David Roberts [

Weller, Carole (Regeneration)

FW: Colwyn Bay Pier [HJ-HJ1.FID3196292]


I can undestand that 2 below is logical so we are stuck with irrecoverable VAT


/ David Roberts
Head of Property and Construction Division
Hugh James
Office: / 029 2022 4871
Web: /

From: Tristan Williams [mailto:
Sent: 14 February 2012 11:28
To: David Roberts; Richard Read
Cc: Zoe Longman
Subject: RE: Colwyn Bay Pier [HJ-HJ1.FID3196292]


Thanks for your e-mail.

As to yournumbered enquiries I can reply as follows:

1. Confirmed, due to the way these properties fall to The Crown Estate, we are not in a position to provide any such replies;

2. Escheat land is not able to be elected for VAT, asany such actioncould be construed as an act of management, ownership or possession of the Property. Therefore, The Crown Estate is not able to recover the VAT in respect of the legal and valuation costs.

I trust this is of assistance.

Kind regards

Tristan Williams

Chartered Legal Executive

Direct Dial:0117 9022775

Direct Fax: 0117 9024400

From: Yvonne Pitt [mailto: On Behalf Of David Roberts
Sent: 13 February 2012 17:07
To: Richard Read
Cc: Tristan Williams
Subject: Colwyn Bay Pier [HJ-HJ1.FID3196292]

Dear Rick/Tristan

Thank you for the e-mail of 10 February. There are a number of issues to be raised. However, I will collate instructions from the client and comments from Conwy and then write to you comprehensively.

In the meantime, can you please:-

1. Confirm that it is not your practice to provide replies to pre-contract enquiries on the basis of lack of direct knowledge by your client, and

2. can you confirm whether your clients are registered for VAT and as such able to recover VAT on the legal and valuation costs.

Kind regards.
David Ll Roberts
Head of Property & Construction Division

Direct dial: 02920 391164
Tel: 02920 391036
Fax: 02920 786726

/ Yvonne Pitt
Senior Secretary
Secretarial Support
Hugh James
Office: / 029 2022 4871
Web: /

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