DC/2012/00351 Broomfield, Clytha Road, Raglan. Single Storey Conservatory

DC/2012/00351 Broomfield, Clytha Road, Raglan. Single Storey Conservatory

Raglan Community Council
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Wednesday 27th June 2012 at the Junior School Raglan at
Cllr Trevor Phillips (Chairman)
Cllr Mrs Sylvia Price
Cllr Mrs Helen Williams
Cllr Richard Moorby
Cllr Dennis Brown
Cllr Peter Williams
Cllr Ewen Brierley
Two seats are still vacant.
3197 / In attendance
Adrian Edwards, Clerk to the Council.
Mrs Penny Jones-County Councillor
Mrs Cheryl Morgan-Raglan History Project
3198 / Agenda item 1:-Apologies for absence
Cllr Noel Porter
3199 / Agenda item 2:-Declaration of interest. Would be made if and when needed
3200 / The Chairman invited Mrs Morgan to address the council on a proposal to develop two projects, “Raglan History Project” and “Raglan Sense of Roots”.
The one would be “Raglan History Project” where it would be hoped the project can attract funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund. The project will involve everyone from Raglan and the areas surrounding Raglan to get involved in discovering the local history including the traditions and costumes. This could include stories from the war time, ancestral stories and the history of the Church and the Church yard.
The second project would be the “Sense of Roots” which could include the refurbishment of the maps and signage in the main part of the village and around the Church, providing heritage trails. It could also include providing information in the Church Yard about the history of individuals or families who have been laid to rest there. The project could also include provision of information boards in bus shelters. The Sense of Roots project would also attract grant funding from Monmouthshire County Council up to a maximum of £8k.
The Chairman thanked Mrs Morgan and asked members if their wished to ask any questions.
A member asked about the interaction boards and would that be viable in view of problems with mobile signals in the surrounding areas.
A question was asked about other wars and conflicts which people from the area have been involved in.
A question was asked would the villages surrounding Raglan be included in this project.
Mrs Morgan stated all the information is still being collated and no idea will be dismissed, but anyone with an idea could take that project and provide the resources for it. The more volunteers the better the project is likely to be.
The Chairman thanked Mrs Morgan for attending. Mrs Morgan left the meeting at 7.55pm
The Chairman asked members for their views on the presentation. Members thought the presentation was very good and the amount of research work done so far was extensive.
Resolved to support the project.
All Members agreed
3201 / Agenda item 3:-To receive and if appropriate to adopt and note the Minutes of the Annual Community Meeting held on Wednesday 16th May 2012
Proposed by Cllr Moorby seconded by Cllr Mrs Williams that the minutes are signed as a true record.
All Members Agreed
3202 / Agenda item 4:-To receive and if appropriate to adopt and note the Minutes of the AGM held on Wednesday 16th May 2012
Proposed by Cllr Moorby seconded by Cllr Mrs Price that the minutes are signed as a true record.
All Members Agreed
Agenda item 5:-To receive and if appropriate to adopt the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Wednesday 16th May 2012
Proposed by Cllr Moorby seconded by Cllr Mrs Price that the minutes are signed as a true record.
All Members Agreed
3203 / Agenda item 6:-Matters to report.
The Chairman asked about Inspector Bull attending the council meeting. The clerk informed the meeting that he has E-mailed the inspector inviting her to the next meeting.
Action Clerk
Cllr Mrs Price asked about the water on the Highway outside the property recorded in minute 3190 The clerk informed Council he has E-mailed MCC Highways Department. CC Mrs Jones would also look into this matter.
Action Clerk and CC Jones
3204 / Agenda item7:-Planning Items
  1. DC/2012/00351 Broomfield, Clytha Road, Raglan. “Single storey conservatory”
No objection
  1. DC/2012/00401 Land adjacent The Birches, Chepstow Road, Raglan. Proposed new dwelling
Members held concerns over this application. The Chairman suspended standing orders to allow a member of the public to ask the council a number of questions and inform them that he has written an objection as a resident. The proposed dwelling would overlook his property. After some debate it was:
Resolved to object to this application on highway issues and the development overlooking other properties.
  1. DC/2012/00366:- Kyrles View, Warrage Road, Raglan, Erection of fence
No objection
3205 / Agenda item 8:-Finance Matters
Clerks salary
Council & clerk’s office expenses “May & June” 2012 / £15.40
Merlin Waste 11th & 25th June 2012 / £29.70
Running Imp Medals for the Jubilee / £233.82
Merlin Waste 14th & 28th May / £35.64
Cllr Richard Moorby Reimbursement twinning visit / £129.00
The Clerk informed members that he has received a letter from HMRC regarding late payment, but HMRC have a number of reference numbers for the council and he will contact them again regarding this matter.
Action Clerk
3206 / Agenda item 9:-Members concerns on highway issues
Cllr Mrs Price informed the council the sign directing traffic to Kingcoed has been removed. Can we contact MCC about a replacement? Also a sign is required by Penny Park Lane regarding access issues in the view of amount of heavy traffic travelling to the local county store. Concern was also expressed about the amount of Japanese knotweed on the side of the road around the area of Trump Cottage.
CC Mrs Jones will also look into this matter
Action Clerk and CC Mrs Jones
3207 / Agenda item 10:-Items of correspondence
  1. St Anne’s Hospice “Thank you letter”
  2. St David’s Hospice Care “Thank you letter”
  3. Friends of Llangovan Churchyard “Thank you letter”
  4. British Heart Foundation “Thank you letter”
  5. Noah’s ARK Appeal “Thank you letter”
  6. British Heart Foundation “Newsletter”
  7. Nick Ramsay AM “Letter of Congratulations”
  8. HMRC “Outstanding Employer Annual return”.
  9. HMRC “Overdue payment”
  10. Notice of Accounts year end March 2012
  11. Home start AGM 16th July “ Bridges Centre”
  12. Homemakers Community Recycling “Thank You letter”
  13. Children’s Therapy Centre “Thank you letter”
  14. One Voice Wales Membership 2012/13
  15. Voluntary Voice Magazine Monmouthshire County Council
  16. Monmouthshire Emergency contacts
  17. MCC Planning Committee 3rd July
  18. Central Monmouthshire Rural Forum 31st May
  19. Planning Applications

