Objective of this tool

  • To give site users another point of access to relevant information about the content they are currently viewing

Data Stored within Image EXIF or WithinXML FILE

  • Year brand family model (string i.e. year_brand_family_model)
  • Image DescriptionThese properties will be pulled from unique IDs for each option. This will allow an interface to be built that will pass back a long string description or interface with the tops data base to get this info.
  • Color
  • Options
  • Modeltype
  • Link to vehicle main page.

Process for accessing/setting Image Data (JAVA, PHP, FLASH)

  • If contain EXIF data they will have the above information set in them though some sort of third party EXIF data management tool.
  • When placed on the server a script would then run as the file was uploaded to pull all the information off the image and parsed into an XML doc format.
  • If an accompanying XML is used instead of EXIF data the image data would need to be written to an XML file that would be named the same and be stored in the same directory.


  • (link) payment estimator getURL call to page passes (current price)
  • (link) build and price getURL call to page passes (zip)
  • (link) locate this vehicle  getURL call to page passes (zip)
  • Populate pricing information though JS getCarInfo(year_brand_family_model) or finds vehicle in prebaked XML


  • (link) build and price  getURL call to page passes (zip)
  • (link) locate this vehicle  getURL call to page passes (zip)
  • Information on screen
  • Information would be pulled from the accompanying photos XML.
  • Parse for any number of nodes
  • Links for each piece of info will come in based on a call to a web app or JS script. Flash will pass the info about colors or options based on a unique Id.


  • Wallpaper XML that will be included with each photo item. Main widget code will look for this on load. If it finds it this button will become active.
  • XML will contain links to each size and will spawn an html that will display image


  • Normal “send to a friend” functionality. Use eCard to pass location of this image or page to recipient.
  • This can work in one of two ways.
  • Can redirect user back to page the page that is image was found on. The core.swf will auto navigate to where this image was located based on what is passed in the URL.
  • Can redirect user to a specific viewer page that will load only images. This can be contained in a popup and the user can be also taken to the page this image was originally on.


  • Redirects user to new content. Reloads the page based on a URL that is supplied.
  • The URL will be a link to the main vehicle page’s photo gallery or video gallery


  • Could redirect user to a pdf that describes the page and they could print it from there. (design decision).
  • Could do printing directly from flash. (I would prefer this method)

Widget Integration

  • When someone is designing a layout they will import a “photo display and tools” or “page tools”
  • Widget that will try to load an XML that was provided in the content area of the layout-content file. This XML will be what contains the data this widget will need to run.

Widget Structure

  • Each instance of the photo tools will contain a controller class.
  • Each button will be a component that will be attached based on what data is contained in the item this widget describes.
  • Each button will have its own class that extends from a single base button class
  • Each button will spawn a specialized window that will size based on the content within.

Widget Dependencies

  • XML document
  • IMAGE EXIF (if we use this method)
  • Links for each main image’s vehicle page (maybe have a look up function in JS or app to do this aswell)
  • If in “page tools mode” more data my be need to be built into existing content XMLs that will act like meta data about the content.
  • System created to parse EXIF data out of the image
  • System to in place to query vehicle information from.
  • A system built to display images. (tell a friend method)