Day 1: {{How to Read Ingredients Section}}

The ingredients section of a nutrition label is the most IMPORTANT part of the label. Most people think just because the front of the item says gluten free or sugar free that it really is, but what they fail to do is read the ingredients, because in most cases it still has fake ingredients in it that are still JUST as bad for you!

The cheapest ingredients are normally ALWAYS mentioned first because it has the most amount of it in the item. The most expensive ingredients are mentioned last and they normally have the least amount in the item. Below I have given you an example of a good ingredient label. Please comment below with your questions!


Day 2: {[Calories Section]}

Maconutrients make up ALL calories in a food item. The 3 Macronutrients that calories derive from are FATS, CARBS, and PROTEINS.

**Fats are the most dense calorie which are 9 calories per gram.

** Carbs and Protein both equal 4 calories per gram.

Every individual has a personalized macronutrient percentage. For example, “40% Carbs, 40% Protein, 20% Fat)


Day 3: ::Bittersweet TRUTH::

Sugar is often hidden behind these names????



-Brown sugar

-Cane sugar

-Corn syrup

-Evaporated cane juice

-Agave Syrup

-Barley Malt

-Beet sugar

-Brown rice syrup


-Carob syrup

Artificial sweeteners ingredients????


-Acesulfate Potassium


-Aspartame-Acesulfate Salt


Amongst many others as well! You want to read the bottom ingredients list to see if your items have this. You want to try and stay away from these sugars!

Quick tip: Cancer FEEDS of sugar! Did you know that?

Day 4: {{Organic Vs. GMO}}

As if we didn't have enough stress with label reading, they add very small loopholes in words they use to market products.

For instance a product labeled "organic" has to be 90-100% organic ingredients. Meaning there can be a 10% non organic ingredient source in them.

To ensure 100% organic the label must read (100% USDA organic certified )

A huge sink hole marketers are pulling the consumer into is, NON GMO labeling.

Consumers are shifting into this non gmo fad at an alarming rate.

What better way for manufactures to cut corners and skip the organic labeling and at the non GMO labeling.As the chart below shows, the growing culture of each vary drastically. But at least now you are aware and have a choice !


Day 5: ::Calories (and Calories from fat)::

Calories provide a measure of how much energy you get from a serving of this food. Many Americans consume more calories than they need without meeting recommended intakes for a number of nutrients. The calorie section of the label can help you manage your weight.

Remember: the number of servings you consume determines the number of calories you actually eat (your portion amount).

Calories from Fat section of label, also showing total calories.

For example, there are 250 calories in one serving of this macaroni and cheese. How many calories from fat are there in 1 serving? Answer: 110 calories, which means almost half the calories in a single serving come from fat. What if you ate the whole package content? Then, you would consume two servings, or 500 calories, and 220 would come from fat.

General Guide to Calories

40 Calories is low

100 Calories is moderate

400 Calories or more is high

The General Guide to Calories provides a general reference for calories when you look at a Nutrition Facts label. Eating too many calories per day is linked to overweight and obesity.