Dear Colorado USAG,September2009


November 15 Last Day to Qualify Level 6*

November 22 Last Day to Qualify Level 5

November 29 Last Day to Qualify Level 4

November 21 & 22Level 6 State @ Xtreme Gymnastics

December 5 & 6Level 5 State @ Loveland High School hosted by Premier Gymnastics of the Rockies

December 12 & 13Level 4 State hosted by Aurora School of Gymnastics

March 7, 2010Last Day to Qualify Level 9/10

March 14, 2010Last Day to Qualify Levels 7 & 8

March 21, 2010Level 9 & 10 @ DU hosted by Gymnastics Plus

March 27, 2010 Level 8 State hosted by Gymnastics Unlimited

March 28, 2010 Level 7 hosted by Boulder Flyers

April 9 - 11, 2010Level 9/10 Regionals in New Mexico hosted by New Mexico State Association

April 1718, 2010Level 8 Regionals in Colorado hosted by Aerials

April 30 – May 2, 2010Level 9 WesternsDes Moines, IA

May 6 - 9, 2010J.O. Nationals Dallas , TX

*Since the Level 6 meet is so early, we are requiring the entry forms for those gymnasts already qualified for the state meet be sent to the meet director 2 weeks prior to the meet (as usual), but will allow one more weekend for qualifying. The final weekend qualifier entries are to be sent to the meet director as soon as the meets are completed

Thank you to all the clubs who were both interested and willing to host a state meet! We are very fortunate in our state to have so many qualified and willing clubs to host a state meet.

Thank you to Gymnastics Plus for allowing us to use their facility for our annual State Meeting and Coaches Workshops. The State Meeting was well attended and I feel those who came for the workshops were well served. Thanks, also, to our workshop leaders for sharing their expertise and time with us.

Please see the COUSAG website for the minutes to the meeting.

Reminder to all Meet Directors:

  • Verify that all Coaches on the floor at a USAG Sanctioned competition are current Professional Members. You can do this through the National USAG Website or any of your Colorado USAG Committee members can provide you with a list.
  • Please send all meet results to the appropriate Level Coordinators. The information should include the athletes name, USAG number, birthdates, club and level. This information will help them in determining the age divisions and sessions for their respective state meets.

Compulsory Level Coordinators:

Level 4 Tiva SilvaAuroraSchool of GymnasticsGym 303-693-1007

3460 S. FairplayFax 303-693-1987

Aurora, CO 80014

Please note: The qualifying score for Level 4 was raised to 34.00.

Level 5 Rich VillarealPremier Gymnastics of the Rockies

174 12th Street. S.E.Gym 970-663-3173

Loveland, CO 80537Fax 970-663-1036

Level 6 Mark BogogerXtreme GymnasticsGym 720-887-6752

555 Aspen Ridge Dr.Fax303-465-6047

Lafayette, CO 80026

Optional Level Coordinators

Level 7 Ron CrescentiniBoulder Flyers

Level 8Kay BoyleGymnastics UnlimitedGym 303-452-4075

525 West 115th Avenue Fax 303-452-3119

Northglen, CO 80234

Level 910Tim FryeGymnastics PlusGym 303-512-0799

6180 E. Warren Ave.Fax 303-758-4716

Denver, CO 80222

Please send your state qualifiers from the qualifying meets to these people to enable them to adequately prepare for their respective state meets. You only need to send the respective level results to each coordinator. A copy of the sanction should still be sent to the State Chairman, Cindy Miyake and the Regional Chairman, Cori Rizzo, RACC, 4225 Johns Light Dr., Austin, TX 78727-3014Or fax to 1-888-412-9681

Competitive Age Determination(R & P page 20)

The age of the gymnast is determined by the last day of culminating meet for the level.

For Level 8, age is determined by the Regional Meet. For Levels 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 and 10 the total population of gymnasts who qualified to State Meet will be divided into equal groups by birthdates.

Level 8age as ofApr. 18, 2010

Level 8 age groups were modified at the last Regional Board Meeting.

Instead of 6 age groups there will be 5. They are 8-11, 12, 13, 14, 15+. Please make a note of this change for the upcoming competitive season.

State meet entry fee

Compulsory Levels 4, 5, and 6 $65.00 [$55 Entry Fee, $5 Region III Assessment and $5 to COUSAG for Team Awards]

Optional Levels 7, 8, 9, and 10$80.00 [$70 Entry Fee, $5Region III Assessment and $5 to COUSAG for Team Awards]

Age Group awards: top 10 teams will receive a plaque.

Overall team awards: top 3 will receive a trophy; places 4-15 will receive a plaque.

Dress Code Reminder

Dress in appropriate attire that reflects the best image of gymnastics.

At State meets and above, the coaches’ dress code is as follows:

Athletic shoes with rubberized soles. Athletic warm-up pants or “Docker-syle” pants (No jeans).

Athletic or tailored shorts that are of a reasonable length. No holes, tears or short shorts.

Collared shirts, business casual shirts or T-shirts with gym logo. (No spaghetti straps, low-cut tops

or midriff revealing shirts). No hats or visors.

Level 8 Regionals

In 2008, the Regional Board voted to allow 50 additional at large level 8 gymnasts to qualify to Level 8 Regionals. The Board felt that it had gone well and voted to continue the practice for the 2010 competitive season. These additional 50 gymnasts would be the next highest all around scores after those who qualified regardless of age. These 50 gymnastswould be qualified as a % of a %. The age groups would then be redistributed by birth date similar to the Level 9 and 10 age groups. Currently, we have 250 athletes who qualify in their age groups as a % of a % add to those qualifiers 50 of the next highest all around scores as outlined before to make a total of 300 athletes.

News from Congress and Beyond!

!!!!New Compulsory Music!!!

