Ridgeway / 1

David Ridgeway

Prof. Sue Muecke

ENG 1020

March 22, 2011

Eliminate Abortion

Sex was created for married men and women by God. It was also how we all were created by men and women, it was the mans seed created us and it was the woman body that carried and birth us. In this today’s society teenage sex is leading to unprotected sex to teenage pregnancy to killing innocent human being. Also having one night stands and being very promiscuous and not knowing who the father of the baby is leads to abortion. I honestly believe that it is not fair and they should eliminate abortions. I was having a conversation with an associate and we were discussing and stating facts about the goods and the bad on abortion. Now he asked me if the doctor came to tell me that, my baby would be born half develop and sickly and I had the choice of going through with the abortion what would I do? Honestly in my opinion there is no good in having abortion. Every child is a blessing and every child deserves to be born. Even though the child will live a different life he is still a human being that deserves life. What if a innocent female gets raped and becomes pregnant, does she have a choice to term the pregnancy or does she consider that is a gift from God? Well truth be told, this is where abortions should become an option. Here we have an innocent lady who was attacked and becomes pregnant. If she decides that she wants to have an abortion I feel she shouldn’t be punished she has an good argument she was raped and beat by a guy that she will be afraid of or will never see again. She will probably go up to look at the child different and will probably love the child in a different way. How everat the end of the day it is still an innocent person that is had nothing to do with the rape and shouldn’t be punished. Adoption is always an option just because you don’t want it doesn’t mean somebody else who cant have kids will love to have a bundle of joy. Adoption is always a good idea for the simple fact that its not being selfish. A married couple that cant have children who would love to raise a child. Killing a child when somebody could take that child into their own to love it like it was their own is better than having a child being sucked up into a tube to be flushed down a toilet. They also have a drug to prevent pregnancy is what they call a morning after pill. They use to only have it when you can only get it at the doctors office, now you can go to any drug store and get it over the counter. The morning after pill isn’t all that bad for the simple fact your not 100 percent pregnant its just being cautious. Its not having an abortion. Another pill that woman use is birth control pills. Also teenagers use birth control because they decide to have sex at a age and parents are very cautious of pregnancy and does not believe and pregnancy termination. Birth control pills are used when most women are sexually active and are not ready to have children or who has children that aren’t ready for more. Birth control isnt. just a pill you can prevent pregnancy by having a monthly shot or using a patch. Birth control isnt really costly its less expensive then abortion. I also believe that men should step up and become more aware of the consequences of the abortion. Not only is having an abortion is selfish and wrong but its also dangerous. If you wait to too long up to a certain week it could kill you. At my high school i knew a young lady that was sexually active and found out that she was expecting. Instead of telling her mother she decides her and her boyfriend to save the money and do it whenever they could afford it. At that time and age you had to have a permit to be able to work so it wasn’t like they were working. She was a little under 5 months and that’s where its dangerous to have it. She stills decides to go on with procedure. Later on that day she tells her mother that she isnt feeling good and to the next morning not waking up. It was complications of abortion. Being not too far for finding out the sex of the baby is dangerous, so now they have it where it can only be 42 weeks. In my opinion that is still dangerous. Why not just either have the morning after pill or birth control or adoption, as a guy if I ever had to make a decision of having an abortion I wouldn’t do. Even though im still in college not really stable as I should be still doesn’t give me the right to get rid of a innocent child. The best way is to eliminate abortion is just close your legs. All children a blessing and if our parents gave us life what gives us the right to take another life away.