Dean of theMedicalFaculty/Hospital Medical Director
Dear Sir,
Overthelast 20 years, the Buenos Aires British Hospital (Hospital Británico) has receivedinquiriesfromstudents in theirlastyear of MedicalSchool, aboutthepossibility of doingtheirelectiverotation at our Hospital. ThisappliesalsotoadvancedNursingstudents andphysicians in theearlystages of theircareers. Manyhavegoneahead and spent a fewmonths at our Hospital.
As we are interested in continuingwiththisexperience, I willprovidesomeinformation aboutthepresentsituation of thisInstitution.
Itwasfounded 1n 1844 by a group of British residents in Argentina, and has growngraduallyovertheyears, evolvinginto a high-complexitynot-for-profithealthcare Hospital, governedonanhonorarybasisby a Board of Management electedperiodicallyout of theirgroup of Trustees, members of the local British communityortheirdescendants.WerelyontheearningsderivedfromHealthCare, and allprofits are reinvested in equipment, and -when posible- intobuildings.
Wehave 250 beds, of which 48 are forIntensive and CoronaryCareforadults, and forNeonatology and PediatricICUs. Allspecialties arerepresented, and we are equippedwith 2 MRIs, 2 modern CAT scanners, a Spectfor Nuclear Medicine, a State-of-the-art machine forinvasivecardiology, diversesonographswhich are available round theclock. Veryrecentlyweinaugurated a Women´sDayCare center, cateringtoObstetrics, Gynecology and BreastPathology.
We do pregraduate training formedicalstudents of the Buenos Aires University, and of theArgentineCatholicUniversity; our post gradúate training programmeinvolves 160 physicianResidents, whotrainwithusfor 3 or 4 yearsaccordingtothespecialty, and finishup ongraduationwithSpecialist Diplomas.Admittancetothisprogrammeisafter a writtenmultiplechoiceexam, followedby personal Interviews.
We are certifiedperiodicallyby a local NGO called ITAES, and are at presentconsidering internacional accreditation.
OueEmergencyDepartmenthas a ChestPainUnit and a StrokeUnit. Most of oursurgeries are laparoscopic, and werun a busyDaySugeryProgramme. Thoughmost of ourpatientsarisefromthe local population, ourgoverningbody, withitsMission and Vision, strivestoupholdthevalues ofthe British Communityfromwhichitoriginated.
Theobject of this compact reportistorequestthis information maybeavailabletoyourstudentbody, so thattheymayconsider a rotation at our Hospital,whenthey are thinking of anelectiveoverseas. A smallfeeisinvolved, whichgoestowardstheupkeep of our 125-year oldNursingSchool, and thePostgraduateProgramme’s training expenses.
Thankingyouforyourkindness and consideration, yoursincerely,
John Emery, MD MedicalCoordinator International Affairs Hospital Británico Buenos Aires, Argentina.