Deal Town Council
Town Hall, High Street,
Deal, Kent.
CT14 6TR.
Tel: 01304 361999
The minutes of the full Council meeting held on 29 May 2013
in Deal Town Hall Chamber starting at 7.15pm.
Cllr. Mrs M Burnham (Chairman) Cllr J Cronk
Cllr Mrs K Blackburn Cllr C Tough
Cllr D Cronk Cllr B Hawkins
Cllr Mrs C Stickler Cllr B Bano
Cllr Dr D Murray Cllr Mrs E Rowbotham
Cllr I Killbery Cllr W Elliott
Cllr M Cosin Cllr B Frost
Officers in attendance: Others:
Deputy Town Clerk – Lorna Crow 6 members of the public were present
Finance Officer – Paul Bone Police Sgt. Carl Lidgley and
PC Sophie Orchard
2. / Apologies for absence: Cllr B Gardner
3. / Declarations of interest: None received
4. / The minutes of the previous full Council meeting: RESOLVED: To accept the minutes of the previous meeting held on 23 May 2013 as a true and accurate record.
(P) DM (S) BH. Agreed. The minutes were duly signed by the Chairman. The Chairman thanked the Deputy Town Clerk for a very nice set of minutes.
5. / Public Participation: No comments were made
6. / Committee Reports:
(i) RESOLVED: To note the minutes of the Planning Committee held on 10 April 2013 which had already been confirmed and signed. (P) DC (S) DM Agreed
(ii) RESOLVED: To note the minutes of the Finance & General Purposes meeting held on 17 April 2013 which had already been confirmed and signed. (P) IK (S) MC Agreed
(iii) RESOLVED: To accept the recommendation from the Planning meeting held on 8 May 2013 to invite a representative from the Deal Society and Friends of North Deal onto the planning committee and request that the two members currently serving are considered as their representatives in order to have continuity with the committee. (P) DC (S) DM Agreed
(iv) Recommendation received from Finance & General Purpose Committee meeting held on 14 May 2013: Members discussed the recommendation to employ an apprentice, and queried the pay rate, financial liability, staffing budget and the interview panel members, RESOLVED: The Council acts on the recommendation and goes ahead with the process, when reaching the interview stage the Mayor and up to 2 members of council are considered to be included with the Town Clerk following guidance. (P) IK (S) DM All agreed / Chairman of Planning
Town Clerk
7. / Local Police Report:
Sgt Lidgley advised that the bad weather was helping to reduce antisocial behaviour and that 2 ASBO orders had been given out to one 16 and one 18 year old. Theft from motor vehicles had also reduced, and the 30mph limit in Sholden was still an issue. The Police had been working with rail enforcement officers as some problems with shoplifting were caused by people coming from outside Deal; this initiative had proved very successful.
Sgt Lidgley stated that Deal Police were now on twitter and he would send the link to the Town Clerk.
The Chairman thanked the Police for attending.
Councillors raised concern at the increase in antisocial behaviour at a local night club and a discussion ensued regarding the licensing panel.
Sgt Lidgely was thanked for his contribution before he left the meeting. / Police
8. / Finance:
(i) List of creditors to 30 April 2013 and list of individual payments exceeding £500 to 30 April 2013. RESOLVED: That the list of creditors to 30 April 2013 with payments totalling £22,938.29 and the lists of individual payments made exceeding £500 for the same period be approved and authorised. (P) DM (S) CT Agreed.
(ii) Summary of grants as at 15 May 2013: Cllr Hawkins stated that members had made a mistake at the last Finance meeting when the committee had agreed to decline the application from the Dover District Volunteer Centre. He had looked through the application and could see no mention of the grant being needed to pay for salaries. Cllr Hawkins requested that the grant application was referred back to the Finance committee to be reconsidered. The Deputy Town Clerk advised that Standing Order 11 stated a resolution (whether affirmative or negative) of the Council shall not be reversed within 6 months either by a special motion, the written notice whereof bears the names of at least 5 Cllrs of the Council, or by a motion moved in pursuance of the report or recommendation of a committee.
