Mrs. Giannelli/ C6


Dear 8th Grade Students and Parents,

Welcome to the 2013-2014 school year! As your yearbook adviser I am looking forward to a year filled with meaningful and rewarding learning experiences. In order for this to happen, it is imperative that you have an understanding of my expectations, policies, and procedures. Once we have a common understanding of how you should approach this class, we will be able to have a lot of fun!

You are historians, journalists, and artists putting together a photojournalistic book that will be on the shelves for many, many years to come. What you do in this room directly affects every person in the Actis Junior High community but that’s not all. It also affects members of the larger Actis community, future students to Actis and their families, and your own future 20-, 30-, 40-year-old selves.

If you have any further questions or comments after reading this syllabus, please feel free to contact me by email at or phone at 661-833-1250 ext. 236 (I would prefer email as I will be able to respond much quicker).

It is an honor and a big responsibility to be a part of the yearbook staff! Thank you for making the commitment!


1. always come to class prepared

2. respect Mrs. Giannelli, my classmates, and my surroundings.

3. listen attentively to all instruction.

4. act like a mature young adult and follow all school rules.


As your teacher I expect the following from a student who plans to be successful...

1. always try your hardest

2. never be afraid or intimidated to ask for help or clarification

3. start each day with your best foot forward

4. never lose the desire to learn

5. show ownership and pride in the work that you do

6. HAVE FUN!!!

A True Journalistic Product…

…has credibility with its audience; it contains facts and can be used for record keeping. A journalistic approach will teach you skills in business, publishing, visual communication, writing and public relations; all which will serve you in whatever field you decide to pursue in the future. A non-journalistic book, on the other hand, simply will not stand the test of time.

The Business of Yearbook is a Business: Course Objectives

In order to capture and record the current school year for enjoyment and reference in the future, students will:

·  Write copy and captions in appropriate journalistic style for the yearbook

·  Use good photojournalism techniques

·  Design a professional, attractive theme-based yearbook

·  Write effective headlines and captions

·  Edit, proofread and evaluate their own and others’ work

·  Work cooperatively within time constraints (DEADLINES) and budget limitations

·  Learn and use effective sales and promotional techniques in the community

Professional Portfolio

All yearbook students will compile a professional portfolio of individual work at the end of each quarter worth 20% of your final grade. So save your stuff!

Outside-of-School Work and Late Nights

When you signed up for yearbook, you signed up for an extracurricular activity as well as a class. Much of the work of yearbook is completed outside of class. Students must be present at activities and sports events, conduct interviews, and sell student and business ads. In addition, we have eight deadlines throughout the year, beginning with one in September. Late nights will be called on a needs basis, but weekly mini-deadlines and assignments throughout the month may require other after school days.


50% - Individual Assignments

·  Quality of individual work assignments given by and evaluated by adviser and/or editors

·  Meeting Deadlines

·  Tests and Quizzes

10% - Participation, Leadership, Professionalism

·  Sharing days, class meetings, being accountable

·  Notebook and press pass checks

·  Promotional work

20% - Professional Portfolio

·  A portfolio containing all work completed throughout the quarter

15% - Group Grade for Major Deadlines

The book, as a whole, reflects on the yearbook staff as a whole. Thus, every member of the staff must share in the credit and the responsibility for the entire deadline. After each major deadline, we will review how the deadline went as a whole, how the pages look, as a whole. HOWEVER, you must earn points in the above categories to earn points in this category.

5% - Completed Self-Evaluations and Performance Reviews

Your self-evaluations are extremely important. They help me determine the grade you will earn for the major deadlines.

Materials Needed

·  A reporter’s notebook (you MUST have this with you at all times!)

·  Press Pass (you MUST have this with you at all times!)

·  Pencils

·  A USB drive is very helpful, but optional

Friends Policy

Friends of yearbook students are NOT invited to hang out in the yearbook room on afterschool workdays, lunch time, or deadline days.

Extra copies of this document are available if desired; this copy will be kept in the student’s binder.


This signed contract will be handed in to Mrs. Giannelli and filed in the student’s folder. Please be sure you have read the policies thoroughly and understand them before signing.

I, ______, have read and understand the rules, expectations, policies, and procedures set forth by Mrs. Giannelli. I accept the consequences for choosing not the follow the rules.

Student signature X______

I, ______, have read these rules and discussed them with my child.

Parent/Guardian signature X______


As you may know, the district has an e-mail blocker that sends mail from unknown e-mail addresses directly to a spam folder. Please provide your e-mail address so I can send you an e-mail to bypass this blocker. This will allow us to contact each other more quickly and efficiently throughout the year if needed. If you do not have an e-mail address, please list the phone number where you are most easily reached.

Thank you!


E-mail Address(es):______