ACJC invites you to…Parenting Seminar 2018
Career CoachYour Child
Date: 5 May 2018, Time: 9 to 11.00am, Venue: ACJC, LT2
Today, parents can play a more important role to coach and guide their teenagers in navigating their career choices. What roles can parents play and how much should parents be involved?
Should parents still dictate those career choices?In our 2-hour seminar, you will learn about:
- Career Management – What? Why? How?
- Your own and your child’s career
- The 4 key roles you can assume in guiding your child through career discovery
- What is Career Coaching
- Career Planning and Other considerations
For this seminar, ACJC isprivileged to invite Clement Ong to share his expert knowledge onhow you can “career coach” your child as they approach their final years of formal education. The founder of Lighthouse Pte Ltd, Clement has over 15 years of experience in providing effective career management and executive coaching programs to major MNCs and large listed organisations. A certified coach specialising in executive and career coaching, awarded the by the International Coach Federation (ICF), USA and Canadian Council of Professional Certification respectively, his articles on career management topics have been published in the press and he has also been invited on radio talk shows.He is currently an Affiliated Faculty with the Singapore Management University and Adjunct Faculty with the Singapore Institute of Technology facilitating career skills courses for the undergraduates. He sits on the career coaching panel for the SMU MBA students, postgraduates and alumni and the Yale-NUS undergraduates. He also facilitates career skills programs for Nanyang Technological University’s post and undergraduates and to undergraduates of National University of Singapore (including Yale-NUS College) and Singapore University of Technology and Design.
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RESPONSE SLIP*"Career Coach Your Child"
Attention: Mrs. Julie Lye
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Number of participants: ______Closing date: 27 April 2018
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