Following discussion members RESOLVED: to refer the Dover District Volunteer Centre grant application back to the Finance Committee (P) BH (S) ER and a report supplying further information on this application is submitted to the Finance committee.(P) MC (S) CT Agreed
Members agreed to note the report (P) JC (S) DM Agreed
(iii) Grant correspondence received from Sergeants Mess Pantomime Fund: RESOLVED: Agreed to note (P) DM (S) BB agreed
(iv) Grant correspondence received from Astor Community Theatre: RESOLVED: Agreed to note (P) JC (S) BF Agreed
(v) Bank Signatories: RESOLVED: To remove Cllr K Turner from the mandate. To add Cllr I Killbery and Cllr Dr D Murray. (P) ER (S) CT Agreed / Finance Agenda
Finance Officer
Finance Officer
The Chairman advised that there would be an additional item added to the end of the agenda regarding the Annual Report
9. / Annual Return and Auditor feedback:
Cllr D Cronk thanked the Finance Officer for his work, members RESOLVED: To note the report (P) DC (S) CT Agreed
Following discussion members RESOLVED: to approve the report and complete sections as in previous years. (P) IK (S) DM Agreed / Finance Officer
10. / Correspondence received:
(i) Sholden Parish Council: The committee discussed the request from Sholden Parish Council to have their mail delivered to the Town Hall, the Deputy Town Clerk advised that members of the public may think that Sholden Councillors are available at the office and this could increase the number of enquiries to reception, the Finance Officer advised of the costs involved to have mail redirected by the Post Office, Cllr Elliott stated that Deal Society had once put in the same request and council had said no due to the extra work involved for staff and the issue of responsibility. Following discussion members RESOLVED: To pilot for 1 year Sholden Parish Council using the Town Hall address for mail delivery. (P) ER (S) JC 10 for 3 against, 1 abstention. Cllr Elliott requested it be shown in the minutes that he had voted against this motion.
(ii) Deal Maritime Museum: Cllr Killbery suggested a letter is sent to the museum advising that listed building and planning consent would be required. The Deputy Town Clerk advised that the museum had been informed of this. RESOLVED: To take no further action until listed building and planning consent had been received by the Deal Maritime Museum (P) IK (S) BB all agreed
(iii) KCC acknowledgement: RESOLVED: Agreed to note (P) DM (S) BB Agreed / Deputy Town Clerk
11. / Mayors Engagement Report: Cllr Dr D Murray advised that there was an error in the report, the Blessing of the Sea event had been organised by St Andrews Church. RESOLVED: To note the report (P) JC (S) DM Agreed
12. / Committee Membership: Cllr Killbery proposed voting membership on block, this was seconded by Cllr Rowbotham, no vote was taken.
Cllr Elliott proposed the following, Cllr Frost, Cllr Stickler and himself would go on the Finance committee, Cllr Stickler and himself would go on the Planning committee and Cllr Stickler would go on the Discipline and Grievance Committee and the Appeals committee no vote was taken.
Members agreed that the Discipline and Grievance Committee and Appeals Committee would be renamed to Discipline and Grievance Panel and Appeals Panel, and that membership for the Appeals Panel would be agreed when needed.
Finance Committee Membership: Cllr K Blackburn, Cllr M Cosin, Cllr D Cronk, Cllr J Cronk, Cllr W Elliott, Cllr B Frost, Cllr B Hawkins, Cllr I Killbery, Cllr D Murray, Cllr E Rowbotham, Cllr C Stickler, and Cllr C Tough.
Chairman: Cllr I Killbery
Vice Chairman: Cllr M Cosin
Planning: Cllr D Cronk, Cllr W Elliott, Cllr B Gardner, Cllr B Hawkins, Cllr D Murray, Cllr C Stickler and Cllr C Tough
Chairman: Cllr B Gardner
Vice Chairman: Cllr C Tough
All agreed
The Discipline and Grievance Panel: Cllr M Cosin, Cllr B Hawkins, Cllr Stickler reserve Cllr D Cronk
Chairman: Cllr M Cosin
Vice Chairman: Cllr B Hawkins
(P) JC (S) CS Agreed
Co-Opted members: Committee agreed to invite a member from Deal Society and FONDS onto the planning committee (P) MC (S) WE agreed
Members agreed that the quorum for the committees should continue as in previous years at a third.
