Dear ECE Student and Guardians

Dear ECE Student and Guardians

Dear ECE Student and Guardians,

The Early Childhood Training Centers across the state of Utah have a new requirement (Senate Bill 12 passed this last year students and teachers working with the children will be required to have a background check at the cost of $15 and all 18 year olds and above will need a fingerprinting at the cost of $52.75. Both of these costs will be assessed as a school class fee.

In order to get your background screening done, you will need to go online to the UtahChild Care Licensing website

**Please NOTE: If you are under age 18 this form MUST be filled out and signed by a parent/guardian. If you are over 18 then you can fill in the form and sign it, but you will also need to be fingerprinted. We will complete the fingerprinting at the school.

***IF the student turns 18 by the time their background screening form is completed; meaning they did the online application, licensing received it, they paid their fee and THEN they turn 18, they do NOT need to send in fingerprints.

1.Notice that only the blue sections of the form need to be filled out.

2.Where it asks for the facility name or ID click the box: “Click here if your facility was not found” this will bring up a box where you will type in – Davis District Layton High School.

After filling in this portion, go down to the AUTHORIZATION AND RELEASE portion where, if you are under age 18, a parent/guardian will sign the formby typing their name, phone and email address. Now scroll down and hit submit.

4.$$$The cost of both the background check and fingerprinting will be assessed as a school class fee and we will take care of them in one lump sum. You will not need to contact the Background Clearance Unit(BCU) to pay.

5.Once your screening is completed a card will be sent to the school. We will make a copy of it and then givethe card to the student.Your background check is NOT completed until you have the card.

This process needs to be completed within the first 10 days of this semester or the student will NOT be allowed to go into the Early Childhood Training Center or work with the children UNTIL it is done.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact your teacher, Simon Bolivar (licensing admin) 8018034618, or BCU staff 18663200513.