Dartford Library Improvements
Frequently Asked Questions
Below is a summary of frequently asked questions and answers about the work being proposed.
What is being proposed for Dartford Library?
We propose to make improvements to Dartford Library that the whole communitywill benefit from. These will include:
- Refurbishment of the library to ensure we maintain and preserve the historic nature and feel of the building
- Refurbishing and retaining parts of the original shelving as an integral part of this historic building
- Complementing the historic shelving with new, more comfortable and flexible furniture that will encourage more people to use the library
- New flooring
- Decoration work including painting and making good on any defects
- New public toilets and changing place facility (see below)
- An additionalnew entrance to the museum via the library
- A library that everyone can access
- Space for community facilities and the ‘Good Day Programme’ (see below), this will include bookable space that can be used by local individuals and community groups such as History Groups.
- It is proposed that the space for the toilets, community room and good day programme is made by using a staff office which is not publicly accessible and the Tiffin room.
Why are you proposing these changes?
As with all Kent’s libraries, nature and time take their toll on the building and we want to maintain and preserve this unique facility and ensure it is fit for purpose for future generations to come. This proposal reflects the need to ensure the building is fully accessiblefor all our customers who visit us not only to borrow books - but to study, join a group or class, access our free wifi, or use a public PC.
We are very respectful of the historical nature of the building and its unique character. As such, we have been working closely with the Dartford Conservation Officer to ensure the building is restored to its former glory and preserved for future generations to enjoy.
A key historical feature is the original shelving. Over the years the bookshelves havebeen damaged or become worn out to the point that quite a lot of this is not in its original condition. We are proposing to sensitively restore and bring parts of itback to its original appearance. This will offer a true representation of the ornate history of the library’s interior.
However, the original shelving was not designed for the full range of stock and activities that now feature in the best libraries. For this reason we do intend to introduce some complementary new furniture that will enable customers to enjoy the full range of services and activities that we offer, in comfort.
The carpet flooring in the library has served us well and while the original parquet flooring cannot be repaired at this time, we are looking at how we can best replicate the original feel of the library through the use of high quality laminate wood effects.
KCC has good experience of working with listed library buildings and have completed successful refurbishments at Gravesend, Ramsgate, Canterbury and Folkstone libraries previously.
Will there be fewer books?
We are reviewing the level of book stock at Dartford in order to ensure we keep a good number of book stock whilst also creating an open, uncluttered feel to the space.
This will mean that book stock will reduce slightly but we will be aiming to maintain an excellent level of stock that covers all needs as well as looking to invest in new stock to ensure we reopen with lots of new books for customers to choose from.
The growth of e-books and the amount of information online means that how people are using libraries is changing which means we can slightly reduce the number of items without reducing choice for our customers. We can assure everybody that books remain the core part of our service but we do have to adapt and change to how customers want to use libraries now and for the future,
What new furniture are you proposing?
See above.
We are proposing to have new library shelving and furniture alongside the listed shelving. Getting the right look and feel is our top priority and this is why we want to know what you think will work best. The new furniture will ensure we can maximize book stock and make the library a pleasurable and accessible place to be.
As well as the physical books we hold we do also provide access to a wealth of services online including e-books.
Will there still be local studies?
Yes, local studies remain a core part of our service and an area for this is on the proposed layout. We will also be exploring new ways of making this material more accessible and available to as wide an audience as possible through digitization and making this material viewable online.
What about the Gallery?
No changes are proposed for the Gallery other than some new seating to allow quiet study.
Is it proposed that the Museum moves into the library space?
No, we aresimply creating a new entrance to the museum, making the spaces more accessible. We are also open to working more closely with the museum and exploring how some museum exhibits could be displayed in the library to ensure people can make the most of our services coming together.
Old oak doors that originally linked the museum and library have recently been discovered and we plan to use those once again.
What is the Changing Place facility?
Standard disabled toilets do not meet the needs of all people with a disability or their carers. People with profound and multipledisabilities need extra facilities to allow them to use the roomcomfortably. Changing Places toilets are different to standard disabled toilets with extra equipment and more space to meet these needs.
The proposed development will mean that the library would have the only town centre Changing Place in Dartford. This means that people with disabilities (both residents and visitors to the area) are able to comfortably access not just the library but also other places in Dartford.
What is the Good Day Programme?
The Good Day Programme is a Kent-wide programme set up to support adults with learning disabilities to be included and have more choice in their local neighborhoods.The space being proposed will offer a flexible community meetingand activity area, accessed from but separate from the library areas,that people with learning disabilities will be able to meet up in before enjoying various activities such as cooking, literacy, and craft sessions.We hope that these flexible spaces will also benefit other local community groupsand will be bookable when available.
The Good Day Programme already has a range of successful community hubs and partnerships across Kent, including leisure centres and other libraries including the Eden Centre in Edenbridge.This move is about Dartford library acting as one of several hubs for Dartford Day Services and becoming a resource that is able to serve the whole community, including those with a range of disabilities.
What equipment will be used in the rooms and will it impact on library users?
The space proposed for the community and The Good Day Programme will be separate to the library, so no activities or noise will affect library users.
It is proposed that the main room will have a bank of accessible units, an oven, hob and a dishwasher. The equipment will be used according to timetabled sessions so will not be used all the time.In order to guarantee that no smells affect the library space, the equipment has been installed a good distance from a library door and the kitchen will benefit from both an extractor fan and a ventilation system that pulls air from the library into the room and therefore eliminates any risks of cooking smells reaching library users.
Why bring other services into the library?
Kent County Council needs to find new ways to provide services so it can make the huge financial savings required. By finding ways to co-locate we can continue to provide services, whilst saving money and preserving a sustainable library for the future. It is only due to this collaboration that we are able to secure funding for the proposed improvements to the building and it could not happen otherwise.
When is it proposed that these works happen?
This proposal is still subject topublic consultation, planning, securing the necessary funding c£450k and approval to spend. Going forward we want to listen to your feedback before finalising our plans.