13. / Working Group Membership: Members agreed membership for the following working groups;
Allotments Working Group: Cllr D Cronk, Cllr M Burnham and Cllr B Hawkins
Chairman: Cllr D Cronk
Vice Chairman: Cllr B Hawkins
(P) JC (S) CT All agreed
Fair Trade Working Group: Cllr K Blackburn and Cllr M Burnham.
Chairman: Cllr K Blackburn
Vice Chairman:
(P) MC (S) CT All agreed
Deal in Bloom Working Group: Cllr M Burnham, Cllr B Hawkins, Cllr K Blackburn, Cllr C Stickler, Cllr W Elliott, Cllr M Cosin. Members agreed to invite Mr Adrian Friend to co-opt onto this committee. (P) MC (S) CT Agreed
Chairman: Cllr M Burnham (P) MB (S) CT Agreed
Vice Chairman: Cllr K Blackburn (P) ER (S) CT Agreed
Transport Working Group: Cllr I Killbery, Cllr B Frost, Cllr C Tough, Cllr B Hawkins, Cllr M Burnham and Cllr B Bano
(P) DM S) WE agreed
Chairman: Cllr I Killbery (P) MC (S) DM Agreed
Vice Chairman: Cllr M Burnham (P) MC (S) DM Agreed
Cllr Rowbotham requested that KCC councillors are given the opportunity to attend the Transport Working group meetings. No proposal was tabled at this time.
Environment to include European Net-Working: Cllr B Bano, Cllr E Rowbotham, Cllr C Tough, Cllr I Killbery. Members agreed to invite Rosie Rechtor to co-opt onto this committee. (P) DM (S) CT
Chairman: Cllr B Bano (P) IK (S) DM Agreed
Vice Chairman: Cllr C Tough (P) DM (S) ER Agreed
Town Hall Working Group: Agreed to continue with Cllr J Cronk and Cllr W Elliott until Deal Town Council owns the Town Hall. (P) MC (S) CS
Members agreed that the Working Groups would continue to report to the same Committees.
14. / Outside Bodies and Liaison Representation: 2013/2014
Outside Bodies / Councillor
Deal/St Omer Twinning Association / Cllr Mrs M Burnham
Dover District Cycle Forum / Cllr D Cronk
Cllr W Elliott proposed Cllr B Frost (P) CS (S) WE
The Deputy Town Clerk asked for clarification on who was proposing the other Councillor representatives and was advised that Cllr D Murray was the proposer and Cllr E Rowbotham was seconding the motion.
Action with Communities in Rural Kent (liaison only) / Cllr Mrs E Rowbotham
North Deal Community Partnership / Cllr B Bano
Chamber of Trade liaison / Cllr Mrs E Rowbotham
Deal Festival of Music and the Arts / Cllr Dr D Murray and
Cllr Mrs K Blackburn
White Cliffs Country Tourism Association / Cllr Mrs M Burnham
Dover Joint Transportation Board / Cllr Mrs M Burnham
Reserve: Cllr C Tough
Deal and Walmer Neighbourhood Forum / Cllr C Tough
Deal Memorial Bandstand Trust / Cllr Dr D Murray
DDC Community Sports and Recreation including grants panel. / Cllr D Cronk
Astor Theatre liaison / Cllr K Blackburn
APEK (Advice Partnership for East Kent) / Cllr C Tough
Deal Centre for the Retired Liaison Committee (Age UK) / Cllr B Bano
DDC Standards Committee / Withdrawn
Citizens Advice Bureau / Cllr C Tough
Deal With It / Cllr C Tough and Cllr Mrs K Blackburn
Youth Liaison / Cllr Mrs K Blackburn
Members agreed with the proposals.
