/ Dickinson Wrestling Club
Folkstyle Wrestling Tourney

DATE: Saturday, March 10th, 2018 (Info and forms at )

LOCATION:DickinsonHigh School Gymnasium – 979 13th Ave West, DickinsonND58601.

(Any weather related cancellation information: look on the Dickinson Wrestling Club Facebook page)

Weigh in Thursday Night (at home by the head coach - on the honor system)

Deadline for entry into trackwrestling.com is 2pm MST Friday, March 9th


(If your participant is preregistered, but cannot make it to the tournament due to sickness etc, please email or text 7012905752 with name/weight/DOB/club name so we can remove them from the brackets.)

All younger divisions will wrestle Folkstyle

Junior and Cadet

Divisions will be Freestyle

REGISTRATION:We will use pre-register and bracket all entrants. Look for the “Dickinson Wrestling Club Tournament” at trackwrestling.com to register and pay for your participants. You MUST still check –in upon arrivalto verify your attendance. All registration will be paid online via trackwrestling

CHECK-IN: Bantam, Novice & Juniors 8:00 - 8:30 AM MST (Verify name on the brackets)

Sub-Bantam & Cadet 9:30 - 10:00 AM MST (Verify name on the brackets)

Intermediate & Schoolboy 11:00-11:30AM MST (Verify name on the brackets)

START TIME: Bantam & Novice, JuniorsApprox 9:30 AM MST

Sub-Bantam & Cadet Approx 11:30 AM MST

Intermediate & Schoolboy Approx 1:30 PM MST (Approx end 3:30 p.m.)

Juniors will wrestle as mats and refs become available

RULES:USAW of North Dakota - Weight classes will be grouped within USAW guidelines to optimize the tournament. Although we will try to get matches for anyone who enters, we cannot guarantee matches for everyone. We will use round robin formats.

ENTRY FEE:$15.00( ALL REGISTRATION IS PAID FOR ONLINE VIA TRACKWRESTLING)plus a current USAW membership card You will need to purchase your USA card online, beforeyou register. No refunds will be granted after registration.

AWARDS:Trophies for 1st and medals for 2nd, and 3rd.

ADMISSION: Adults $6.00 Students $4.00 - (ages 5 & under are FREE) Family $15.00

COACHES:One coaching pass provided for every 5 participants. USAW coach’s card will not provide free admission. Head coach must submit a list of coaches’ names. All coaches /refs will pay at the door and be reimbursed at the head table per teams list.

Motels are available: go to

Concessions provided by the Dickinson Wrestling Club all day.