/Typical Applications
Strategic Planning / Integrated Asset Management Strategies for utility infrastructureStrategies for individual asset management components: Operations, Maintenance & Capital Investment
Strategies for organisational change and restructuring
Strategies for deployment of resources (internal staff and contract)
Research, Development & Technology strategies
Problem solving during strategy implementation
Business Planning / Business cases and justification for projects
Formulation of Business Plan for the next budget or planning cycle
New Technology / Overall Plan for implementation of new technology
Studies to determine user needs and the details of the new technology needed to match Implementation Plans, including contracting strategy, user acceptance aspects,
R & D strategy, training, handover details, resourcing and operation and maintenance plans
Technical and Engineering / Advise on all aspects of engineering, operation and maintenance in water and sewerage utilities
Contracts / Preparation of Proposals
Preparation of Contract Documentation with emphasis on ensuring that client’s outcomes and objectives are met
Selection Panel chair / member
Tendering / Assistance to Tenderers, by interpreting needs of the Principal, and providing tendering strategies to meet these needs
Project Management / Managing a technology or organisational change project
People Management / Design and implementation of organisational change programs
Workshopping to gain commitment from different groups
Mentoring of a Manager or a work group to assist through difficult or change periods
Production of Position Descriptions to ensure focus matches current business goals
Recruitment / Short Term Management Relief / Locum Services
Assistance with recruiting permanent or contract staff
External member of a staff selection panel
Documents and Reports / Compile and prepare reports
Review of reports or contract documents
General Assistance / Workshops – design, facilitate, report
Analyse and solve problems
Expert external member for Value Management Study,etc
Arrange people contacts in the Australian Water industry
Resume - David Hope
NAME: / David HopePHONE: / +61 (0)419 247 547 (Mobile/Cell Australia)
COMPANY: / davidhope & associates pty ltd
acn 091 391 794 abn 19 091 391 794
QUALIFICATIONS: / Bachelor of Engineering (Civil)
Honours Class II, Division 1
University of NSW (1970)
INDUSTRY & OTHER INTERESTS: / Australian Water Association
Director (Board Member) (2001-2007)
Federal Vice President (2003-2005)
Federal Council/Executive (1992- 2001)
President NSW Branch (1991-1993)
Secretary NSW Branch (1989-1991)
Life Member (2009)
Chair, WaterTECH 2000 Conference
Darling Harbour, Sydney, 9 - 13 April, 2000
Deputy Chair,
Ozwater Conference & Exhibition,
Darling Harbour, Sydney, 2007 and 1995
Chair, AWA WaterTECH 2000 Conference
Darling Harbour, 9 - 13 April, 2000
Wetlands Conference UNSW– Treasurer 1993
Belrose-Davidson Apex (1988-1993)
NSW Branch Committee
Association of Professional Engineers, Australia (1975-1984)
NSW Board of Studies
Member of the Board 2010 - present
Principal Consultant
David Hope & Associates Pty Ltd
April 2000 – Present Infrastructure Consultant
Projects delivered / underway for:
State Water, NSW
- Advice and implementation assistance for restructuring asset planning, operations, maintenance, dam safety and construction activities to meet cost reductions mandated by Pricing Regulator IPART. New asset management and technology strategies to facilitate new working arrangements. Job redesign and position descriptions for over 200 staff.
Water Corporation of Western Australia
- Strategic advice on Corporate SCADA implementation issues
- Assistance with North West SCADA Business Case
- Facilitated workshops with operators and planning staff on proposed SCADA (technology) projects in Great Southern and Goldfields Regions. Report on implementation strategy.
Cooma-Monaro Shire Council
- Business Continuity Plan in association with HydroScience P/L
- Procurement advice SCADA
ActewAGL, Canberra
- Building over Easements Project – Technical and management advice
- HR – Recruitment advice
Sydney Catchment Authority
- Initial strategy, manage technical studies, manage collection of user requirements and prepare business case for new SCADA system
Goulburn Valley Water, Victoria
- Restructure of Operations: Strategic advice on organisational and asset management issues, including conducting workshop for Senior Management Group, and final report.
Department of Primary Industry, Water & Environment, Tasmania
- Conduct workshop and report – State Water Plan (Workshop opened by Premier).
South West Water Authority, Victoria
- Tender Evaluation for Project Management and Design Services for new SCADA system: evaluation, report, recommendation to Board
Department of Land and Water Conservation, NSW
- Strategy adviser at planning workshop, independent selection panel member.