There is new music available for Level 4,5, & 6. It can be purchased from USAG by calling 1-800-345-4719 (Select option 1) or order online . The cost is $15 for the new CD and $25 for the old and new. If you go to the website there are also a video to download.

Foreign Athletes

If you should have a foreign athlete coming to your event, please contact Kathy Kelly in the National Office. She will then forward an invitation to the foreign federation for that athlete.

Petitioning a Gymnast

If you have an athlete who has gymnastic competitive experience outside the USAG System, she can be petitioned into a level by submitting a written request and video of the athlete to the Colorado USAG Committee. The athlete should show proficiency for the level she is petitioning. For more information about the levels and ages please see the Rules and Policies for Women’s Gymnastics 2009/2010, page 19.

Dropping Back a Level

A gymnast may not drop back to a level lower than the levelshe has competed in the State Championships unless there is valid reason. (See R & P page 21.) If no Sectional Meet is held, (Colorado does not have sectional meets.) then the State Administrative Committee must determine a designated “declaration” date to declare which level the gymnast will compete at the State Championships that season. For this Optional Season and all Optional Seasons going forward, that date shall be February 20. The level the gymnast competes and receives scores either as an All Around or Specialist will be deemed to be that athlete’s competitive level unless declared otherwise by February 20. The declaration to drop back must be done in writing and received in hand by Regional Technical Chairman on or before February 20 at midnight.

Specialist Competition

A gymnast may compete as a specialist only at Levels 8, 9 or 10 in the state of Colorado. She may compete in one and up to 3 events as a Specialist. She must declare her Specialist Status on or before the last qualifying date for Level 8, 9 and 10 State. Declaration must be done in writing and be in the hands of the State Chairman (Cindy Miyake), the Overall Level Coordinator (Pam Turner) and the Level 8 Coordinator (Kay Boyle) or 910 Coordinator (Tim Frye) by midnight on March 17, 2010 for Level 8 and March 7, 2010 for Levels 9 & 10.

The mobility score to move from one level to the next higher is 8.50 in the event(s) she specializes in.

The qualifying score for a Specialist to compete in State Meet is 9.10 on each event she will be specializing in.

The entry fee to state is $40 for one event, $50 for two events and $60 for three events.

Once a gymnast declares Specialist Status, she remains a Specialist and may not petition to Regionals as an All Around gymnast. Any gymnasts wishing to compete at Regionals as an All Around Gymnast should not declare Specialist Status. A Specialist may only qualify to 9/10 Regionals. (See the minutes to the Regional Board Meeting 8/17/07.)

Diane Callison Receives the Star Service Award

Our congratulations go to Diane Callison, Texas State Chairman. She spent several months testifying in the Texas State Legislature to the benefit of gymnastics clubs. There was a piece of legislation that was presented for safety of children.The impact of this bill was so big; it would have almost completely shut down competitive gymnastics along with all other skills based sports – everything from Ice Skating to Karate in Texas. The definition of Day Cares used in the wording of the legislation included all sports programs that had children in their facility more than 2 hours a day, 3 days a week. Had the Bill passed into law as written, gymnastics clubs would have had to remove equipment such as uneven bars and balance beams and add outdoor playgrounds to facilities. They would have had to require all employees to become child care worker certified and have a child care director on site at all times. This law has now been amended to allow gymnastics clubs and all other skills based sports to continue their competitive program outside of the Day Care system. Thank You, Diane!

Debbie Walker Resigns

It is with regret and gratitude that we accept the resignation of Debbie Walker from the USAG Committee. Debbie has contributed to the positive changes in our state and given of herself and her knowledge. Thank you, Debbie!

Call for Nominations for State Administrative Committee Members

Elected State Board members shall serve for 2 years. They will take office on December 1, 2009. Current Committee members will need to be nominated and are not automatically eligible for reelection. Nominees should have an opportunity to accept or decline nominations. All nominees will need to submit a biography. Committee members serve in additional capacities such as secretary, awards chairman, education or administrative duties.

The following are the qualifications and duties of potential members as defined in the State Chairman’s handbook.

Duties and Responsibilities of the State Board Members:

  • Members must support the USA Gymnastics program and its Rules and Policies.
  • Members must represent their area and/or level.
  • Members must support and consider the total State program.
  • Members shall carry out the specific duties of their positions as determined by their State.
  • Members are expected to attend all State Board and general membership meetings.

Criteria for Nomination

The nominee must be:

  • A voting member of the Women’s Program Committee in good standing in that state.
  • A minimum of 21 years of age.
  • Active in the state program

Please use the attached nomination form.

Election Commission:

Melanie Pray, non-USAG member, chairman

Cindy Miyake, SACC

Lloyd Meador, non-USAG member

Nominations Due by October 16,2009.

Ballots with candidate’s resumes will be mailed in early November 2009 and will be due November 30,2009

I nominate ______for ColoradoState Administrative Committee Member of

Phone Number of nominee ______

Email address of nominee ______

Mail to:Cindy Miyake, 88 Ridgeview Lane, Boulder, CO 80302

Or Fax to:303-440-6018


Cindy MiyakeState

88 Ridgeview Lane, BoulderCO80302

Ron CrescentiniAwards Coordinator

P.O. Box 711, ErieCO 80516

Tim FryeCommunications Coordinatore-mail

6180 E. Warren Ave., DenverCO80222

Lesley OggSecretary and Education Coordinator


680 South Carr St., LakewoodCO 80226

Michael SimonEducation Coordinatore-mail

1459 Glencoe St., Denver, CO 80220

Pam TurnerLevel Coordinator e-mail

1816 Boston Ave., Longmont, CO 80501

Good Luck and have a great Compulsory Season!

Cindy Miyake

ColoradoState Chairman

September 2009