November 16, 2016
Dear Brothers and Sisters:
Allen Temple African Methodist Episcopal Church is celebrating 142 years of Christian Ministry in Greenville on Sunday, January 29, 2017 during the 11:00 a.m. Worship Celebration. To God be the Glory for the great things He has done!
To commemorate our 142nd Anniversary, we will be publishing a souvenir journal. My purpose in writing is to ask for your support by sharing in this event with a purchase of an advertisement in our journal. This special journal will be one you can proudly display as a testament of your support and commitment to kingdom building.
Ad prices:
Select / Area / Dimension / Costÿ / Full Page / 8.5" x 11" / $125.00
ÿ / Half Page / 8.5" x 5.25" / $80.00
ÿ / Quarter Page / 5.25" x 4.25" / $60.00
ÿ / Business Cards / 4.25" 2.625" / $35.00
ÿ / Patron (Per Name) / N/A / $10.00
= Total
Ad Submission Instructions:
1. Deadline for submitting ads is December 30, 2016.
2. Please submit electronic copy (Resolution of 300 dpi or higher .jpg, .pdf or .eps file format) or the hardcopy of Camera Ready ad, along with the enclosed 2016 Ad Order Form and payment.
Photos will be printed in black & white.
3. Please return the ad form and check made payable to: Allen Temple AME Church, P.O. Box 2012, Greenville, SC 29602
4. Email electronic ads to
Thank you for your continued support. Please know how much we look forward to hearing from you.
We are yours and His,
James E. Speed, Sr.
Reverend James E. Speed, Sr.
November 16, 2016
Dear Friend of Allen Temple,
Allen Temple African Methodist Episcopal Church is celebrating 142 years of Christian Ministry in Greenville on Sunday, January 29, 2017 during the 11:00 a.m. Worship Celebration. To God be the Glory for the great things He has done!
To commemorate our 142nd Anniversary, we will be publishing a souvenir journal. My purpose in writing is to ask for your support by sharing in this event with a purchase of an advertisement in our journal. This special journal will be one you can proudly display as a testament of your support and commitment to kingdom building.
Ad prices:
Select / Area / Dimension / Costÿ / Full Page / 8.5" x 11" / $125.00
ÿ / Half Page / 8.5" x 5.25" / $80.00
ÿ / Quarter Page / 5.25" x 4.25" / $60.00
ÿ / Business Cards / 4.25" 2.625" / $35.00
ÿ / Patron (Per Name) / N/A / $10.00
= Total
Ad Submission Instructions:
1. Deadline for submitting ads is December 30, 2016.
2. Please submit electronic copy (Resolution of 300 dpi or higher .jpg, .pdf or .eps file format) or the hardcopy of Camera Ready ad, along with the enclosed 2016 Ad Order Form and payment. Photos will be printed in black & white.
3. Please return the ad form and check made payable to: Allen Temple AME Church, P.O. Box 2012, Greenville, SC 29602
4. Email electronic ads to
Thank you for your continued support. Please know how much we look forward to hearing from you.
We are yours and His,
James E. Speed, Sr.
Reverend James E. Speed, Sr.