Department of Public Works and Services, NSW
Integrated Water Cycle Management Plan for Eurobodalla, NSW. Design and facilitate Interdepartmental / Council Planning Workshop.
Redland Water & Waste
- Advice on operational matters, assistance with SCADA supplier selection
Private Industry Clients (various)
- Business development and marketing advice to various clients
- Strategic and other assistance with tenders
- Provision and assessment of industry information
- Director of Sustainergy Pty Ltd – consultant and developer of sustainable energy projects
Sydney Water
Major Projects and Planning Manager – (SCADA Program Manager)
Network Operations
1998 - April, 2000
Responsible for managing projects with capital budgets of approximately $60m over 5 years for the implementation of new IICATS (SCADA) remote monitoring, control and information technology in Sydney Water's water and wastewater systems.
My role was to:
- Represent the interests of the Clients in Sydney Water, from Executive Management through to field operations level. This involved integrating a range of strategic and tactical requirements to ensure the best overall result was obtained for the capital expended.
- Develop, and gain approval for, IICATS Capital Business Cases at a Programme Level.
- Implement and administer the approved capital programme. This included:
- gaining all internal approvals required throughout the course of the Programme
- gaining the confidence and support of users through a range of communication and facilitation strategies
- procurement and management of internal resources, and
- undertaking the role of Superintendent’s Representative/Client Representative for Project Management, Design, Construction, and Supply Contracts.
- Manage non-program (ad hoc) extensions to IICATS
- Develop and implement strategies for integrating IICATS technology into the hydraulic and process operations of Sydney Water
Personal Achievements areas include:
- Satisfied clients
- Development and implementation of a high level strategy for the multidisciplinary IICATS Wastewater Project. This covered:
- Standardisation of client needs to reduce costs and to leave a good legacy to future operators and maintainers.
- Medium and long term strategic plan to allow movement to “open standard” equipment for telemetry computers and software, telecommunications, and field devices, with the ability to progressively upgrade parts of IICATS as needs and technology change.
- Efficient delivery plan, effectively implemented
- Management of IICATS Projects and resources
- Meeting Environmental, OH & S, and Quality requirements
- Contribution to Network Operations Management Team.
Operational Information & Control Systems Group (OICS Group)
Responsible for up to 40 people, with annual budgets exceeding $3M.
My role was to -
- Represent the interests of the Client Operating Branches in the delivery of the mutli-disciplinary $94m IICATS Water Project. This project delivered a state-of-the art monitoring and control system right across the water supply system.
- Develop and implement a strategic framework for the integration of IICATS Technology into the operations of Sydney Water.
- Support the Technology Implementation Project Manager and Contractors by:
- Managing and standardising Client requirements and contributions
- Strategic client sign-offs for Sydney Water
- Managing projects required to be carried out by all Client groups within Sydney Water to time, cost and quality specifications
- Providing Client information and support as required to the Project
- Negotiating access, including safe work protocols, to operational sites.
Achievement areas included:-
- Satisfied Clients (operators and consultants/contractors)
- Successful management of OICS Group resources
- Successful completion/execution of personal strategic projects
- Business Case for $94M IICATS Water Project
- Telemetry Policy development and implementation
- Development of a New Business Structure, including position descriptions, to manage and operate the new IICATS technology
- Quality contribution to Integrated Operations Management Team
Operations Policy
This position reported to the Corporation's Chief Operating Officer, Deputy Managing Director Tony Wright.
Responsible for about 20 people and had broad responsibility for:-
- Providing strategic leadership for the Corporation's Asset Management Program (the replacement value of the assets is approx. $15 Billion).
- The Corporation's Standards of Service program
- The Corporation's operating policies, procedures and standards.
- Materials technology policies and advice
- Research, Development and Technology – development and management of strategies and policies; allocation of funds to R & D projects
- Performance Review System for Chief Operating Officer
- Advising within the Corporation on Operations Policies and other matters affecting operations, maintenance and ancillary areas such as plumbing and drainage
- Produce strategies and manage the implementation of new organisational structures to support Asset Management strategy objectives
- Manage input to the Corporate Business Plan on Asset Management
- Representing the Corporation internally and externally on matters within my portfolio
- Special Projects
Achievement areas include:-
- Development of the first co-ordinated Asset Management Policies and Programmes, improvement projects and performance review mechanisms.
- Publication of the Corporation's first "Standards of Service" Document, 1990 –covering customer & regulator requirements
- Implementation of a major structural reform in the water and sewerage maintenance areas (1988 - 89). This involved breaking up long established and powerful groups, in the context of a difficult industrial relations climate, in order to allow resources to be directed to priority areas.
