June 8, 2012

Dear Broncos Parents, Participants, and Coaches:

I’m excited to let you know that the members of the Forsyth County Broncos Board recently decided to join the largest and fastest-growing youth football organization in the U.S., the American Youth Football League (AYF). As a result, we will not be renewing our yearly charter with the Pop Warner organization.

The decision to leave Pop Warner was very difficult and emotional for many in our organization, especially given our successful 10-year run in football and cheer with this group. However, after several weeks of intense discussion, research and debate, the vast majority of the Board supported the decision to join AYF. The new area AYF league, known as Piedmont Youth Football & Cheer League (PYFCL), currently has 10 organizations including many former Pop Warner teams, and is expecting several other local teams to join us in the new league.

Overall, this decision reflects our values of providing families with the best football and cheer experience for our kids. Below I’ve outlined some of the major benefits of the new AYF league, which guided us in our ultimate decision.

1. Shared Values - AYFand PYFCLare organizations built on integrity and fairness. The only games played are on the field, not in a board room. All AYF and PYFCL volunteers and families are treated with dignity and respect.

2. Parental Choice - Since our founding in 2002, the Broncos organization has focused on providing the best football and cheer experience possible to any child in the area wanting to play or cheer. Newly imposed Pop Warner rules would severely restrict options for team choice based solely on geography, forcing many new families who want to play or cheer for the Broncos to join a different team. As a result, the Broncos would most likely fail to gain enough new kids within our area to maintain our current player levels, forcing us to raise registration fees or reduce the level of experience we offer. Under the new AYF and PYFCL, we will not have these restrictions and can continue to offer exceptional football and cheer programs to children throughout the Piedmont.

3. Local Voice - AYF follows a philosophy of being "non-intrusive" with Leagues and Associations at the local level. This will allow the Broncos to have a greater voice and impact on the operation of the local PYFCL league. In contrast, there have been multiple issues and complaints with the local Pop Warner League (NWMPWFL) over the last few years. Recent rules violations within this League and the Mid-South Pop Warner region have caused concern among a majority of teams. Unfortunately, Broncos’ requests to Pop Warner National and Regional staff for clarification and direction went unresolved and unclarified. Under AYF, the Broncos will play a big role in the formation and operation of the new PYFCL, including Bronco representation on various PYFCL committees and the General Board.

4. Enhanced Experiences for Football and Cheer – AYF offers many exciting opportunities to improve the value of the football and cheer experience that we can offer our kids. Below are just a few examples:

  • Bronco participation in the PYFCL playoffs, with winners advancing to Regionals (in Virginia Beach for 2012) to compete for the chance to play/cheer for the AYF National Championships in Orlando, FL.
  • PYFCL teams, including Broncos, will add a “Cadet” division slotted between Mitey Mite and Jr. Peewee, allowing for older/lighter 10-year olds.
  • The league will select an "All-Star" team from the “Unlimited” 12-14 year old teams with the chance to participate in Orlando against other All-Star teams.
  • ”State Championship" tournament with teams from the Charlotte AYF League.
  • Cheer program to benefit from judging by UCA, the top Cheer association in the country. Cheer kids can also cheer for both the Broncos and other competitive year-round organizations at the same time.
  • Online registration and many other enhancements to look forward to this year.

The Broncos Board plans to provide additional information regarding this significant decision, including an upcoming Town Hall meeting where families can have their questions answered by Board members and coaches. Stay tuned for more details, but in the meantime I wanted to address a couple of the most urgent questions you may have.

  • What does this mean for me and my child? Although the Broncos are joining a new league, we anticipate a seamless transition to AYF, with very few changes that will impact our families and a number of expected improvements. Some of the rules regarding weight classes, spring football and All-Star teams will change slightly, but we feel that the quality and instruction of Broncos Football and Cheer will only improve with these changes.
  • Will we still play the same teams? Many of the strongest organizations in the Triad area are joining together with the Broncos to form a new AYF League. The Piedmont Youth Football & Cheer League (PYFCL) will comprise many of the teams we have played in the past, including the Panthers, Raiders, Bobcats, Packers, Rams, Giants, Greyhounds, Bison, and Steelers. These 10 teams are committed to building a strong league dedicated to a higher quality of football and cheer competition through increased safety and education.

We are excited about the upcoming season and the future of the Broncos in the AYF and PYFCL. As part of the Broncos Family, we look forward to your continued support and seeing you at the field this Fall. Please feel free to visit the AYF website at and stay tuned for additional information from the Broncos via email. If you have any immediate questions, please contact your coach or a Broncos Board Member.


Steve Sudler


Forsyth Broncos Athletic Association