DC West Youth Sports:

Meeting Date: 2/27/2017; FireBarn

Attendees: Mark S., Matt R., Matt B., Megan L., Nate A., Steve T., Mark L., Chad M., Jason J., Jamie J., Ali H., Dan T., Paul G., Duane F., Joe H.

Matt R. Motioned to have Mark L.serve as co-baseball coordinator with Brian D. this year and plan to take over next year. Seconded by Matt B. Motion approved.

Discussed JRKJ’s proposal to redo fields 1 and 2.

Chad M. stated that he and Matt R. met with the school board about doing work at the 4plex. They approve of us doing work to the fields. They will vote in an upcoming meeting on what they would be able to pay towards the cost of the sidewalk work that needs to be done and also the bricks needed for the softball field. Also seemed receptive to funding improvements towards the batting cages.

Discussed water lines to fields 1 and 2 so that one big rotary head can be installed behind each mound.

Long term goal of concession stands with restrooms and running water (with sewer and water tied in)

Discussed importance of maintenance to new fields to keep them in tip-top shape.

Discussed mound options on both fields. Portables versus dirt. Legion suggested if the manpower is available to upkeep the mounds, to go ahead and install the dirt mounds.

Duane F. discussed significances of the fundraiser for our organization. Suggested asking them for help if needed.

Matt B motioned to approve the budget to update fields 1 and 2 per Jason’s bid. Chad M. seconded. Motion passed.

Matt R. said that he would contact Luke Janke, who is going to help with laying the pipe out to the mounds. Also, volunteered to be the contractor if the school approves the sidewalk work. Suggested getting volunteers for prepping the area before the concrete pour.

Discussed the availability of a scoreboard for field 1

Matt R. discussed the need to make sure we have the equipment to maintain the fields. Said we are in need of a field conditioner.

Basketball: Nate said he will be holding a meeting soon to organize grades 3-6

Football: Matt B. said they will be holding a football board meeting in a month or so.

Mark S. said next meeting should be March 29th to discuss budgets

Jamie J. discussed fundraiser goals and volunteer sign up

Wants to up the value of auction items.

Designed some tshirts, different designs and styles.Wants to pre-purchase twelve of each to have on hand for sale at the fundraiser.

Matt B. motioned to pre purchase $500, seconded by Nate.

Jamie also wants to offer cage jackets for purchase to all coaches.
Suggested having the kids help with the fundraiser.

Matt B. motioned to adjourn meeting, seconded by Chad M.