University of Petrosani

Faculty: The Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering

Program Level: Undergraduate

Specialization(s): Computer Science; Control Engineering and Applied Informatics

Year of study: 1rd

Semester: I (fall semester)

Number of ETCS credits awarded: 6

Class Objectives:

  • Explanation of the operation of a data acquisition system
  • Understanding the structure and the function blocks of a data acquisition system
  • Understanding use of data acquisition systems to collect and process the information
  • Programming of data acquisition systems
  • Making wiring diagrams data acquisition systems to the computer
  • The use of LabVIEW software and building the virtual instruments

Lectures content:

Content / Number of lectures
Generalities about data acquisition and processing. The general structure of a system of data acquisition and processing / 1
LabViewgraphicalprogramming language / 5
Digital - analog conversion circuits (DAC).Operating principles and implementation of DAC. Digital - analog converter DAC08 / 1
Analog - digital conversion circuits (ADC). ADC principles of operation: with reaction, with intermediate conversion, parallel (flash), with successive approximations, with integration. Analog - digital converters ADC 0804 and MAX187. / 3
Sample and hold (SH) and multiplexing circuits. / 1
Programmable gain amplifier (PGA). Principles of the PGA ordered and self-regulating. Instrumental amplifier AMP01 / 1
Data acquisition cards (DAQ). Functions and performance. Classification and structure of data acquisition systems. Data acquisition card PCI6024E and data acquisition module USB6008 / 2

Practical class content:

Content / Number of classes
Safety procedures. Lab induction. Work procedures. / 1
Introduction to LabView. Operations and functions / 1
Creating a virtual instrument (VI) in LabVIEW graphical programming / 2
Editing and update a VI. Creating a SubVI / 1
Programming structures in LabView / 2
Study of the digital - analog converter DAC08 / 1
Study of the analog- digital converter ADC0804 / 1
Using the NI USB-6008 DAQ to data acquisition and processing / 1
Acquiring and processing data from resistive sensors / 1
Acquiring and processing data from opticaland incremental sensors. / 1
Acquiring and processing data from temperature sensors / 1
Final evaluation and testing for practical classes. / 1

Grading Policy:

The student pass the class if obtain more than 50 points from 100 points.

Classroom Rules of Conduct:

  • Turn off (or place on vibrate) cell phones and pagers during class
  • Food and beverages are not permitted in classroom
  • During exams, the use of cell phones, pagers, PDAs, or any other electronic devices is strictly prohibited

Associate professor: Nicolae PĂTRĂŞCOIU
