Dates to Remember

·  Jan. 3 -- School reopens for all students.

·  Jan. 6 – Report cards issued.

·  Jan. 6, 13, 20, & 27 – Banking Days.

·  Jan. 9-13 – Celebrate Attendance! Watch for more details to come.

·  Jan. 10 – Parent Teacher Conferences 6:00-8:00 p.m.

·  Jan. 10 – PTA meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the café.

·  Jan. 12 – Faculty Senate Day – 2 hour delay for all students.

·  Jan. 16 – Martin Luther King Jr. Day – No school for students.

·  Jan. 24 – AIT Day – 2 hour delay for K-2 students; Pre-K students are on time.

·  Jan. 24 – Girl Scouts meeting at 6:00 p.m.

·  Jan. 27 – Jersey Day for $1 to benefit Relay for Life team.

Class Meetings – This month’s topics of discussion for our OLWEUS class meetings are positive school climate. This includes: helping others feel welcome, listening, accepting others who are different than us, empathy, teasing/bullying, tattling vs. reporting, etc.

Winter Music Concert – Below are two links to the videos of our Music Concert from December 13th. You are welcome to download them for personal use; however, we ask that you not post them to social media, You Tube, etc., as we want to protect the safety of our students. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Snow Days – As we prepare for impending winter weather, we want to give you plenty of resources to keep your children busy in the event of a snow day and keep those skills sharp at the same time. In lieu of paper snow packets, we will be uploading resources and activities to our webpage that you can use at any time to practice. Check out your class’s webpage for information and ideas!

Bag Recycling – Just a friendly reminder to save those plastic bags from your holiday celebrations and bring them in after Christmas! Marlowe is working hard to collect the most bags this year, and we can use all the help you can send us. Thank you.

Grant Award – The AC & T in Falling Waters has issued Marlowe a $500 grant to be used for science and math activities. We are very grateful for the continued support of our neighboring businesses!

Library Fund Update – A huge thank you to everyone who participated in the Santa’s Secret Shop! This awesome PTA activity raised $1371.00 which will all go toward the library fund. We are so thankful to everyone who helps us towards the great project.

Clothing Closet – We are in desperate need of gently used or new sweatpants for our clothing closet. If you have any size 4T through youth XL for boys and girls, we would greatly appreciate any donations. Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Curriculum Connection – One of our goals is to help our students develop stamina when doing any work. This means developing the skills to stick with a problem until they reach a solution and looking for alternative ways to solve it instead of giving up after the first try. To do this, we are really focusing on a growth mindset as opposed to a fixed mindset. When your child is presented with a problem, does he look for solutions or come straight to you? What can you do to help him solve the problem without always relying on you? In kindergarten, our students are learning to problem solve by asking these questions:

·  Stop and think about what is happening.

·  Is this a problem I can solve myself or is it something that needs an adult? For instance, problems that are dangerous would require an adult. Solving everyday things don’t require an adult.

·  What solutions could I use to solve this problem?

So, when your child comes to you with a problem, walk them through these simple questions so they can solve it on their own. While it may be easier to just give our children the answer, it will pay off in the long run if they can learn to work their way through problems to get their own solutions and be better off for it.