Comments on:
Discussion Paper: Potential Socioeconomic Effects of Unconventional Oil and Gas Development in Nova Scotia Communities
Nova Scotia Hydraulic Fracturing Independent Review and Public Engagement Process
Lead Author: Dr. Shawn Dalton
I quote from the conclusion of this document.
"Absent from our understanding are the potential medium- and long-term community effects of unconventional oil and gas development, and peer-reviewed research on these, as well as short-term effects, closer to home. Should Nova Scotia move forward with unconventional oil and gas development, we recommend that this absence of knowledge be addressed through the creation of an independent, long-term social ecological monitoring program. This will allow the Province, and its community stakeholders, to understand and proactively control the effects of unconventional oil and gas development ...."
My comments follow:
To first acknowledge that the socioeconomic effects of fracking are "absent" and then blithely claim that said effects, whatever they might be, can be somehow "controlled" after they occur is absurd. It would be equivalent to claiming that, by simply monitoring the effects of -- say, nuclear war -- we might control those effects. Not only is Dr. Dalton being illogical, he is being a shining example of the sea of sycophantic, even parasitic "experts", those who prefer buttering their sinecures to warning the public. For all he knows, fracking could rip Nova Scotia communities to shreds. Or not, since, as Dr. Dalton freely admits, the community effects are completely unknown. But never mind, we can control all that afterwards.
I would like Dr. Dalton fired, if possible, for his complete and utter dereliction of duty in writing this report. The very least he should have recommended is that fracking NOT proceed until more information on its socioeconomic effects becomes available. Instead, he slyly suggests that should it be approved, his recommended "long term monitoring program" will allow "control" of the totally unknown socioeconomic impacts. Dr. Dalton clearly wants to head up the monitoring program more than he wants to warn the public.

David Fairchild

556 Beinn Bhreagh Rd.

Baddeck, NS B0E 1B0
