience a happy and productive time. Our class will be involved with the arts program and the children will work with teaching artist throughout the year (more information will follow) who will help us to focus on accepting each other’s differences.
I will be in the classroom on August 25, 2015 from 12 noon until 1:00 p.m., if you would like to bring your child in to locate the classroom and bring in his or her supplies. It is an opportunity to make your child feel a bit less stressed as they enter the Intermediate School. Our classroom is room 21 in the wing past the gymnasium.
It is my belief that positive interaction between teacher and parent strengthens a child’s education please feel free to contact me at anytime to discuss questions, concerns, or if you want to share something positive. I will send home a communication journal each week to make weekly contact. To help me better understand your child I am asking that you complete the form that is included and, if you would like, please write a letter telling me about your child. Please include any information that you feel is important for me to know. I would appreciate if you could return the form by September 9th.
Third grade is a transition for your child and I would appreciate it if you would make me aware of any concerns you have and if your child is having a difficult time making the transition. Thank you in advance for the support in making your child’s educational experience successful. If you need to contact me please call at school 656 – 9891.
Kelly Browning