October News
Dear Families,October, 2017
Welcome to a brand new month for Team Oskvig! We have had time to get to know each other and have begun to swing into the school year with effort, curiosity and teamwork. I enjoyed meeting many of you at our Open House. Please allow me to highlight some of the important events and learning coming up this month.
Math:Students have jumped right into multiplication and division. We began with easy facts such as fives, tens and twos. Other facts introduced this month will be threes, fours, nines, sixes, sevens and eights.Another primary focus is solving word problems and showing work. The various multiplication properties (associate, distributive, identity, and commutative) will also be introduced to allow students to deepen their understanding of multiplication.
Science:Students will continue to learn about the butterfly’s lifecycle. As our butterflies hatch from their chrysalis, we will learn the differences between moths and butterflies and the butterfly’s anatomy. Also this month,each child will research a butterfly and create an informational file folder report. Later this month we will begin our pollination unit and make connections to animal and plant lifecycles.
Reading:The month of September was a time to learn that reading is thinking. The class has worked diligently on summarizing fiction texts. As we read we focus on analyzing characters and their traits, explore settings and determine the problem and solution though analyzing plot. We have also dug deep into common themes that authors use and we provide evidence to show a specific theme. This month we will also extend our reading to nonfiction texts. We will examine text features, text structures and using context clues to help in determining unfamiliar content and vocabulary words. Lastly, we continue to work on our fluency as we read weekly to our first grade reading buddies.
Writing:In September we focused on building our stamina for writing and learning how to write a proper paragraph. We used transition words, and incorporated introductions and conclusions to our paragraphs. We will continue to write summaries of the fiction that we read. In conjunction with our science unit on butterflies, the class will also begin to write informational paragraphs about butterflies and moths. Lastly, this month we will also write our own Halloween witches brew recipes!
Please turn over for more important news!
Please don’t forget…
- Picture Day Thursday 10/5
- 15 minute early release, JAS Spirit Day Friday book orders due 10/6
- No School On Monday 10/9 Columbus Day
- Thursday 10/12 PTO Ice cream Social6-8 PM
- Class Halloween Party 10/27 1:45-3:00
I will send home information concerning the Halloween party later in the month. As always please contact me with any concerns or questions. I look forward to our continued partnership in the education of your child.
Mrs. Lianne Oskvig
school: 686-3285 extension 5006
Halloween Party Volunteers and Donations:
Please remember we have nut allergies.
Wegmans Ice Cream Sandwiches / OreoCookies / Chips/Rold Gold Pretzels / Cut Vegetables and dip / Fresh Fruit / Juice Boxes
Open for donation / Randall Family / Kapsiak / Blair / Open for donation / Abraham Family
Please let me know if you’re interested in donating an item.
Parent Volunteers:
Corey Ostrowksi
Jamie Randall
Michelle Kapsiak