Please complete this questionnaire to assist us in determining if you may require any workplace adjustments to support you in your job.
Data Protection Act 1998 / Freedom of Information Act 2000 / Confidentiality
The University of Brighton Occupational Health Service will treat the information you provide on this form in a strictly confidential manner, and it will be held in accordance with the principles of medical ethics and relevant legislation.
If you require reasonable adjustment to your job or workplace (e.g. for reasons of health and safety) and/or where any such adjustment is necessary for your personal protection (e.g. epilepsy, type 1 diabetes, functional disability), information about the adjustments required (but not your underlying medical condition) may be divulged to your employing department and/or school for the purpose of determining whether any adjustments are required or can be made to the post for which you have applied.
Equality Act 2010
This form enables Occupational Health to assess your medical fitness against the specific requirements of the post for which you are being considered. If you have a disability or impairment, the information you give us about it on this form will help us to ensure that any reasonable adjustments you may require are considered properly. The information you give us will also provide baseline data for any future health assessment(s) that may be made during your employment.
Health and Safety
If you have a condition which may affect your ability to leave a building or use stairs unaided in an emergency, please give details overleaf, so that measures can be arranged to ensure your safety at all times.
What happens to the information you provide
UoB Occupational Health will use the information you provide to complete their assessment of whether you are medically fit for the post you have been offered. A form noting whether you are fit to undertake the duties of your post will be returned to HR, including details of any reasonable adjustments that may be required for you to undertake this role. The original form will be retained confidentially by Occupational Health. UoB Occupational Health may contact you for further information or ask you to attend an OH appointment where appropriate.
Surname: j / Forenames:Title: h / DOB: (Day/Month/Year)
Current Address: j
Mobile: l / Email: l
Home Phone: h / Preferred method of contact: Mob / Home / Email
Job Title: / School/Faculty/Department:
Proposed Start
Date: / Campus:
End date: (if fixed term contract) / Manager:
Full Time / Part Time / Shift Work
If you answer ‘YES’ to any of the following, please give full details in the box below.
Are you currently working, or have you previously worked, for the University of Brighton? / YES / NOAre you taking, or will you be taking, any medication which might affect your capacity to do the job you have applied for? / YES / NO
Are you waiting for any medical investigations, treatment or admission to hospital? / YES / NO
Do you have any health problems that may have been caused or made worse by work? / YES / NO
Do you have any health problems that you think may affect your performance or safety in work? (Please see note below for examples) / YES / NO
Has a doctor ever advised you not to be exposed to a particular work situation, chemical or organism? / YES / NO
Do you suffer with any condition that could affect your immunity? / YES / NO
Have you ever suffered from asthma or an allergic reaction? / YES / NO
Have you had any skin problems e.g. eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis or recurrent skin infections? / YES / NO
If you have any medical condition(s) that would require reasonable adjustment(s) to be made to your workplace or working practices, please give further information below. / YES / NO
Note: examples of illnesses or other conditions which may be relevant include (but are not limited to): vision deficiencies, disorders of the heart or arteries, chronic infections, diabetes, epilepsy, fits, fainting, blackouts, giddiness, back trouble, arthritis, chest complaints, drug and alcohol-related problems, mental health issues, removal of your spleen etc.
Details:Continue onto a separate sheet if necessary
I have read the information provided on this form and I have answered all the questions honestly, accurately and in full.
I also understand that should I conceal relevant information or provide deliberately misleading information about my health either on this form or at a health interview, the offer of employment may be withdrawn, or my employment may be terminated.
I understand that the information I provide may be released to my employer for the purpose of determining whether any adjustments are required or can be made to the post for which I have applied, and I consent to the release of such information.
Signature: / Date:Print Name:
Please return this completed form to:
Occupational Health, University of Brighton, Exion 27, Crowhurst Road, Brighton, BN1 8AF
(: 01273 643579 3: 01273 641087 8:
OH 11/2014