DCS Outdoor Education Program: 2016 Course outline
Program goals
The goals of the DCS Outdoor Education Program are to provide students with:
- An outdoor learning environment that builds independence, responsibility and respect.
- Knowledge and skills to camp safely and survive in the outdoors.
- Experiences that create healthy attitudes towards active lifestyle, recreation and the environment.
- Opportunities to better understand the ecological richness of Saskatchewan and to develop a deep appreciation for the natural environment.
- Educational opportunities that emphasize the inter-connectedness of knowledge and a dedication to quality life long learning.
Environmental Science 20- What is Environmental Science?
- Human Population and Pollution
- Atmosphere and Human Health
- Aquatic Ecosystems
- Terrestrial Ecosystems
- Career exploration
- Student directed study
- Snowshoeing
- Wilderness first aid
- Cycling & bike maintenance
- Camping & survival skills
- Orienteering & map reading
- Flat water canoeing
Behavioural expectations
This program provides an alternate learning environment which is designed to help build independence, responsibility and respect, while making learning meaningful. All students are expected to participate fully every day. Appropriate behaviour is expected not only to enhance the learning experience, but to ensure the safety of all students. This means that students must behave in a mature manner and must complete their work on time. In event that a student’s behaviour is consistently unacceptable, they will not be allowed on the trips and alternative ways to earn their credit will be found.
The trips
Our trips this year are as follows:
1. Nisbet forestMarch 8th(subject to change (week notice) dependent on conditions)
2. Diefenbaker sand dunesMay 5th
3. Bike to Pike Lake May 25th.
4. June tripJune 5 -8th
Attendance on trips 1-3 is mandatory. It is during these trips that the greatest internalization of knowledge will occur. The canoe tripis an optional trip.
Students will be given class time on the day after the trips to catch up on their work from their other classes.
Students are constantly on the move in this class. We will move in and out of the school freely, so students must be prepared to record what they listen to, what they think about, and what they learn, regardless of the location. Students are expected to supply a field notebook and pencil, as well as water, a knife, fire starting materials and proper clothing. A bike will be required after Easter.
The Outdoor Education Program is a program which provides an experientially based learning environment.
The following assessment methods will be used:
- Conferences or interviews between the student and the teacher.
- Performance based assessment of outdoor skills and techniques.
- Samples of student accomplishments and appreciations.
- Self & peer assessment of knowledge, skills and attitudes.
- Traditional testing (utilized on a limited basis).
How your mark will be determined for:
Phys. Ed.
- Perfomance based assessment of outdoor skills and techniques
- Participation in activities during class
- Participation during trips
Enviro Sci.
Projects/ Assignments 50%
Self Directed Project 20%
Final Assessment 30%
Behavior Expectations for Outdoor Education Students
- Students are expected to operate in a respectful manner at all times – to themselves, peers, teachers, environment.
- Students are expected to follow safety instructions at all times
- If at any time students are putting themselves or others in danger they will be removed from the activity for that day. If it happens consistently ( 3 times) the student will be removed from all outdoor activities/ trips and depending on the severity alternate arrangements for classtime will be found.
There are many fun activities that we can do in Outdoor Ed. student’s behavior in class determines how many of these activities we actually do
By the end of Environmental Science 20 Students will be able to:
Career Exploration
Analyze and explore environmental science related career paths in Saskatchewan, Canada and the world.
Student-Directed Study
Create and carry out a plan to explore one or more topics of personal interest relevant to Environmental Science 20 in depth.
The Nature of Environmental Science
Examine the methods, mindsets and purposes of environmental science.
Atmosphere and Human Health
Assess the impact of human activities on indoor and outdoor air quality and the need for regulations and mitigating technologies to minimize risks to human health.
Analyze the production, reliability and uses of geoscience data to investigate the effects of a changing climate on society and the environment.
Human Population and Pollution
Investigate technologies and processes used for mitigating and managing resource use, waste generation and pollution associated with a growing human population.
Aquatic Systems
Analyze the function and condition of freshwater aquatic systems such as rivers, streams, lakes, wetlands and watersheds.
Assess the importance of maintaining healthy water for humans and the environment.
Terrestrial Ecosystems
Analyze the importance of soil as an integral component of terrestrial ecosystems.
Examine the role plants play in an ecosystem, including ways in which humans use plants.
Recognize the need for intact habitat to support animal populations and biodiversity.