Date filled out: December 13, 2006
Grant Information:1.Grant Agreement Number: 06-074-551-0
2.Project Title: North Coast Stormwater Coalition’s NPS Pollution Prevention Program
3.Project Purpose – Problem Being Addressed: The project provides improved water quality & protection of beneficial uses of Humboldt Bay, Eel, & MadRiver watersheds and the Shelter Cove coast through implementation of NPS pollution outreach and BMP implementation. This program will obtain technical information that will help to answer stormwater management questions for future BMP implementation, and target and reduce input of urban NPS pollutants identified as high priorities by the municipalities, including hydrocarbons, nutrients, herbicides, bacteria, and sediment. The program includes but is not limited to outreach related to BMPs, installation of stormwater controls, and BMP trainings targeting business/industry sectors identified as the largest contributors to polluted runoff.
4.Project Goals
a.Short-term Goals: Establish functional working partnerships between the Cities, County, and RCAA in order to implement stormwater management goals, mostly education and outreach related to NPS pollution prevention.
b.Long-term Goals: The overall goal of the NCSWC collaboration is to reduce the degradation by urban runoff of the Beneficial Uses of natural resources in Humboldt Bay, MadRiver, and EelRiver watersheds, and the King Range Area of Special Biological Significance (ASBS). To do so, the Coalition will install and maintain effective urban Best Management Practices (BMPs) and other Phase II NPDES Stormwater implementation programs/projects in a cost-effective, efficient manner.
5.Project Location: (lat/longs, watershed, etc.) Humboldt Bay Watershed, and ShelterCoveCoast
a.Physical Size of Project: Approximately 73 square miles of 4 urban areas
b.Counties Included in the Project: Humboldt
c.Legislative Districts: (Assembly and Senate) Senate 02, Assembly 01, Congressional 01
6.Which SWRCB program is funding this grant? Please “X” box that applies.
Prop 13 / Prop 40 / X Prop 50 / EPA 319(h) / Other
Grant Contact:
Name: Nicole Murano Nada / Job Title: Project Coordinator
Organization: Natural Resources Services Division of Redwood Community Action Agency / Webpage Address:
Address: 904 G Street
Phone: 707-269-2067 / Fax: 707-445-0884
Grant Time Frame:
From: October 1, 2006 / To: March 1, 2010
Project Partner Information: City of Arcata, City of Eureka, City of Fortuna, Humboldt CountyPublic Works
Nutrient and Sediment Load Reduction Projection: (If applicable) n/a