15. / Transport Working Group: Cllr Killbery circulated 20’s plenty leaflets and minutes from the working group meeting held on 22 May 2013 to members. Following discussion Cllr Killbery proposed that the recommendation from the Transport Working group meeting held on 22 May 2013 be accepted, RESOLVED: That action to install a 20mph area speed limit over the area of Deal in stages is recommended to Dover Joint Transportation Board and the new KCC Cllrs for their action after public consultation, re their members highways budgets, being 1st Middle Deal, 2nd Town Centre and North Deal and 3rd Mill Hill and rest of Middle Deal, with a recommendation to extend in the future to Walmer. (P) IK (S) DM All agreed
Cllr B Bano declared an OSI as he knows the company that had printed the 20’s plenty leaflet and left the room.
Cllr Rowbotham advised that she would not take part in the vote.
Discussion followed regarding signage at speed bumps when speed limits were enforced, and the details of Speed Watch.
Cllr Killbery proposed the second recommendation from the working group, RESOLVED: To invite Guy Rollinson to give a presentation about the Speed Watch scheme to Full Council. (P) IK (S) DM 13 for 1 abstained.
Cllr Bano returned to the meeting.
Cllr Killbery gave further information regarding the speed cameras and volunteer training, advising that sites for speed watch had to be officially approved and risk assessed.
Cllr Killbery proposed the third recommendation from the working group, RESOLVED: That KCC Cllrs and Dover Joint Transport Board are advised of the limited disabled and active travel access at Deal and Walmer train station. (P) IK (S) BB Agreed / Cllr Burnham
Town Clerk
Deputy Town Clerk
16. / Greenov: Cllr Killbery advised that he and the Town Clerk had met with the Ashford Borough Council Officer, Stephanie Karpetas who was involved in making historic buildings more energy efficient and green. They had discussed the idea of hosting an event at the Town Hall that included all local suppliers of green energy. Cllr Killbery advised that the Town Clerk would bring a detailed proposal of this event to council.
(P) CT (S) JC Agreed / Town Clerk
17. / Deal in Bloom: Cllr Burnham summarised her report and asked members to consider the recommendations included in it.
RESOLVED: Members agreed with the recommendation for a Deal in Bloom competition (P) MB (S) DM Agreed / Cllr Burnham
18. / Wednesday and Saturday Markets: Cllr Killbery advised that he and the Mayor had met with the Deputy Town Clerk, Saturday Market Officer and Premises Officer to discuss issues and ideas about the markets, this had proved very interesting and productive. He stated that staff had approached this in a very positive way and he would meet again with the officers in June at which point a report would be prepared to go to council. Cllr Killbery also suggested that a member of the Town Team is invited to attend the informal meeting.
Members asked questions regarding budget and input from interested parties.
RESOLVED: To note the report and invite a member of the Town Team to the informal market meeting (P) JC (S) CT all agreed / Cllr Killbery
19. / Town Team: Members referred to the memo from the Town Clerk that had been tabled on the night. Following a heated discussion it was RESOLVED: To write to the Town Team and request clarification on the change of name to the High Street Team and also the rumour that the winner of the Christmas Competition only had ½ a dozen receipts. The reply to this letter is included in the next Finance agenda (P) MC (S) WE Agreed / Cllr Burnham
20. / Town Hall Transfer update: The Finance Officer advised that Robin Atherden had written to DDC for clarification on details in the contract, Cllr Elliott stated that he would be meeting with Robin and would get an update, it was his understanding that DDC were have trouble locating the deeds.
21. / Annual Report: The Deputy Town Clerk advised that the Annual report had been delivered to the Town Hall; she had been negotiating with the printers as the print resolution was not as high as had been expected. The Printers had offered a 5% discount on the order received or a 10% discount if a reprint was required. RESOLVED: To accept the offer of a 5% discount. (P) JC (S) BF All Agreed
Cllr Burnham thanked the Deputy Town Clerk for her work in trying to resolve this matter. / Deputy Town Clerk
As there was no further business the meeting closed at 9.40pm.
Lorna Crow
Deputy Town Clerk
30 May 2013