3208 / Agenda item 11:-Consider the council website
Cllr Mrs Williams informed members about the Council Web-site. A meeting between Cllr’s Williams, Moorbey and Brierley, will take place to look at setting up a new web-site and the costs
Action above Councillors
3209 / Agenda item 12:-Reports from members on outside bodies
Cllr Moorby asked about the grass cutting around the castle and other footpaths. It would seem the lack of maintenance is detrimental to local uses and visitors.
Action Clerk
Cllr Mrs Williams gave a report on the village plan. A questionnaire is in the process of design and will be delivered to all properties in the community. This will also include all outlying areas. Cllr Williams gave members a brief on some of the issues raised in the Public consultation.
  • Fence around the allotment
  • Lighting and the alleyway alongside the Post Office
  • Traffic and general transport issues by the Police Station
  • Replacing the grassed areas with paving
  • Speeding traffic in some locations in the community “Outside the School, Monmouth and Chepstow Roads”,
  • Ban heavy vehicles from the Main Street.
  • Provide a noise barrier on the A40
  • Better road surfacing
  • Community Centre refurbishment
The above items are example and are not restricted to those items.
Cllr Moorby asked about the Music Festival and the underwriting of any loses made by the promoters.
Resolved the Chairman contacts the promoter and report back.
All members agreed
3210 / Agenda item 13:-Reports from the County Councillor.
CC Mrs Jones raised an issue over the access across the Golf Course. It’s believed the land owner has no objection to the footpath being diverted. It is felt the Golf Club would like the path diverted for safety.
Action if any CC Jones
3211 / The Chairman thanked members for attending and closed the meeting at 9:35pm. the next meeting 25th July 2012
Signed by ______
Chairman Cllr Trevor Phillips
Date 25th July 2012

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