DAVID BROWN – Music Individual
Great solos, control, excellent job!
Control tones in tuba
I want to hear more woodwinds
Like to energy at end of 1st, difficult to tell pitch on last chord (end of 1st)
Great contribution from pit, great effect!
Beautiful sound on the mello, so mature, natural feel, even more shape to the phrase, check pitch clarinet to horn
Solos are sweet! (picc.)
Mood is perfect
Yeah battery, nice and clean
That strong playing, adjusting quality of sound out of low brass, be careful with impacts for quality, support of sound needs to come from everybody
Timing issues, layering, not easy
Unison line in flute needs to work better
Yeah trumpets, nice sounds, stay with it, yeah, give me all 16ths notes.
Very nice impacts, need more nice sound like from trumpet trombone horn (end of 2nd)
Really tasty sounds in pit, yeah quartet, make sure entrance in perfect
Delicate moment sounds good! Yeah keep it going, crescendos nice
Tuba, watch entrance, move together, articulate clearly, play with confidence, find the tempo and get with it, do not be tentative, oh yeah, great sound.
Open up teeth, open mouth and throat.
Very nice sounds coming out of brass, direction? Make sure everyone releases at same time
Dwahing notes…
Keep it going! (before battery entrance)
Very nice sensitivity in battery, appreciated
We is the music going? Stagnant
Strong brass playing but periodically dwah, articulate clean and clear!
Need to open up a little bit, need even more sound to match energy of music, phrasing
Play with so much control, great training, sound so good, open up sooner (end of 3rd)
Battery, good set-up, back off after horn entrance
Take phrases all the way to the end, great sound, pitch is very nice in brass
Make sure releases are together.
Nice ending, very strong on final note, some brass note endings are ragged
Should be very proud of music you are putting out.
Appreciate show, hope to see you again soon.
JAMIE BENNETT – Music Ensemble
Like the sax solo in the middle, bring up a little more? Closer?
There you go tubas
Timpani needs to be in time
Nice job horn
Sfz, bring out
Nice use of ensemble behind pit, pit providing intricacies, nice
Nice double tonguing section, good job
Good use of tempo change, push all the way through last phrase (end of 1st)
Good use of different sounds from pit
Great tone in horn
Challenging things, make sure we’re lined up, need to be more confident
Really complex writing, performed well, need to be more confident
Nice steady tempo
Tubas don’t need to be more confident, good job guys.
Great timing between trombone and mello crossfield, kudos!
Watch tone quality while marching backfield trombones
Control the body, proper marching tech will help that
Trombone, use air and push through phrases, don’t sound so choppy
Alright trumpets, pay attention to tone quality, intonation (end of 2nd)
Impressive tune, still needs some work, really cool stuff going on there
I like the building on in the pit.
Nice job, quartet, nice balance and blend throughout that
Crescendo together, keep balance through dynamics
Good cresc, there good job, finish phrases as ensemble, define phrases, nice shaping dynamically
Make sure we are going all the way to the end of the phrase
Reenter phrase by sneaking back so its not noticed, common throughout show so far
Adjust intonation with the slide trombones! Listen down, always adjust
Releases?? Define ends of notes
Nice control, balance and blend through section where battery entrances
Lost energy we had earlier in performance
Beautiful song but lost intensity, sloppy releases and attacks, accuracy of pitches. (end of 3rd)
Watch tone quality, nice and powerful that’s great, don’t produce a sound that you can’t control
Nice sound, nice balance, put more energy into the ending!
Really good stuff going on in your show, I think we need to take a look at variety, challenging parts are there, balance and blend not a huge problem, pit is doing a fantastic job, I really enjoyed your stuff, hopefully I get to see you down the road.
TERRY HOLIDAY – Visual Effect
Like the interpretive dance, nice sax solo in the middle, mm hmm
I’d like a little pit flavor (during solo)
Good integration of guard, good visual, music impact not quite there though.
Good tempo change
Guard articulation nice velocity of drill, like segmentation yet able to integrate guard.
Guard has a lot of confidence, good showmanship,
more dynamic contrast would help Good opener nice change (end of 1st)
Like the flavors in the pit. Good dance work
This is working, yeah (horn solo)
Nice WW contribution, nice dance work
Be careful of pulse, like exposure, lots of tone colors, really neat
Yeah guard, interpreted well, good velocity change, good integration, nice dimension
Like the sound of the flag as a musical instrument too. Good job.
Good, nice design, way to integrate the guard, good job
Front to back…, like the double against the sustained
Nice color change, obviously group spends a lot of time on dance work, lots of good dance moves and interpretation
Good ballet type work
Like the visual on the end (end of 2nd)
Nice interpretation
Nice quartet, like the way you’re pulling it all together dancers
Nice balance to the field between horn line and guard
Well written, tough to pull it off, need to have a lot of emotional range in dynamics
Good depth to design, again, excellent interpretation with guard, nice writing, good communication for the most part.
Nice the way that builds
Tough show to really communicate, guard holds together because of the obvious training in dance work, been a tough show to interpret, just missing lots of variety in impacts,
nice change there with the feet(double time to half time), nice push, good build.
Dynamically we need to really do something, to keep the audience attention with music and visual impacts, nice flags, guard is very good, nice depth, nice ending there (end of 3rd)
Good color change,
Good depth with the guard, nice woodwind writing
This in interesting, yes!
Got to push it! Nice design, good guard.
OK velocity, nice drill, nice music, guard lost focus, nice focus back on the solo
Enjoyed the show, tough show, tough to interpret, communicate and sell to the audience.
Great guard enjoyed it!