Deacons Must Be … 1 Timothy 3:8-13
Moyer nt here 2dy, but I love Bob’s story about how passed qual to move USN airplanes
My experience is quite different w the Navy…
Every job I can think of requires meeting some qualifications
U wouldn’t wnt 2go in2surgery w unqualified surgeon, fly in airplane w unqualified pilot
Same should be true but even more important trust souls of ppl and leadership of the chur
Lst wk lked at qualifications of bishops/overseers/elders today look at qualifications of deacons
Wht I am abt 2say may sound bit tech, unimportant, remember: for, four, fore big diff in wrdsbtsndsam
I. The Word ‘Deacon’
A. Deacon is a transliteration of the Greek word διακονος
Noun used as the officer of the church, translated 3X Ph1:1, 1 Ti3:8,12
Other uses of διακονος 26X’s either ‘minister’ Mt2026,1Ti46‘servant’ MtJ25,9 Ro161
Person carrying out a task, a waiter, one who serves tables
B. serve as deacons – translation of διακονεω, verb
Translated serve as deacons in 1Ti3:10,13
35X’s elsewhere trans: minister Mt 411 2028 Ro1525 serve Lk1040J122 Ac62
To serve, to wait on a table
C. the ministry – noun form as well, διακονια
34 X’s in NT 1Ti1:16 ministry, 16X’s Ac6:4 2Ti4:5,11
Distribution in Ac6:1, service in Ro 15:31
Occupation implied by the verb to serve, service at a table
D. notes
1. διακονος translated ‘servant’ in Ro 16:1 of Phoebe, but seems 2B describe office
2. διακονος not in Ac6, yet this is main passage many Baptist chur see 4office
II. Qualifications for Deacons
A. General comment – overlap w bishops/overseers, the verb ‘must…be’ fm vs 2 implied v8, 11
Husbands of one wifev12 and v2 not given much wine v8 and v3
Not greedy for money v8 and v3 rule children and home well v12 and v4
Blameless v10 and v2 but some differences as well
B. Deacons must have self mastery 8
Reverent – serious, dignified, worthy of respect
Not double tongued – say dif things to diff ppl, consistent in what say, insincere
Not given to much wine – not addicted to much wine
Not greedy for money – greedy of gain
C. Deacons must have orthodox convictions and live them 9
Holding to the mystery of the faith with a pure conscience
Holding fast, deep convictions, convictions as their own
In according to standards of revealed faith, revealed truths of the faith
Evidenced in a godly life, godly living cf w false teachers 1Ti1:19
D. Deacons must be tested and approved 10
Let them first Btested – time, examination by church, livlif see how handle ongoing tests
End found blameless, pass the tests
E. deacons must be irreproachable 11,12
V11 refer 2deacons wives or deaconesses? Note γύνή can be eithr woman or wife
4Deaconness- likewise intro new like v8, wives for deacon but not elder?no
possessive pronoun or definite article, Phoebe of Ro 16:1
4deacon wives – ntcalld deacons lik Phoebe, ref sandwiched btwn husband quals,
no correspond mntnmarrfthflnss as of men, why insert here if not wives
Quals of women – reverent, worthy of respect, not slanderers – not malicious talk
Temperate, faithful in all things – trustworthy in all things
Home life – husband of one wife, manage children and household well
F. Benefits of faithful service as dcn: obtain good stand i.e. respect, increased confidence 13
III. Application
1. not qualified – work to get qualified so you can serve
2. not qualified – not serve, decline position
3. church has responsibility to assure deacons are qualified in accordance w this passage
4. qualified leaders necessary to lead church through minefield of challenges the church faces