Gamma Beta Phi
Mid-South Region
9-10:30 am
David Zingale called the meeting to order.
Four schools from the region were represented at the convention: WesternKentuckyUniversity, University of Tennessee—Knoxville, BethelCollege, and Georgia Southern University. The secretary from the region was not in attendance, so Dr. Saye; advisor for the region took minutes. It was decided that previous minutes need to be put on the website.
Following roll call, there was discussion concerning the disappointment in the lack of attendance and the frustration caused by trying to contact inactive chapters.
The regional treasurer graduated from college and was not in attendance. Dr. Saye announced that the region has $4009.80.
The Heavenly Hats projected was explained. The project was begun by a 13 year old to provide hats for cancer patients. It was announced that chapters are encouraged to collect hats and send them to the Gamma Beta Phi National headquarters. Monetary donations were also encouraged.
Dr. Chappell, advisor for the WKU chapter and president of the National Gamma Beta Phi organization, discussed the problems experienced by gamma due to the catastrophe of Hurricane Katrina. Chapters have been coded as to activity as follows:
Red—chapters really needing action due to extreme inactivity
Green—chapters in good standing
Orange—chapters that need encouragement
Members of the NEC selected chapters to work with and encourage.
Dr. Chappell also stated that in the past, the National organization paid for new chapters to attend the national convention. However, they have decided that if a chapter mentors a new or needy chapter, the National organization will pay the mentored chapter and the mentoring chapter to attend the national convention.
Dr. Chappell encouraged all of us to invest back in to our organization. He suggested seeking corporate sponsors as one means for giving back.
Jimmy McNutt from the NEC announced that the national organization has similar problems to our region. He stated that the biggest challenges to gamma are the lack of consistency of those involved and communication. He stated that advisors of local chapters are the cornerstones of the chapters. He announced that the Mid-South Region is doing better this year. We only have about seven chapters on probation. He awarded each chapter in attendance with their IGS or DCA awards. He also announced that the next national convention would probably be the first weekend in April, 2007 in Knoxville, TN, although plans are not definite at this time. He also announced that merchandise in the gamma store is half-price through February! He stated that the Heavenly Hats project is good for cancer patients and that it is also a means of promoting gamma beta phi.
Jimmy shared news about colleges and NEC members who were severely affected by Hurricane Katrina and encouraged us to think about what we can do to “help our own.”
10:30 – 1:30
Lunch and Socializing
Business Session
David Zingale called the meeting to order. There were no announcements and no old business was discussed.
New Business:
A motion was made, seconded, and approved as follows:
The Mid-South Region Convention will be held the fourth weekend in January each year. The host school will get all materials settled and sent out the first week in November of each year. All plans for the convention will be posted on the web site the first week in November of each year.
A motion was made, seconded, and approved as follows:
The Mid-South Region will reimburse up to $200 for 1 room for 2 nights for lodging for each chapter attending the National Convention in 2007.
It was discussed that not everyone is aware of the fact that Mid-South Region Officers are reimbursed for travel to the Mid-South Region Convention and the National Convention. That news needs to be communicated to everyone in all chapters.
The Mid-South Region also awards a $500 scholarship each year. In the future students applying for the scholarship are to have all materials completed and sent to the advisor of the region by November 1 of each year. The officers of the region will determine the winner of the scholarship. The scholarship will be awarded that the regional convention and the winner of the scholarship will be recognized at the national convention.
Dr. Chappell was asked to explain the $150 scholarship awarded at each meeting of the WKU chapter. He stated that students attending complete an index card upon entrance to the meeting providing name and other information. The cards are placed in a hat and one is drawn. A check is then written to the person whose name is on the card.
It was also announced that a Certificate of Merit Award is given each year to a gamma member who has gone above and beyond duty for his or her chapter. The application for the award is completed and signed by the state/region and the chapter advisor and submitted to the National office. A winner is announced at the national convention.
Election of Officers for the region followed new business. The following officers were elected for the 2006-2007 term:
President: Dawn Winters, WKU
Vice President: David Zingale, UTK
Secretary: Jessica Queens, Bethel
Treasurer: Bethany Hollingsworth, Bethel
Reporter: Will Turner, WKU
Advisor: Dr. Donna Saye, GSU
The meeting was adjourned at 3:00 pm