Dear 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade Parents and Guardians,

Welcome back! Your student is invited to participate in the Bartram Springs Music Ensemble. . Ensemble includes singing, dancing, xylophones, recorders, drumming, and other percussion instruments. Students do not have to know how to play an instrument to participate.

Rehearsals are afterschool on Tuesdays, from 3:00 until 4:15. (We will begin with snack time, so please make sure your student brings one.) All students are welcome to participate, as long as they have transportation home. There is no required audition, and the cost is $10 for the entire year. If this is your student’s first semester in Ensemble, he/she will also need to purchase a t-shirt. So, for new students, the cost is $18 altogether.

Students that participate in the program will rehearse on Tuesday afternoons for opportunities to perform throughout the year. Students that are part of the ensemble must abide by all school rules. Students that do not abide by school rules will be suspended from the group immediately. Students are expected to attend every Tuesday afternoon, as well as for scheduled performances, unless they have a doctor’s note. Students that miss more than 2 practices per semester or any performance will be suspended from the group. Please be aware that some performances will be held during evening hours and may be off campus. Parents are expected to be prompt when picking up students at 4:15 p.m. Students whose parents are consistently late will also be suspended from the group.

Students will practice every Tuesday afternoon as long as school is in session. Rehearsal for this school year will begin on August 29th. If school is not in session, there will be no rehearsal on that day. Please fill out and return the portion attached. This is a first-come-first-serve-basis, so your student is more certain to join if the form is turned in quickly. EMAIL is our primary form of communication, so please print clearly. For questions, email . Thank you so much!

Mr. Wright and Ms. Spears

Music Ensemble of Bartram Springs Elementary

I, ______, commit to having my

student, ______, arrive and depart on time for all rehearsals and

performances for the 2017-2018 school year.

Parent PRINT ______Date______

Student PRINT ______Date______

Parent’s Phone Number ______

PRINT Email ______

Music Ensemble of Bartram Springs Elementary

I, ______, commit to having my

student, ______, arrive and depart on time for all rehearsals and

performances for the 2017-2018 school year.

Parent PRINT ______Date______

Student PRINT ______Date______

Parent’s Phone Number ______

PRINT Email ______