- Development of new approaches to standards and procedures, R & D, and to procurement of strategic services and supplies.
Operations & Maintenance Manager
Northern region (Change Project)
Dec 1989 - July 1990 (seconded from position as Manager, Operations Policy)
My project was to set up a new Wastewater Business Unit in the Northern Region, and to manage the outgoing Operations and Maintenance Sub-Branch (Water and Sewer) during the transition period.
The Wastewater Business role encompassed all aspects of the collection and transportation of sewage and stormwater, including marketing, new business, operation of the systems, management of 200 people and long-term asset management.
One of the first tasks was the development of a comprehensive strategic business plan to meet the considerable new challenges ahead.
The water and wastewater businesses were operated with approx. 400 personnel plus internal and external consultants/contractors. The operating budget was about $20M and the capital budget about $40M.
Operations and Maintenance Manager
Southern Region
August 1985-May 1986
Operations and Maintenance Manager in the Southern Region and responsible for the work of over 600 people broadly in the water and sewerage maintenance areas, and a budget of over $20M per annum.
Special Secondment
November 1983- August 1985
An inaugural member of the Ministerial Liaison Unit in the turbulent period immediately following the removal of the "old" Board by the NSW Government.
Duties included communication and negotiating with people at all levels within the Board (in particular, the Managing Director, Dr. Peter Crawford and Directors), the Minister's Office, Ombudsman's Office, Parliamentarians, the Media, Councils, Interest Groups and the general community.
The work involved the critical review of all classes of 'special' correspondence, which often meant taking an urgent, incisive look at current policies, practices and procedures.
The experience also helped to develop a sense of judgement and knowledge of the requirements of senior management, particularly relating to the reorganisation and new commercial focus. I also managed projects such as organising the Board's first public seminar on the re-use of sewage.
1983 (6 months)
Seconded to the Engineer-in-Chief, Mr. Peter Hughes, principally to upgrade the performance of the Engineering Division in the handling of 'Special Inquiries' (Ministerial etc).
Executive Assistant to the Distribution Engineer
The job involved responsibility for policy formulation, formulation and implementation of enhanced business and operating procedures, introduction of new technology and Branch administration.
It also involved high level trouble shooting and problem solving.
Dam Monitoring Engineer, Design Branch
The job involved surveillance of all the Corporation's dams to ensure their safety. It involved the interpretation and manipulation of large amounts of technical data, inspections and writing of technical safety reports.
During this period, I also acted as Designing Engineer, Reservoirs for a period of seven months. This involved the supervision of engineers and technicians and technical design work, and the responsibility for the engagement and supervision of consultants.
Section Engineer
Services Group - Water Operations and Maintenance
The job included the supervision of operations employing about 35 personnel, being a mixture of technical and field staff. Responsibilities were diverse and involved policy/procedures formulation and implementation, the maintenance of depots, reservoirs and major valves, administration for vehicle and plant requirements, and special projects such as the initial setting-up and administration for the Board's main-to-meter plumbing service.
Project Engineer
Illawarra Construction District
Projects included major works such as Oak Flats submain (2.4 km tunnel), Oak Flats Reservoir and Sewage Pumping Stations.
The job involved the supervision and management of technical works employing up to 100 day labour personnel (some gangs working around the clock) and various contractors and suppliers.
Design Engineer
Designing steel reservoirs and water treatment works.
1972 -1973
Undertaking a Confederation of British Industry Scholarship which involved working with London Consultants JD & DM Watson (now Montgomery Watson) on design of sewage treatment works.
Same as 1974.
Engineering Student
1966 - 1970
Included two years as a part-time student working at Manly Hydraulics Laboratory preparing plans and general model testing work and three years (1968 - 1970) as a full time student. During my period as a full time student, I spent a total of eight months at Northern District Construction, mostly on underground works at North Head Sewage Treatment Plant.
Part - Time Work While at High School
1963 - 1965
I mention this period only because of the positive impact it had on my attitude in two important areas:-
Customer Service - The Manager at Woolworths frequently lectured staff and casuals on the need to turn handstands for customers - no matter what the circumstances. Casuals were fired if they did not have this ethic.
Job Satisfaction - My casual job in the store at Garden Island Naval Dockyard consisted of about one hour's productive work per day. This lack of productive activity is soul destroying and taught me the need for everyone to have worthwhile work and expectations of them as employees.
Resume - David Hope