Dear Faith Leader,
We would like to invite you to join faith communities around the world for a dedicated time of prayer and reflection for those in need of shelter. On Sunday, October 6, 2013 Habitat for Humanity Philadelphia will observe its annual International Day of Prayer and Action for Habitat for Humanity.
For more than three decades, Habitat for Humanity has made dramatic differences in the lives of people
around the world. In Philadelphia, our affiliate has built 170 homes, providing safe, decent, affordable shelter opportunities for nearly 600 individuals. Many of our 2,800 annual volunteers are drawn to this ministry after hearing God’s call and seeking God’s guidance through prayer.
In December 1985, the United Nations General Assembly declared the first Monday in October to be
World Habitat Day, in recognition of the basic need for adequate shelter in a world where it is lacking for
so many. This year, International Day of Prayer and Action for Human Habitat will be observed the
day before, as a prelude to World Habitat Day (October 7th).
We will provide more details and ways you can get involved as the date draws closer, but for now we
just wanted to let you get October 6th on your calendar. I’ve electronically attached with this letter a short passage about Habitat’s mission, a fact sheet about Habitat Philadelphia, prayers for shelter and community, and a Sunday School lesson about the work Habitat for Humanity does. We encourage you to incorporate any or all of these into your services. We can also provide pledge envelopes and collection vessels with which congregants can help support our mission.
Hopefully, this will give you time to start talking to congregations in your network and encourage them to support this worthy cause.
If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact me by using the information below.
Grace and Peace,
Zachary R. Wilcha
Development Manager for Faith Relations
Habitat for Humanity Philadelphia
1829 N. 19th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19121
(p) 215.765.6000 x19